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    Monday, December 9, 2019

    Dishonored Corvo Attano (OC)

    Dishonored Corvo Attano (OC)

    Corvo Attano (OC)

    Posted: 09 Dec 2019 10:38 AM PST

    Saw the post of Emily concept art so heres Corvo Attano concept art

    Posted: 08 Dec 2019 07:19 PM PST

    I wanted to do this particular challenge for a while, I got a gaming PC and thought it was the perfect time. I'm so proud of this.

    Posted: 09 Dec 2019 10:55 AM PST

    Definetely gonna rob him though

    Posted: 09 Dec 2019 03:19 PM PST

    Our hero has a pretty rare and usual name Corvo. From Latin, it means "raven" or "rook"

    Posted: 09 Dec 2019 07:52 AM PST

    What do you think? Was this intentional?

    EDIT: I meant "unusual" name. Unfortunately, I cannot correct that.

    submitted by /u/xZero543
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    How did you discovered Dishonored?

    Posted: 09 Dec 2019 02:45 AM PST

    A friend once told me he was at a game shop and asked me if I needed something, I told him to bring me Dead Space on 360, he misheard and brought me Dishonored. I said alright let's play this thing a couple of hours and resell it. Finished doing 4 runs, bought the definitive edition on PC, played another 100 hours (+DLCs). And still my all time favorite game.

    Oh and I never played Dead Space.

    How you guys discovered/heard about it the first time?

    submitted by /u/Gorayez
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    Extremely poor performance (or so I believe) in Death Of The Outsider

    Posted: 09 Dec 2019 10:44 AM PST

    5700xt (flashed but basically the same)

    Ryzen 1500x

    16GB 3200mhz

    What's the issue? I'm dipping into 50fps when I think I shouldn't Even at low I barely go above the 80s. Is it down to my CPU, or does this game depise the wank AMD drivers atm?

    submitted by /u/OblivionJL
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    Dishonored is a Great game

    Posted: 08 Dec 2019 05:46 PM PST

    I bought it because of a sale on steam and I just finished dishonored yesterday.I really enjoyed playing it, especially with stealth. Almost no other games made me feel that powerful and weak at the same time. Great to know there is a sub for fans of the game.

    submitted by /u/Milkological
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    The Hatter Gang's Swords Are Giant Scissors/ Shears

    Posted: 08 Dec 2019 05:41 PM PST

    The Hatter Gang's Swords Are Giant Scissors/ Shears

    I was playing Dishonored 2, and near the end while going through Hatter territory, I noticed that the Hatter gang had 2 sword variants, a machete, and a giant scissor blade, here is the cool looking sword. Notice the circular axle near the center and the circular holes near the handle, very similar to the handles on office scissors.


    submitted by /u/R4rk3t
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    Dishonored 3 or Another Expansion (((((((Idea))))))))

    Posted: 08 Dec 2019 06:00 PM PST

    I have an idea for another expansion. During Delilah's rule, Daud has decided to send one of his best men(not Billie) to Tyvia, maybe to kill someone, or look for allies to take down Delilah. You are this person. The game starts you off on a ship with other Daud's men. You talk to the crew get some items, etc. Then you go talk to someone on the front of the ship, he tells you some story, your mission, etc. Then suddenly a giant ice spike appears out of nowhere, and you come flying off of the ship and into a pile of snow with some other crates and junk near you. While lying on the ground you see a gang of white dressed people blink onto the ship, or use some other power (these will be the main antagonists, or possibly future allies as you realize their true intentions), and here is where your first power is presented, as you hit the ground, your vision becomes slightly grayer (and you either already had this power), or you briefly meet the outsider, he talks about stuff, and stuff, and gives you powers. This power allows you to turn invisible while not moving, so because you are laying on the ground on the brink of unconsciousness, you turn invisible and the enemies walk right past you as they search around the ship. I Can't think of anything after this :D.

    This game will create a completely new feature: 2 sided power choices: each power that is unlocked will present 2 options from it, and possibly even 2 min skill trees, one for each option.

    Some of the powers:
    Ice spike: impale and enemy, or freeze them, though this could also possible be an item made by the ice gang that attacked the ship
    Mirage/ swarm: create either a swarm of ice thingies or a floor of icespikes, or create shimmering ice flies to confuse the enemies and make them stop attacking, can be upgraded to make them forget

    These are very basic ideas, and I would love to see suggestions as I feel this would be a good expansion that would allows you to explore Tyvia and another group of Void power holders, and even new powers for you to try out.

    submitted by /u/R4rk3t
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    *SPOILERS* What to do for Dishonored 2

    Posted: 08 Dec 2019 06:22 PM PST

    I just finished Dishonored 1 and got the high chaos ending (Emily goes falls and dies Samuel dies etc) do I need to beat Dishonored in low chaos to understand Dishonored 2?

    submitted by /u/bearbat9
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