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    Sunday, December 8, 2019

    Dishonored No whistling in Dishonored 2 caw caw

    Dishonored No whistling in Dishonored 2 caw caw

    No whistling in Dishonored 2 caw caw

    Posted: 08 Dec 2019 10:38 AM PST

    Years after playing Dishonored, I finally got DH2. Damn it feels good to be back.

    Posted: 08 Dec 2019 12:45 PM PST

    Early concept art of Emily from Dishonored 2

    Posted: 08 Dec 2019 02:54 PM PST

    How would you feel about a open world RPG Dishonored

    Posted: 07 Dec 2019 08:38 PM PST

    Perhaps developed by Bethesda (assuming they get their act together)

    submitted by /u/JPZDoesItEasy
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    Chaos level in Dishonored 2

    Posted: 08 Dec 2019 12:15 PM PST

    The first Dishonored was one of my favorite games, and I just started playing the second one. Just wanted to ask you, is there a chaos level and if yes, does it work in the same way as the first game?

    submitted by /u/Advena128
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    Can we get more high chaos kill runs on here boys?

    Posted: 08 Dec 2019 12:36 PM PST

    I'm somewhat new to the Dishonored community. Played the first game some months ago and finished D2 a few weeks ago.

    Now I've been trying to learn the maps (and watching good ones on YT) so I can hopefully make some cool runs (pretty hard on console tho). But just wanted to know if anyone has some cool high chaps runs they're thinking of or are holding in the vault.

    submitted by /u/KneedHelpQuicc
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    Any unique or cool cheats for the Definitive Edition on PS4?

    Posted: 08 Dec 2019 12:03 PM PST

    I'm not talking safe codes or bone charm locations, but does anyone know if there are any interesting glitch-style cheats that can be done on PS4? Sort of like the cheats I've seen people do on PC where they have things like infinite Blink, the ability to explore the environments out of bounds, etc. and stuff like that. I only have the game on PS4 right now, but I'd love to be able to do things like explore the game environments out of bounds and other wacky stuff like that so I thought I'd ask.

    submitted by /u/GetInTheBasement
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    Brain dead Jindosh

    Posted: 08 Dec 2019 02:54 PM PST

    Anyone else love the Jindosh dialogue after you put him in the electroshock machine I just love it for some reason

    submitted by /u/vScorchy
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    I just did a play through of dishonored 1 and didn’t kill anyone but never got an achievement for it so does anybody know why?

    Posted: 08 Dec 2019 02:15 PM PST

    Dishonored (Complete Series). Need the Textures of Wall, Floor and others again. Link with all game textures please.

    Posted: 08 Dec 2019 12:12 PM PST

    I search a link for the textures of the complete dishonored game textures. Especially Wall & Floor. Maybe i'm to stupid to search but found nothing and i know there was a (GDrive) link with all of them.
    From Dishonored (1) to DotO.

    Thank in advance!

    submitted by /u/DJND90
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    (Help) Dishonored D.E. for PS4 - no solution for the get-hit-red-screen glitch?

    Posted: 08 Dec 2019 11:37 AM PST

    I'd really love to finish this game, it's been in my backlog for far too long. But seriously, this is unplayable. Whenever I get hit, the screen turns red, but everything else keeps going without me being able to see it. I'm in combat, soldiers are swinging swords at me, but I can't do anything, since I can't see anything. It's a bit like the ghosting effect on old LCD displays, the effect blurs out slowly over time, but it only goes away if I save and load the game. And I've seen this bug reported all over the internet, even from 3 years ago. Is there really no solution to it? Should I just say fuck it go looking for a copy of the PS3 version?

    submitted by /u/followingmydream
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    does playing on easy disable trophies?

    Posted: 07 Dec 2019 09:34 PM PST

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