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    Monday, July 26, 2021

    Dishonored Anyone notice this drawing from Emily?..

    Dishonored Anyone notice this drawing from Emily?..

    Anyone notice this drawing from Emily?..

    Posted: 25 Jul 2021 11:08 PM PDT

    just started the game and was fond of this kill :)

    Posted: 26 Jul 2021 04:28 AM PDT

    Small detail. Billie will cover the rock monsters mouth during an execution just like Daud would have taught her to do to humans .

    Posted: 26 Jul 2021 12:01 AM PDT

    Dishonored 1: Why is every animal in this game a fuckin asshole?

    Posted: 26 Jul 2021 12:35 AM PDT

    The rats? All fuckin assholes. Just swarm and start eating you like vultures. Like bitch I'm just minding my own business.

    The fish? For some reason these are some psychotic ass fish. They just chase you around like wolves, chewing your future away.

    The... plants? Why the fuck are there water cabbages shooting.. acid (?) at me? The fuck is this the dinosaur from Jurassic Park? Come on now 🤦🏽‍♂️

    This game started some supernatural assassin cutting heads off to some fucked up wild life animal planet acid trip ass adventure 😂

    Not saying it's bad or good but damn these along with the creepy ass granny, English men looking like cannibals, a footloose crew called and I shit you not bottle street gang, dudes walking around with some strong ASMR speakers, some firebenders on stilts, zombies that like to chill near a nice fire, an empress that's making some horror movie drawings and I'm going around eating some damn carrots and stale ass potatoes off strangers plates, drinking some mid-air water with no glass and being able to dodge bullets like I'm with Neo (not ne-yo, he wouldn't be able to do nothing in this situation), this is one hell of a damn world. It makes A Neverending Story look like Toy Story.

    submitted by /u/AntiBullshyt
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    just taking a rest

    Posted: 26 Jul 2021 07:04 AM PDT

    When you play through an entire mission in D1 and don’t find out until the end that you got spotted (the stats don’t come up until the end, and I had to replay the Lord Regent mission all over again)…

    Posted: 26 Jul 2021 11:06 AM PDT

    This has been killing me all day. What's the name of these fish hook thingys?! I really wanna do a painting with one in it, but I have no idea what they're called so I can't search up any references.

    Posted: 26 Jul 2021 01:12 AM PDT

    Should I play the DLC for Dishonored before I hop into Dishonored 2?

    Posted: 26 Jul 2021 01:43 AM PDT

    First time player here! I just picked up Dishonored 1 & 2 for PS4 super cheap. I'm getting close to finishing the first game, which I'm absolutely loving so far, and I've noticed that the Definitive Edition includes 3 DLC packs as well as the main game.

    Are these worth playing through? How long/involved are they?

    Im pretty excited to jump into Dishonored 2 as soon as I'm done, but should I play through the DLC first?


    submitted by /u/HMacyFan4eva
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    Lmao "Employer eliminated"

    Posted: 25 Jul 2021 11:41 PM PDT

    Haven't played in a while and just installed it, but I think something went wrong.

    Posted: 26 Jul 2021 01:58 PM PDT

    In your opinion, what's the most impactful audiograph in Dishonored 1?

    Posted: 25 Jul 2021 10:37 PM PDT

    I'm on the Return to the tower mission and just heard the audiograph from Emily's mother saying how much she loved Emily, and how would Emily remember her/her childhood, that she didn't choose the throne but knows she'll be good at running it, to stay doing her drawings etc, and how she always kept her close to her, same with Corvo and to keep him close, also saying how they're going to get past the plague and rats.

    I dont remember (and haven't really paid much attention to) other audiographs like that but this one left more of an impact to me. It's sad. It's a good game

    submitted by /u/AntiBullshyt
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    Help with Dishonored's second mission

    Posted: 26 Jul 2021 02:58 PM PDT

    Hi everyone. Today I decided to pick up Dishonored again after 6 month from my first playthrough, with the intention of doing a shadow/clean hands run. But towards the end of the High Overseer Campbell's mission, I ran into this (I assume) bug: no matter how, whenever I reached the meeting chamber, triggering the last section of the mission, I got automatically spotted by Campbell, Curnow and the guards, and every optional approach instantly failed, forcing me to kill Campbell. The first time I played the game this didn't happen. Did I do something wrong in the mission, or is this actually an issue of some sort?

    submitted by /u/shadow_stalker_20
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    What are these?

    Posted: 25 Jul 2021 08:13 PM PDT

    I finished reading “Dishonored: The Wyrmwood Deceit” and… WTF?

    Posted: 26 Jul 2021 08:48 AM PDT

    So, apparently, a low-ranking Brigmore witch—who's the apprentice of another witch in Deliah's coven—is tasked with distracting Corvo or killing him & uses the power of her painting magic to work on this task.

    With such power, she paints a boy whose purpose is to fool Corvo to believe he's the nephew of his long-lost sister who the two set out on a journey to find. As this wild goose chase ensues, the Wyrmwood witch apprehends City Watch officer Martha Cottings who Corvo considers making his apprentice & attempts to transform her will to turn her against him; all in preparation for Delilah's plan of taking the crown from Emily in Dishonored 2.

    Unfortunately for this witch, she succumbs to Cotting's quick wit & dies in an explosion that sets her painting of Corvo's "nephew" ablaze, causing the boy to burn & become ash in Corvo's arms.

    What I don't understand is: if Delilah had a witch so unique & so powerful in her coven, why didn't she task her with transforming Corvo or Emily's will from the start?

    The witch's plan was working well, but it allowed for an investigation carried out by Cottings that she couldn't stop & led back to her. She easily could've cut so many corners if she'd aimed for Emily from the beginning. This may be yet another example of Delilah underestimating her enemies & overestimating her chances. Delilah has power & knows how to draw from it, but not how to command it effectively. She's proven this in the Brigmore DLC, in this comic & in Dishonored 2. She's an interesting antagonist with all the motivation in the world to do the things she does, but God does she go about things so wrong lol

    submitted by /u/Nuclear-Nuggets
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    Honor for all is one of the best pieces of videogame music ever made

    Posted: 25 Jul 2021 11:17 PM PDT

    New Power Ideas/Concepts

    Posted: 26 Jul 2021 05:53 AM PDT

    This is for a story where Outsider is the protagonist and he is the one using Void powers , because despite being freed of the Void , can still feel its clutches around him and is capable of using powers from the Void .

    So I'm interested to see if anybody has any sort of power ideas for if Outsider was the protagonist .

    Edit : Passive powers are also more than welcomed . I'm not just looking for interesting active powers.

    submitted by /u/ShadowLight56
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    Things from Dishonored 1 people overlooked

    Posted: 25 Jul 2021 11:19 PM PDT

    One of Emily's quotes after Returning To The Tower, when she's at the table drawing (made another post about that) and you choose to 'Talk' to you, she says she's tired of being afraid and that when she's empress, she's going to make everyone else afraid, just how Corvo does.

    This line here really makes you think how impactful kids really are, even in video games. Corvo is a role model, family member and a guardian for Emily. She looks at him, who he is, what he does, how he is, etc. And yeah there are some good attributes as in being loyal, being a good guardian/protector, there's also negative attributes and he's already indirectly enforcing a negative outlook and moral in Emily and that's that fear is what you should want from people and fear is what makes you powerful.

    And it really shows how power abusing is common and happens in our regular lives too. She's already planning to abuse her power and authority by creating a negative image for herself as empress. Yeah she's only a kid but that's where it usually starts in reality too. People are bullied and/or feel powerless, and when they do get power it is abused and not used responsibly.

    Yeah I know, it's a video game lol but this really does relate to reality in a lot of ways.

    What do yall think?

    submitted by /u/AntiBullshyt
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    Dishonored franchise recap?

    Posted: 26 Jul 2021 07:52 AM PDT

    Hi everyone.

    My sudden urge to think about Dishonored came up again. I forgot what was supposed to be the end of this series. Did they really kill the outsider? Is peace and order on the menu for dishonored's citizens again? Are there any hints to suggest that we might have a new Dishonored, whether in the same setting or different?

    In general, I just want to hear what was the end of what we had so far, and to see if there are any plans connected to Dishonored franchise in the future.

    submitted by /u/YanaCorleone
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    Painted an Overseer Daud last week :)

    Posted: 25 Jul 2021 11:33 AM PDT

    What is the full rune inscription on bone charms?

    Posted: 26 Jul 2021 07:06 AM PDT

    If you didn't notice, there are two rows of runes on a D1 bonecharm. It's not clear at all what they are if you look at an image from the game. I did find some line art that clarifies what the front looks like, but what about the back? They seem like they curve around.

    I haven't been able to find answers in any of the original concept art. However, I have seen some hand-crafted bonecharms that include these runes but there never seems to be a picture of the back. If anyone knows pls help. Have been wondering about this for years.

    submitted by /u/syck-it
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    Settings and presets for those who want a better experience

    Posted: 26 Jul 2021 02:48 AM PDT

    Settings and presets for those who want a better experience

    Okay, so I've been wanting to play the game ages ago, but finally I managed to have a decent PC and time to play it.

    Since I have a good computer I wanted to have the better experience as possible, so I started looking for info on how to unlock the framerate, sharpen the edges, etc.

    So I'm gonna tell you the different things I did and try to provide screenshots.

    First of all, I wanted to unlock the framerate. This file is DishonoredEngine.ini, I also found a modified version in u/pheromonekvlt's reddit post that improves the quality of some textures and the shadows. I pasted that file, unlocked the framerate to 165hz, the maximum of my monitor and I made the file read only to avoid the game overwriting it. The full path is D:\<USER>\Documents\My Games\Dishonored\DishonoredGame\Config.

    Processing img e4e9baw4yxc71...

    Processing img l53my0ixyxc71...

    Even though I set the maximum value to 165, the game always stabilized to 150, but that didn't bother me. There was another setting that I had to modify in NVidia control panel to avoid screen tearing due to the high framerate, I had to go to 3D settings tab and select a specific setting for the game.

    Processing img jyg764xkezc71...

    Then I wanted to fix Anti-Aliasing, I thought a good way would be using the tools provided by ReShade, maybe it's because I am kinda new with this, but it didn't work. So since my computer can handle it, I decided to give Super Sampling a shot. And it did wonders to me, I've been playing at 4K resolution in my 2K monitor, and it really did the thing. To play in 4K in a 2K monitor I had to select 2.25x over the native resolution. You could play in a 2K resolution or higher for a 1080p monitor.

    In global configuration there is a setting called DSR Factor, there is where you can trick the GPU making it think that you can display a resolution higher than your monitor's.

    And finally, I'm going to talk about the ReShade preset. I looked for one around the Internet, but the one I liked was too old and I couldn't use it, so I made my own. I'm going to upload some photos to show you the differences, the preset applies a palette of color giving it a little bit more of depth.

    You'll need the next shaders:

    • DPX
    • SMAA
    • Vibrante
    • LiftGammaGain
    • Curves
    • Tonemap
    • LumaSharpen

    You only have to install ReShade for the game as usual and then paste the preset file wherever you want, and inside the game select it in the ReShade menu.

    Here are some images to compare the original game and with my preset.













    All the files that I've mentioned above are in this link.

    Edit: if you have any questions, don't doubt to ask me and I'll help you as I can.

    submitted by /u/DalaiSama
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