• Breaking News

    Saturday, March 7, 2020

    Dishonored Hi guys moving out soon and need cash so selling these gems and thought people on here would be interested. Selling for £15 each or £40 altogether and you’ll have to pay delivery. They are in great condition and only corvos been opened Willing to barter if delivery is expensive

    Dishonored Hi guys moving out soon and need cash so selling these gems and thought people on here would be interested. Selling for £15 each or £40 altogether and you’ll have to pay delivery. They are in great condition and only corvos been opened Willing to barter if delivery is expensive

    Hi guys moving out soon and need cash so selling these gems and thought people on here would be interested. Selling for £15 each or £40 altogether and you’ll have to pay delivery. They are in great condition and only corvos been opened Willing to barter if delivery is expensive

    Posted: 07 Mar 2020 06:57 AM PST

    WIP of my Jessamine-transforming-into-the-Heart sculpture! After she's done firing, will add wire/clockwork parts/shards of metal

    Posted: 07 Mar 2020 10:53 AM PST

    Found this atop a building

    Posted: 07 Mar 2020 10:44 AM PST

    Corvo x Emily | by girlfriend (OC, pencil)

    Posted: 07 Mar 2020 01:41 PM PST

    So, I've played through the series a dozen times but always low chaos/ghost. I'm going achievement hunting so I need to play high chaos, and wow it's fun!

    Posted: 07 Mar 2020 03:55 PM PST

    I've read that Jindosh's death is canon, but was it to the hands of Emily or the witches after being put through the chair and made useless?

    Posted: 06 Mar 2020 05:15 PM PST

    Do I get Dishonored 2 for £4.15 on sale? (PSN)

    Posted: 07 Mar 2020 02:20 PM PST

    I really enjoyed the first game but never really realised there was a second one, never thought of buying it as thought it would be just more of the same or not as good as D1 but am hearing the opposite so do you reckon it is more than worth the price I can get it for online?

    submitted by /u/DonJorginho
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    It's not the Outsider's Fault. Stop Blaming Him, Billie

    Posted: 07 Mar 2020 04:57 AM PST

    EDIT: Minor fuck up, the title is referring to Daud not Billie.

    The Outsider grants powers to people. He does not force them to go one way or another. The Outsider's powers are like a sword; give it to a knight, and he'll fight for just reasons. Give the same sword to a cunt; he'll name it "Hearteater" and starts mowing down whores with it.

    On top of that, you have the problem of morality. What is "just"? By what right does Billie judge the Outsider? At the end of the day, when you put aside your hatred and look at it from a neutral point, is Delilah a bad person or not? Yes, because she took the throne by force and killed people? No, because she was thrown aside and took what was rightfully hers?

    Daud himself chose to ram his sword into empress' chest, and Billie herself chose to fight by his side. Delilah chose to slaughter all the overseers. If you go high chaos, Emily and Corvo chose to kill all those people.

    Even the Outsider's words are neutral. It's not like he says stuff like, "It would be a shame if the Duke was to die a tragic death during a riding accident."

    And to add insult to injury, Billie has the audacity to tell Emily the truth and then say that she feels bad for doing it. I'm sure all those bad feelings will help Emily sleep easier at nights and never experience a nightmare where she rewatches her mother's murder. Surely, Billie helping Daud kill the empress did not cause any chaos in Emily and Corvo's life, right?!

    If we want to talk about the person "responsible for all the chaos," then by all means, let's do it. Daud killed the empress, the woman who was ruling over the isles. The death of the highest political figure and the disappearance of the next empress caused far more chaos than anything the Outsider has done.

    As my final point, even if you reject the Outsider's powers, you still can get the high chaos, which further proves my point.

    EDIT 2: Dimeritium Foil added a very good point, "It's even worse when in the first game's DLC he has kind of learned to just live with the consequences of his choices after trying to redeem himself, and at the end of the DLC he says "We make our choices and take what comes and the rest is void.".

    But in DOTO they turn all that on its head, and he starts putting all of the blame on the Outsider. Also I haven't read Daud's Return or any of the books, but a friend read a part of it and according to him Daud's kinda back in business even though he explicitly said he's had enough killing."

    EDIT3: Just wanted to say that I like where this is going. I was expecting to be called an "Outsider fanboy" right off the bat, but people are actually discussing this, and to a degree, I'm starting to see that the Outsider isn't as innocent as I originally thought.

    submitted by /u/Dr-Edward-Poe
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