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    Tuesday, December 10, 2019

    Dishonored That literally could not have gone any worse.

    Dishonored That literally could not have gone any worse.

    That literally could not have gone any worse.

    Posted: 10 Dec 2019 02:10 AM PST

    Should we gather for some whiskey and cigars tonight?

    Posted: 10 Dec 2019 07:56 AM PST

    My new outsider tattoo.

    Posted: 10 Dec 2019 05:13 AM PST

    Hopefully, this hasn't been posted yet, but Tame Impala's new album reminds me of something

    Posted: 10 Dec 2019 02:32 PM PST

    Clarification on Dishonored 1 Endings

    Posted: 10 Dec 2019 03:38 PM PST

    I'm trying to be really careful here to avoid spoilers because I'm on my first playthrough of this game right now. There's really just one thing I'm hoping to get clarity on.

    I've seen many things saying the high chaos ending depends on number of people killed. But I also saw someone say that the high chaos ending isn't about kills it's about the mess you leave behind. This person stated that if all your kills were ashed you could still get a low chaos ending.

    I know this game is very old at this point so I'm just hoping someone can cut through the noise and opinions on this online and tell me definitively what actions result in the different endings. I'm also asking here because so many comments and articles about this have spoilers. Thanks in advance.

    submitted by /u/Flickering_Anomaly
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    How do I get the additional content for logging in to my Bethesda.net account on Xbox one?

    Posted: 10 Dec 2019 03:05 PM PST

    I logged in and everything it's just not working

    submitted by /u/Ryuheart8
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    The addition of nonlethal combat

    Posted: 10 Dec 2019 02:05 PM PST

    I like that D2 and DOTO added a nonlethal option in combat other than sleep dart/other nonlethal gadgets, but to me it makes the game too easy. While I think it's an option that should stay, I think it should be harder to utilize.

    For example, whoever you're choking out might be freed by other combatants from the same faction (so the guards will pry their buddies loose instead of killing them, for instance). Also, I feel like it should generally be more difficult to unbalance certain enemies; low-level enemies might be easy to stagger, while officers and other high-level types are tougher.

    submitted by /u/IvoryAsian
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    Anyone else...(Spoilers for late DH1 campaign and its DLCs)

    Posted: 10 Dec 2019 04:30 AM PST

    After completing my first playthrough of Dishonored 1 and its DLCs recently, seeing Daud's perspective of the story rather than Corvo's perspective really made me regret my decision in killing him.

    In the main game, he seems evil and cold to the core, and I murdered him in revenge for the Empress, but after finishing both story DLCs and seeing Daud's internal struggle and what he did for Emily, I really felt like I should have went for the non-lethal way. The final cutscene where he begs Corvo to rethink, and Corvo slits his throat without hesitation (I went through the entire game in High Chaos) really made me feel bad for him.

    Anyone else feel bad for killing Daud?

    submitted by /u/banter_boy
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    Corvo or Emily?

    Posted: 10 Dec 2019 02:40 AM PST

    Dishonored 2: Lack of Music Boxes

    Posted: 09 Dec 2019 05:06 PM PST

    I really like the design and look of the Serkonan chapter of the Abbey. The appearance of the Overseers from the robes to the metal mask makes them both holy and intimidating. Their way of speaking is very fun and probably one of the only few voice acts in the game that does not sound flat or unnatural. (the game's voice acting is a whole new post worth of critique) I do however have think they missed an opportunity for a cool enemy type.

    The lack of Music Boxes:

    Back in Dishonored 1 the Music Box Overseers were my most hated enemy, more so than the Tallboys. Mainly for the creepy drumming screeching song coming from the organ grinder like device they carried. The thing that stopped my powers from working in the middle of a fight with multiple guards. It always put me on edge hearing that music, the box was a nice horror added to the world.

    Why were there no music boxes encountered? They did in game explain the boxes take awhile to make just one. Later on in the dust district the Vice Overseer explains the music has no effect on Paolo so they did in fact have at least some on hand. (plus the one in the second mission sitting on the table)

    The main reason why Music Box Overseers never made it was because if you choose no powers they would become a useless enemy. It would have no effect on you and just take up space.

    Though in DOTO the pit that the Eyeless trapped Daud in has the speaker horns from the music box play a sort of erie sound that keeps him bound and down. We can even seem to see what looks like visual vibrations coming directly to the chair bound man. Could this have been previous effects for the music box in game play or just for that one specific thing?

    also maybe I'm just nit picking for this next bit but...

    Why didn't the music affect Paolo's charm?

    Paolo's charm is the amputated hand of Vera Moray which bears the mark of the Outsider. According to the lore bonecharms and void powers are negated by the ancient music. This gives the non powered people an edge in a fight with a supernatual being. However even this is apparently useless against this specific charm... why? A casual hand wave statement "even the ancient music has no effect on him" is made but nothing else.

    Granted Vera was a very powerful witch who made lots of recipes and rituals for making bonecharms so maybe she found some way to become immune to the music. But even a really powerful bonecharm is nothing compared to straight up Void Powers! Plus she could not have made it because it is her own dead hand (unless it was like her final recipe for some occult enthusiast)


    Whatever made the ultimate decision to cut them out I will never know... time and money could have also been a factor.

    What do you guys think about this? Do you think they should have had them in?

    submitted by /u/Bambooideas
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