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    Saturday, December 7, 2019

    Dishonored "No Saints without Sinners" By endrae

    Dishonored "No Saints without Sinners" By endrae

    "No Saints without Sinners" By endrae

    Posted: 07 Dec 2019 06:42 AM PST

    This took me an hour

    Posted: 06 Dec 2019 07:20 PM PST

    In progress Void sleeve by Clyde @ Oculus Tattoo Melb Australia��

    Posted: 06 Dec 2019 06:23 PM PST

    Dishonored 2: It is really messed up what you do to Kirin Jindosh.

    Posted: 06 Dec 2019 08:18 PM PST

    I mean I get that what you do to him is better than death but it still makes me feel really bad for him. I mean you take maybe the smartest man in all the kingdom since Anton and then you wipe his brain down to the point where he is near autism levels. And then you can listen to him after doing it and on a audiograph and you can hear in his voice that he is struggling to even put simple sentences together and its makes me feel bad for him even though he is one of the enemies in the game.

    (On the otherhand though in the audiograph in the Dukes office for a moment Kirin does start talking smart again but then loses his train of thought and goes back to being confused. So with any luck the effects on his brain might just be temporary.)

    TL:DR. Turning a genius into a bumbling idiot is one of the worst punishments I've seen in a while. This concludes my rant.

    submitted by /u/MAXKILLER215
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    Is there a FOV slider in Dishonored 2 unlike Dishonored 1.

    Posted: 06 Dec 2019 06:05 PM PST

    Getting the game on Christmas and I just wanted to know if there is any type of FOV changes available. I'm also getting it on PS4 so I'm gonna guess no there isn't. Well is there any moments where the FOV is high at least? It makes me happy don't ask why plz.

    submitted by /u/Hidden_f0x
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    Help me figure out how to enjoy combat in D2

    Posted: 07 Dec 2019 01:19 AM PST

    Over the years I've played through Dishonored 1 and 2 multiple times, but however I start out I inevitably end up sneaking and avoiding (and occasionally knocking out) enemies. I've been trying to play by open confrontation again, and I realized this time that my preference for stealth is not for role-playing or narrative reasons, but because of the gameplay:

    1. The combat is janky. There are sync issues with enemy sword swings and animations, setting the FOV to something suitable for a PC makes it very hard to judge sword reach (both mine and the enemy's), and the inability to assign hotkeys to abilities makes it difficult to react in time. Dishonored 1 is a little better overall here.

    2. Combat is simultaneously too easy and too hard.

    3. Too easy: The most efficient way to deal with (non-magical) enemies is to just parry and kill in one hit, with some occasional crossbow draws. This works for single foes and for crowds if you position an enemy between you and whoever's firing at you. It's trivial to blink away if cornered. This gets boring very fast.

    4. Too hard: On the flip side trying something creative is completely hit-or-miss for me. Plans involving combinations of gadgets and powers work perfectly about a fifth of the time. It takes a few quickloads to stop time, attach a springrazor to a guard and windblast him into a group correctly. In principle I prefer Dishonored's lower level and more detailed simulation of player actions to something like the Arkham games' overdesigned combat, but I've found it just too finicky.

    5. Clearing a level of enemies makes it immediately less interesting. This is an issue with the Thief games too. But Dishonored's mini-hubs and manors become much less interesting after clearing them of threats as you continue to go back and forth across empty streets and rooms doing things. Much of the appeal of the series is the atmosphere and the sense of place, so this pretty much breaks the game for me. In a linear shooter this isn't an issue as you don't linger around after you clear a space, you move to the next set-piece.

    Many of these criticisms also apply to non-lethal playthroughs, of course. You can simply sleep dart everyone and move on. So the way I end up playing each time is by simply avoiding enemies. This also means I've never seen the high chaos outcomes, although this isn't intentional. Just more of a side effect of avoiding combat.

    If you do combat runs of D2, how do you keep it interesting, and how do you make your plans play out predictably?

    submitted by /u/karthink
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    Trainers for Microsoft Store copy?

    Posted: 06 Dec 2019 07:13 PM PST

    Replaying the game now on PC I just want infinite mana Thanks!

    submitted by /u/Shm0rp
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