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    Sunday, August 29, 2021

    Dishonored I drew a Dishonored style self portrait!

    Dishonored I drew a Dishonored style self portrait!

    I drew a Dishonored style self portrait!

    Posted: 29 Aug 2021 12:41 PM PDT

    Smoothing out some dh2 runs.

    Posted: 29 Aug 2021 06:09 AM PDT

    Just changed the past

    Posted: 29 Aug 2021 11:19 AM PDT

    My first playthrough was as Corvo in high chaos, because i wasn't familiar with the game at all so had little clue that my actions have that much consequences ( also i never touched Stilton ). Then i wanted to get into lore more deeply and finished dishonored 1 and Daud's DLC in full low chaos after which lots of holes that i had in my understanding of this game were filled. Decided to continue my journey as Emily in full low chaos + ghost. Came to Stilton, tranqulized him, Emily remarked that she changed something and then i came into present and HOLY SHIT, the mansion isn't destroyed anymore???????? There were no guards but tedious guests, some things like annoying for Stilton statue were removed due to his request according to notes in the past, some things are lot different and everyone in mansion were commenting on how much Stilton is a good man. I'm leaving the mansion and now THE WHOLE DUST DISTRICT IS DIFFERENT with no shitty sandstorms and the girl who before was feeding poor people in my new present is now organising things and working along Stilton, whereas Duke instead of making excuses on sandstorm is now making announcements about plans with Stilton. I came to skiff and now Billie is no longer disabled??????? New mission is starting and now fucking Stilton himself is briefing with all of us ( sadly nobody even knows that its all real because of Emily and Outsider ), i'm so fucking done now, Arkane, i love you since i started to know you from playing Prey and studying its lore and you have the same grip with Dishonored, none of these games ceases to amaze with all these details in lore, gameplay and overall work on your projects, i just can't imagine how much dedication and care you need to have to create such masterpieces

    submitted by /u/XlulZ2558
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    TFW when you managed to solve the Jindosh lock riddle without looking up the answer on the internet or brute-forcing random answers

    Posted: 28 Aug 2021 10:01 PM PDT

    Which playstyle is more fun to you: "Pacifist" or "Ghost"

    Posted: 29 Aug 2021 06:33 AM PDT

    Pacifist: only stealth, distraction and knockouts allowed

    Ghost: only stealth and distraction allowed

    This question applies not only to Dishonored but also to all stealth games.

    submitted by /u/xButterschnitzel
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    GOD, this fucking side quest man

    Posted: 28 Aug 2021 04:51 PM PDT

    If you could have any playable character's powers, who would they be?

    Posted: 29 Aug 2021 02:19 PM PDT

    There's something nostalgic about Corvo's powers, however, Billie's I feel would be most useful irl.

    View Poll

    submitted by /u/the_geeky_gamer
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    was playing DLC 2 trying to do pacifist, not sure if this counts as a kill can someone help me out here? I've reloaded saves, restarted my game and even restarted my pc but it still happens

    Posted: 29 Aug 2021 03:05 AM PDT

    Wasn't it kinda bs how Archibald's stance on the imperial monarchy shifted from wanting to dissolve & replace it to wanting to uphold it??

    Posted: 29 Aug 2021 10:02 AM PDT

    Does the outsider die in DOTO?

    Posted: 29 Aug 2021 10:53 AM PDT

    I'm a dh noob lol so I've never seen gameplay of it and it looks promising but I don't have money atm but is the outsider really killable? And should I pay money to buy it or is it short enough where I can just watch a playthrough?

    submitted by /u/MorrisBorris
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    New ways to challenge myself to be as creative as possible (D2)?

    Posted: 29 Aug 2021 10:31 AM PDT

    Last time I posted here, I chose arbitrary rules for my Dishonored 2 playthrough that I thought would produce a more fun and challenging experience after I had become way too familiar and comfortable with the game. My goals at the time were:

    • no kills
    • no detections
    • no bodies found
    • all items found (excluding coins)
    • all mutually compatible special actions completed
    • play in Very Hard mode

    I really enjoyed it because it forced me to come up with new strategies and rely on items and powers I hadn't used before. The biggest downside was the "no bodies" limitation got a little constraining since I couldn't see the stats till the end of the level, so I never took any risks and basically stopped using Domino altogether (a real tragedy as that is my favorite ability). I want to come up with other challenges that will force me to be more creative. Here are some ideas I've come up with:

    • Limitations on Dark Vision: I don't want to skip it entirely because I want to collect all items and that would become so difficult without dark vision that it would no longer be fun. But I'm not sure what a good concrete limitation would be.
    • Leaving everyone conscious except for plot-relevant targets: I don't know how feasible this is, but I'm afraid I'll end up cheesing Mesmerize and stinging bolts as a result.
    • Wearing a particularly crippling corrupted bonecharm throughout the game: This is the best idea I've had so far. The problem is I'd have to either stumble on the right corrupted charm or sit through a million bonecharm crafting sessions till I got the right kind of handicap that balances fun and suffering (Dark Vision comsuming health would murder me and I would love it).
    • Kill every single person: Is this possible while continuing the plot (i.e., do Meghan and Anton count)?

    The key here is that the handicap or rules are completely arbitrary on their own: all I care about is that they force me to be as creative as possible and branch out of my comfort zone. I want to avoid rules that will limit rather than expand my use of items and abilities. The only rule I will not budge on is no detections: I will always play stealth. I also don't like really tedious things like collecting coins.

    Other than that, I welcome suggestions or modifications to ideas I've already suggested. I'd expect combinations of different rules and handicaps to result in especially interesting playstyles.

    submitted by /u/MasterAqua
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    Posted: 28 Aug 2021 08:00 PM PDT

    So I am stupidly determined and I just spent like the past 10 ish minute trying every 3 digit combo on a safe for a rune and it worked! (531 btw)

    submitted by /u/yaboar
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    I need help trying to get an overseer cosplay together.

    Posted: 28 Aug 2021 05:40 PM PDT

    I'm planning to be an overseer from the first game for Halloween this year. I found a few masks already, that's not the problem. The problem is the uniform. I searched for the uniform specifically, but I just find either nothing or more masks. I've seen pictures of complete cosplays, but I can't find anywhere to get the uniform. Any recommendations or places I might have missed?

    submitted by /u/FlaymingLehmons
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    Just finished reading The Return of Daud. A few thoughts & questions…

    Posted: 28 Aug 2021 05:47 PM PDT

    1) While I very much enjoyed The Corroded Man, The Return of Daud is definitely the more interesting & suspenseful read.

    2) I love how Daud Disregards Emily being shot at as she hops from rooftop to rooftop & just laughs. I get Emily probably wouldn't want his help even if he offered it, but still. In any case, Daud already had enough on his plate he had to clear first.

    3) My favourite quote in the novel is:

    I came for information. Tried to pay you, and even gave you my advice. Now I'm going to slaughter most of you and take what I want from whoever's still breathing.

    4) Norcross & Morgengaard Castle would've been perfect for Dishonored 2. He would've made a more interesting target than Jindosh & his castle would've been an altogether better map.

    5) Was Daud aware Delilah came back, usurped Emily & sat the throne as Empress? It's known everywhere in D2 but isn't spoken of in the novel.

    6) what I found most interesting about the novel was Billie's mission of saving Daud by traveling to the past. Having read this novel, it makes total sense why Daud was dying in DotO. I really liked how the events of each moment Billie relived through time travel was said to have played out differently, but all result in the same end, making it seemingly impossible to change the past no matter how different her change in her approach was. It'd have been funny if she'd asked Emily to go back in time & save Daud for her—like a younger sibling asking their older sibling to help them beat a level in a video game, as she's already had success in changing the past.

    7) I like how Lucinda makes it to the novel & plays an important role. In D2, she's spoken of as some total amateur who can't even summon a Blood Briar, but later proves herself to be much more capable than others think by capturing Daud, of all people, with what little of her fleeting power—power she was already splitting with three of her sisters—remained whereas others of her kind before her have all failed to. That's pure progress.

    8) Lucinda mentions her powers fade more each day than the last since Breanna's defeat, but why is that so? Don't they all tap Delilah's power through Arcane Bond?

    9) It only just hit me the glass shard Daud took from Norcross, that Norcross took from the aftermath of the slaughterhouse explosion, is the same as the lenses on Emily's time piece. Or, at least, I think they are. They both show moments from another time.

    submitted by /u/Nuclear-Nuggets
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