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    Friday, March 6, 2020

    Dishonored Idk why I couldn't get them to come downstairs but it led to this hilarious moment with a hook mine

    Dishonored Idk why I couldn't get them to come downstairs but it led to this hilarious moment with a hook mine

    Idk why I couldn't get them to come downstairs but it led to this hilarious moment with a hook mine

    Posted: 06 Mar 2020 08:49 AM PST

    I am aware my sense of humour may cause concern.

    Posted: 06 Mar 2020 09:47 AM PST

    Iron mode: I got killed by the shutters on the roseburrow prototype ��

    Posted: 05 Mar 2020 05:37 PM PST

    1000 Hours of dishonored- my review

    Posted: 05 Mar 2020 10:47 PM PST

    (disclaimer- steam does not display my hours in dishonored as 1000, its at 677, but i can confidently say i have that many, since i have been speedrunning the game in offline mode due to crashes since august 2019.)

    Phew, as unturned is the only other game i have 1000 hours in, its the only other 1000 hour review i have done and it was quite long ago. I wanna take this in depth this time.
    Dishonored was the second PC game I had played, at the time that i got it in november of 2017. I started with a high chaos playthrough, as any 13 year old toaster would have dreamed of. It was a bloody mess, I murdered every living thing and and LITTERALLY plagued dunwall with my existence. this playthrough I learned nearly nothing about the game in this playthrough other than I was dead set on being a psychomurderer for a living, and that i love windblast. The feeling of being able to do anything overwhelmed me and took me over for the next few months as i survived through school just to play dishonored. Middle school sucked, thanks for asking. After i escaped my horrid love for stabbing people, I got back in to the game with the intent to not stab anybody. i had escaped my violent natures and i wanted nothing more than to choke people and leave them in a massive pile together, often thinking of how they would explain it to their wives. after both of these wonderful playthroughs, I started to think about the game from a technical side. What were the limits?
    After that, i started doing challenge runs. Most of them were uninteresting, such as "no W key" or "no bottles", but some of them brought challenge, like doing a nonlethal run without the crossbow (ask if you are interested in an explaination) or minimum blinks, which i thought was 9 but it has been found to be 7 (as of right now) or damageless. all 3 of these runs got me to question what it really was i was looking for in the game, what was the real challenge? after i had learned how most of the AI works, Its easy enough to choke/stab enemies by making them essentially line up due to the noise a bottle makes, or sliding into an enemy to stun them. This is when i opened up my youtube page and saw the video called "Save the empress explained" by SirFirenewt. this video was an explaination on how to kill daud in the intro scene of the game using the elevator glitch, fancy right? after seeing this video i looked into more of firenewt's videos to see if he had found anything else, which could give me a challenge in beating the game. i couldnt find anything, but when i went back to the main page i found " dishonored any% speedrun in 32:53.70" by seeker TV. after watching that video i instantly became a speedrunner, picking up my first personal best at 52:58 after practicing for a week and hoping to get better than an hour in my first run. After losing interest in any% i took on Knife of dunwall speedruns, where i eventually got a 6:02 time after finding some strategies, which resulted in voetiem (god) lowering the record by 20 seconds so it was far out of my reach (5:18) at this point i hadnt played dishonored 2, but i had hoped i could buy it for a long time. when i eventually got it on sale, i wasnt too happy with it, my PC couldnt run it well and i generally didnt like the feel of the game, but that is for another time. I got burnt out of dishonored 1, but i dont blame myself. i felt like i had run all of the categories and none of them had fully interested me, i had done all there was to be done, until i realised, the game isnt going anywhere. i can play the shit out of it like it was my first playthrough or my last, i could murder everybody and set the world on fire with me, or i could crash some parties without anyone batting an eye. this game had endless possibilities. I continued on to do countless playthroughs, aiming to learn something new every time i played, and that i did. even though knowing speedrun strats ruined the magic as sometimes impatient toaster would maaaaaybe clip through locked doors if he didnt know where the key was, but it still brought me the joy i had before.

    after my 8 month break from speedrunning, i am back into it. category extentions now exist so finding something more interesting is easier than ever. i still play the game casually, but im mostly playing any% at the moment. i also love making rouined high chaos or stealth videos, which i plan to upload to here more often in the future.
    1000 hours of this game gives you a lot. and i am still learning things about the game from time to time. but you can never know everything. there is still more to play with. with that, i give you this outrageous peice of knowledge. I am likely the only person with 1000 hours in dishonored who thinks that dishonored 3 should never exist.

    current any% personal best is 37:22

    submitted by /u/scuffedtoaster
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