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    Saturday, February 22, 2020

    Dishonored "Corvo Attano (Dishonored)" By KhiaraDraws

    Dishonored "Corvo Attano (Dishonored)" By KhiaraDraws

    "Corvo Attano (Dishonored)" By KhiaraDraws

    Posted: 22 Feb 2020 06:40 AM PST

    Working my way through Dishonored 2...this was one heck of a location establishing shot.

    Posted: 22 Feb 2020 10:09 AM PST

    Impressive? Not really. Finally making myself play through my favorite game in high chaos (after a half dozen low chaos) and collecting all the damn Sokolov paintings? Definitely.

    Posted: 21 Feb 2020 10:10 PM PST

    Geforce Experience Game Filters not working

    Posted: 22 Feb 2020 11:40 AM PST

    Is anybody else having this problem? I use the sharpening effect to make the game look better but it says its an unsupported game now. It seriously makes the game look a lot clearer and sharper.

    submitted by /u/JonesyBorroughs
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    Duke mission bug (spoiler)

    Posted: 22 Feb 2020 11:14 AM PST

    I was playing The Grand Palace. I knocked out the real Duke, replaced him, watched the cutscene, and it told me I still had to kill the Duke. Anyone know why this would've happened? I've played this many many times and have never had this issue before. The only difference was I was playing in Very Hard, scared the double and had to shoot him with a bolt to make him flee and forget.

    submitted by /u/DinoEyes1
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    How many hostiles am I allowed to kill and still get a good ending.

    Posted: 22 Feb 2020 02:57 PM PST

    I'm on mission 2 and I've replayed it twice now. Somehow 1 person keeps dying and I have no idea who it is considering to my knowledge i didn't kill a single npc either time. This is especially frustrating because (to the best of my abilities) avoided interaction all together the second time. I know in dishonored 1 even 1 death sends the story spiraling downward into the bad ending. So I guess what I'm asking is does it matter that 1 person died or any suggestions who it might be.

    submitted by /u/894674754
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    Brigmore Witches Trophy Question

    Posted: 22 Feb 2020 07:42 AM PST

    Cleaning up a couple trophies. I've beaten Brigmore Witches in low chaos. But I realized I have to beat it in high chaos, and beat it in low chaos with 10,000 coins or whatever.

    Instead of doing 2 playthroughs, at which point can i go through in low chaos, save, beat it, and then reload the save and still have time to create a high chaos playthrough?

    submitted by /u/Dadality0628
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    Idea for a third game as well as some target’s and their unique characteristics, and more gameplay elements I’d like to see

    Posted: 21 Feb 2020 06:16 PM PST

    You play as the high overseer in between the events of D2's end and the events of DOTO. You're usurped by a fellow overseer who uses some kind of ritual to force/convince the outsider into giving you his mark. He then reveals your mark by staging an assassination attempt on you in which you use your new powers to survive. In response you're knocked out, branded and sent to execution.


    Traversal ability: Shatter - Similar to displace, you place a portal exit wherever you're looking and a portal entrance a foot away from you. These portals are invisible to guards but they can accidentally wander into them if they're on their path or can be thrown through them. They can also by closed whenever the user wishes, killing whoever's inside and making the body vanish.

    Possess - Hold down the ability button to make a subject spasm in agony, attracting other guard's attention. At higher levels this ability can be used to also pick guards up. Can be used at a long range but uses a lot of mana.

    Eavesdrop (replacement for the heart's listening feature) - Uses mana to hear a subject's thoughts. Can be used to find workarounds to guard outposts or just find out more lore of the character.

    New gameplay elements:

    Unique kills. We have non lethal options and a wide variety of ways to kill a target but imagine a lethal version of the non lethal options (if you can).

    You can now complete the final level whenever you want and return to the abbey to reclaim the title of high overseer however the level will change depending on which of the targets you've killed before completing the level. Don't kill Target No 5? He'll have significantly more guards. Etc. Plus the ending will completely change. Finish the game right off the bat and the ending will be a bleak one in which you rule over the abbey through fear rather than them believing what you do is right.

    A new infection: A plant based infection that appears as long sharp vines, they grow in giant clusters similar to the blood fly nests however the nests themselves aren't active. Each nest is static with long taut vines stuck out of it, pinned against walls which when tripped over will activate the plant and attack the person who triggered it with several tendrils.

    • If a corpse is in front of it a long protruding thicker tendril will grow from the heart of the mass and begin burrowing in the body. If left long enough another plant will grow from it and set up similar tripwire tendrils. These body's can be used as traps to kill guards.

    • These plants don't grow in the open as they're extremely susceptible to the cold of Tyvia and will freeze over and can then be easily shattered with a sword attack. This makes them extremely weak to weapons like the frost bolt for the crossbow.

    • The plant itself emits a squelching, squirming noise because of all the internal movement of tendrils within the plant.

    • Similar to best keepers, Burrowers are commonplace and are the result of a live human willingly helping the plants by allowing themselves to have a plant grow in them. The human will be alive and will crouch down with its head inside one of the plants (hence the name) and, unlike the plant, will become aware if the player makes noise around the plant even without tripping its tendril "tripwires". They will also pick up dead human body's and bring them to the plants to make nests out of them (something which will appear in in game news papers as bodies disappearing from streets).


    1) Some kind of deranged rich person, made her fortune through selling contraband on the black market and now is the source for most Noble's illegal items (e.g. the bone charms, runes and drugs you find lying around in people's homes in D2 and D1). On her private island (which is guarded by the aristocracy's private security to whom she supplies contraband) she spends her time torturing and killing civilians in traps and experiments. You're trying to find her because she supplied your usurper with the runes needed to brand you.

    Non lethal opportunity: Knocking her out and putting her in her isolation torture chamber. A small blank room with a chair in the middle, injectors are plugged into her body which provide her with the food and water she needs. She's chained to the chair so that she cannot move, the back and underside of the chair are empty so she doesn't go numb and is forced to feel everything. The room is soundproof, you close and lock the door, trapping her inside until she dies of old age. This is discovered by freeing the current occupant of the chamber.

    Lethal opportunity: putting her in a room which slowly sucks the oxygen from it until she eventually dies. This opportunity also be used as a story development section as this scene can be used to interrogate her into giving the information on who was involved in the coup.

    2) Similar to the Boyle party mission. A rich man who keeps his identity hidden to avoid assassins, is known for his trade in secrets and his ability to connect people, if you want to commit an assassination or rob a bank, he's the man who'll get you connected, for a price. It's said that only his closest advisor and friend (who helps him get the connections) knows his true identity, but he hasn't been seen for months. Elusiveness aside, he's VERY proud of his work and what he's created from nothing. The target is throwing a party in his mansion in an attempt to hear gossip and work out who might need what kind of connections.

    Non lethal opportunity: you find that the business associate is tied in the dungeon of the castle being tortured for the information ever since he told the target he didn't want to work with him anymore. The non lethal option is to agree with the associate to spread the rumour that the true connector is someone other than the true target and supply evidence to prove it. No matter how much he protests the associate insists it's not him and the target and his work are written out of existence and he's forgotten about, having lost everything he worked for.

    Lethal opportunity: you tell a rival gang that he's planning to screw them over and tell the city watch on their actions. In response they throw him off of his roof and frame it as suicide.

    What do you think? It's very late so forgive if my spelling is shit lol

    submitted by /u/BlackKnight6660
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    Posted: 22 Feb 2020 03:10 AM PST

    Corvo’s Mask

    Posted: 22 Feb 2020 05:06 AM PST

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