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    Tuesday, March 3, 2020

    Dishonored The Abbey of the Everyman be like

    Dishonored The Abbey of the Everyman be like

    The Abbey of the Everyman be like

    Posted: 03 Mar 2020 06:56 AM PST

    Daud Rising: 1820-1837

    Posted: 03 Mar 2020 10:11 AM PST

    [Spoilers] dishonored who should you kill and spare

    Posted: 03 Mar 2020 05:29 PM PST

    as in who to kill in the first game and who to spare. is it morally correct to contaminate the elixer vat in slackjaws hideout? which one of the targets to kill and not? should we kill guards and assassins too?

    i think we should kill the madam of the brothel as she brings them by lying and telling them its about employment.

    i think we should spare the guards as they are just doing their jobs

    i think we should kill the assassins as they are hired killers, not exactly the most noble of professions.

    what do you think and give me your opinion on as much as you can.

    submitted by /u/alixxxali
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    Auto-walk forward and auto parry every time I open and close a menu (e.g. a book) + more bugs

    Posted: 03 Mar 2020 12:27 PM PST

    no controllers are connected. It keeps slightly walking forward on its own and it's like as if I'm holding ctrl (the parrying button), If I move on my own and parry it will stop doing this, but it has caused me to fall down a ledge once when I paused to change the graphics. Also the game freezes when I try to rebind keys. Playing on most recent gog version

    submitted by /u/TheHooligan95
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    The Art Of Temptation: Dishonored

    Posted: 02 Mar 2020 07:17 PM PST

    The chaos system is well known. The more deaths you cause, and the more you kill, the more bloodflies/rats, and the more enemies there are in the future. Pretty simple, right?

    Well, you would be wrong to agree with me there. The point is to tempt you. To give you lethal powers, to give you the ability to kill at a moment's notice, and see what you do. That's why it's so hard to do a clean hands run. You have the power to cut down the entire Guard. The only thing holding you back from doing so is your sense of morality.

    Personally, I am a sick fuck. I use the Blink kick ability repeatedly on servants. I kill instead of knock out enemies on the ground. But I've come to terms with the fact that I am, in fact, an asshole. I will take the power I'm given and use it to paint the town red.

    And the thing is, most people will do the same.

    Most people don't like the Chaos system. It forces them to face the consequences of their actions. Dishonored gives you actual choice. Therefore you feel actual guilt for killing innocents. And here's another kicker, the guards are innocent too. The guards are just doing their jobs. You're a fugitive. You're the Crown Killer.

    Dishonored, 1 AND 2 are both works of art, if for no reason other than the way they give you a dilemma.

    submitted by /u/NotPeterDinklagesDad
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    Dishonoured 2 Emily the Vengeful Is the Canon Ending

    Posted: 03 Mar 2020 01:49 AM PST

    In the live action trailer of the second game, the visuals show Emily just tearing ass and decimating everything on her path.

    But, this doesn't mean killing everything on her path. For example, she wonders whether there is a non-lethal way to take out Jindosh or not when you go to his mansion. I think Emily goes full on high chaos only on certain points. I think these points are when he is running away in the first mission because she has just "lost" her father and lost her entire empire, and she is emotionally vulnerable. Besides, duke's men are out to get her; it's basically a kill or be killed situation. The second one is when she goes after the duke, and the third one is when she goes after Delilah because these two are more personal to her.

    Emily's monologue in the trailer strongly implies that she is out for blood. She is not interested in stealthily moving around and showing mercy. The line, "When you took the crown, witch, you stole from me everything." indicates that Emily sees Delilah as someone who has stolen from her rather than an unfortunate victim who has had a rough life. Also, the word "witch" is an interesting choice because this sort of thing is usually used when one wants to degrade someone. For example, using "Pour me a drink, dwarf." rather than using the dwarf's actual name. Or when people refer to a young leader as "BOI!"

    The lines, "You never thought I would fight back," and "You never saw me as a threat." also indicate that Emily considers herself a threat to Delilah. I don't think putting people to sleep is as much of a threat as killing them. This part of my argument is weak though. I agree.

    The song that plays during the trailer has some interesting lyrics as well. The lines, "And so it begins," "Vengeance waits," and "Fury reigns" are referring to Emily's vengeance. The first one is talking about how Emily's path of vengeance has begun. The second one is pretty self-explanatory. The third one is talking about Emily's rage and hatred towards Delilah.

    The line, "With all at stake" is probably referring to the fate of the whole empire depending on the outcome of the conflict between Emily and Delilah.

    Now, when the line, "We'll take it all" hit, I thought it was referring to Delilah taking the throne, but that is not the case. After the throne room scene, we follow Emily as she is killing everyone who stands in her way, then right when Corvo shows up, the line "We'll take it all" hits; this could mean that "we" is referring to Corvo and Emily.

    That's the gist of my theory. What you think?

    P.S During the whole trailer, I was thinking about Arch Enemy's "You will Know My Name." Especially, the chorus of the song.

    submitted by /u/Dr-Edward-Poe
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    Opnion: 'The Shark' in Fortnite feels like the Duce Luca Abele mission in dh2

    Posted: 03 Mar 2020 06:44 AM PST

    I tried to implement the timepiece effect (time travel ability) in Unreal Engine

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 04:31 PM PST

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