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    Thursday, April 2, 2020

    Dishonored I named my new puppy Corvo

    Dishonored I named my new puppy Corvo

    I named my new puppy Corvo

    Posted: 02 Apr 2020 10:39 AM PDT

    I just love these little tributes spread al over the series

    Posted: 02 Apr 2020 01:33 AM PDT

    Flying through Karnaca

    Posted: 02 Apr 2020 01:11 PM PDT

    Land-going whales, I need these

    Posted: 02 Apr 2020 10:30 AM PDT

    So I discovered a new cutscene at the end of The Brigmore Witches DLC when you spare Lurk and do high chaos

    Posted: 02 Apr 2020 05:15 AM PDT

    So, Breanna Ashworth can’t be mesmerized... or can she?

    Posted: 02 Apr 2020 01:04 PM PDT

    Ok, I didn't know what to title this, but, this is a very good game. If you fight Breanna and try to use mesmerize on her, it won't work, and she'll say something along the lines of "I can't be mesmerized like those weak-minded fools"

    But, if you remove her powers and fight her then (I fought her by jumping on her, she is depressed and passive), she will be mesmerized. I think that is awesome

    Edit: I was gonna say that it's possible that since you are not supposed to be fighting you (she is passive and if you attack her you'll assassinate her), maybe she is just registered as any other witch, but no. She doesn't have any powers either. Fascinating.

    submitted by /u/Burakku-Ren
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    dishonored 1 what powers to get for a roleplay run

    Posted: 02 Apr 2020 08:07 PM PDT

    im going to do a run where i kill people or not according to what the heart and other clues tell me about them. so what powers should be my priority for this

    submitted by /u/alixxxali
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    Little progress shot since my last post

    Posted: 02 Apr 2020 12:23 PM PDT

    Custom Difficulty?

    Posted: 02 Apr 2020 08:22 PM PDT

    Will creating my own Custom Difficulty for my playthrough of Dishonored 2 prevent me from getting achievements? This is my first time playing so it's just NG

    submitted by /u/BrandonD40
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    I'm off work for two weeks in self isolation, getting spammed off the government about isolation and avoiding infected, playing this...

    Posted: 01 Apr 2020 05:37 PM PDT

    Dishonored 2 journalist mission 1

    Posted: 02 Apr 2020 05:11 PM PDT

    Im attempting a 100%kills ghost run and do i need to kill the journalist because doing so for some reason doesn't change the amount killed

    submitted by /u/artfillin
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    Confused about the palace mission (dishonored 2)

    Posted: 02 Apr 2020 10:47 AM PDT

    Hey so i wondered since youre told multiple times that "who you kill during the mission matters" is it actually the case, besides the duke and his double? Most npcs act like duke supporters and royal assholes, and there are a couple who talk about not being in his circle, but they are all generic npcs called "civilian" with no special in game model. I tried sparing only the good ones and killing everyone who supports the duke, while killing the duke/overseer/paolo too, but this just landed me the Bloody Duke ending.

    Are the npcs just lying about there being other political ennemies to the duke at the mansion?

    submitted by /u/Hothyhoth
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    Samuel's Beechworth Carving

    Posted: 02 Apr 2020 08:30 AM PDT

    Read multiple guides saying you can collect this during chapter 9 If you missed it in chapter 1, went to safe room and it's not even on the shelf

    submitted by /u/Danekah92
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    How do thugs set fire to their expelled whiskey?

    Posted: 02 Apr 2020 07:20 AM PDT

    I know that the liquid is flammable, but how do they set fire to it when they're holding a sword in one hand and a bottle in the other?

    submitted by /u/Reployer
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    Will we ever get to play Dishonored 3? I think not

    Posted: 02 Apr 2020 12:09 AM PDT

    Guess this was spoken many times, but on QuakeCon 2018 Arkane Studios told us they don't really plan to develop a new one. All the storylines are finished and from now long they're gonna focus on other franchises. What's the point? Lack of ideas and motivation for this game or absence of sales? Read an article one time about Dishonored 2 sales covering only development

    submitted by /u/bucknload
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    FUCKING finally!

    Posted: 01 Apr 2020 06:56 PM PDT

    Haven't played D1 in 3 years, how do I use bone charms or upgrade my skills?

    Posted: 02 Apr 2020 03:29 AM PDT

    Title. Probably a stupid question but I can't remember anything and googling didn't bring up any results.

    Additionally, I'm trying to get all the achievements I didn't get the last time I play. If I'm going for the 'Mostly Flesh and Steel' achievement, am I allowed to use charms? Lastly, does that mean I musn't upgrade Blink and can only use base level Blink and no other powers? If I do it right, I can get 4 achievements in one run.

    submitted by /u/VengefulApple
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    Posted: 01 Apr 2020 07:37 PM PDT

    [Excerpt from a journal by a City Watch novice]

    They put me on it 'cus it was in routine, I guess. 'Oi, Morley boy, you're on patrol tonight. Drapers Ward. Major's orders.' Got to get my head around the other districts to be Watch, I guess. I'd ain't been to Drapers before, heard it was a real pretty shopping house but nought more. Captain told me it was on the downhill, but that I shan't run into any troubles if I kept my head down. Keep your head down, go home. Yeah.

    So off I went, with a couple other 2nd class. Both from the city, o'course. Esma is always stood so straight and tall, really gives me the jeebies, but Tam's not so bad, if'n you get used to that laugh of hers. She likes me, I'm meaning, liked me, but I had no want to explain what I go for, so I just put it up all stoic, you know. We made heading with feet for our potemporary station, out by the river, sun still lord in the sky. Esma knew the way and brooked no talk of pies on the waterfront. She knew all well what dallying would cost us. Wonder if she were looking out for me, or Tam, or her. Wonder if she would still harry us, knowing and all. Wasn't too hungry anyway, just figured we'd make a nice picture in our new coats and swords and a glimmering orange river. Esma wouldn't think so, not in a 2nd class coat. Glimmering. Like my brother's poems.

    We had to show papers to the Leftenant at the gate. I said to Tam, 'That's an omen like a witch howling.' She just laughed, which got me all bothered 'cus it wasn't a joke. Next, Watch wanted to know what was so funny, and Tam told him it wasn't his business. Turns out, 2nd class don't get to make that kind of shout. So that held us up a bit. Anyway. I cleaned up the cut with my canteen while we walked through Drapers. Can't fault the head on Esma's shoulders, she found our way to the waterfront station quick enough. Streets are pretty broad on that side of the Ward. Our potemporary Captain was waiting for us there, Captain Bronstone. He was not in a happy feeling, but still a sight cheerier than the Leftenant at the gate. We didn't explain the happenings of our trip, and he wasn't asking neither. Just told us to go meet the squad and let him finish his pie.

    I don't remember the names of the other ones. Never saw them again, any rate. We all went and sat at a closed cafe, but weren't quite in a good view of the river. Not like I pictured. Eels passed around, and not too bad at that, straight out of the tin. They were regulars at the Ward, and the talk was all how quiet the place was getting since the 'crash', though what crashed I didn't catch. The women made a game out of getting Esma to laugh, which got her heading off on her own all quick. I thought best to go after her, as our visiting squad's only member not scoffing eels. Tam was so funny when she ate.

    Esma whirled around the corner, trying a way away from the chatter and eyes. I followed, and we ended up marching into a real dark road. The buildings were all loomed, sun not even getting a look in at that hour. You could see the place was meant to be a real show, with these ginormous lamp signs, and plenty of lights on the street to shine in the customers. Now, though, most of the lamps had their glasses broken, and only half the good ones were switched on. I always wonder at how this city has so much of everything, but there are still places like that street, where nobody even cares to fix their special lamps. All the Gristols just say 'plague' and move on. And I guess I do. After all, I had the Captain of Ice to catch up with.

    Esma was looking through the window of one of the shops still open. It was like she was floating in a little pond of golden light, held lofty by her hand's pressure to the window. I walked over, but slowly, trying not to noise up with the heavy boots. For once, there was no flicking of the head at company's arrival, no angry flash of eyes. We just stood there, looking through the glass. A beautiful coat, all blue and a lining deep red like I don't know how to say. It really was something, framed by the little lamps inside. What it was about, I don't know, but I felt with her then. Years and years of grime clothes and grime beds and grime food in little tins. Never a coat like that, not in a hundred years of life that we'd never get. I thought of father's pasture in Morley. Home. My chest hurt.

    Then something thumped inside the shop, loud and heavy, upstairs. I looked up and Esma looked at me and I looked at Esma and then there was a scream and a door jumped off its hinges for somebody to cough and trip onto the balcony over our heads and fall over with a crunch. Esma went for her sword before I did. The only liv'un I'd even hit with mine was a rat, although we killed bigger on the farm. Even as the tip swang skyward, Esma was barging into the shop. If anything happens on patrol, they told us we should be with the squad. If we ain't with the squad and anything happens, they told us we're supposed to shout and run for the squad. Once we're with the squad, we follow Captain's orders, and we all go home. Esma did not shout, or run to the squad, or look for Captain Bronstone. So what's a supposed be done if some of the squad don't run for the rest? It took me a long time to figure in my head, but maybe not so long, 'cus Esma was only just pushing open the door when my mind made up.

    We both ran through the fineries, hoofing for the staircase up. So many colours in that room so damn quick I was almost sick, but not as sick as the smell upstairs. The stairs launched us into a dim tailor room, full of wear just nice as the coat, but half done. Didn't feel nice though, and the sniffing centre was clear. On the ground at the far wall, four little bodies, wrapped all in white. Almost a Dead Counter's job half done, but I knew Counter's don't leave them half done. A woman in nice clothes in the half-dark had her hands on her head and her eyes down, before we could ask. Blue light came from the balcony where the door had broken, and we went slowly into it.

    He was face down in a puddle of sick, staining his shirt ill. I'd been in Dunwall enough to know plague when I saw it, and I tightened my jacket around my nose and mouth, trying not to breathe dangerously. Esma just stared, poised with her sword at the ready. My sword wasn't high where it's meant to be in a fight. Far as I knew, there was no fight. Plague-mad scuffle and a dead tailor. Then he jolted up, coughing and wheezing, trying to get upright. I saw Esma almost fish him right there, but he got out a talk that stayed the sword. 'Help,' he were pleading, right to us, vomit dribbling out his mouth. We'd both seen the weepers, they what happen when plague gets in your brain, but weepers don't talk. That was help he called for, not a doubt. Then he lunged for Esma and a bomb let off next to me and the thing was over the edge of the balcony and I was on my knees pressing my ears like a beggar boy caught thefting in Rudshore. I almost toppled so my hands shot out and my eyes went up. The well-dressed woman had a pistol in hand, bullet fired, still pointing at where he had stood. Her jaw was down a little, her shoulders shaking, but that pose I knew. An officer's firing stance, struck perfect there on that crumbling street. Esma, in her way, stood silent and tall, weapon low. In the end, the pistol came down, and I got up. The woman fished out a little chit from a pouch, old and battered, but there was no mistake. Just the same as what ones Captains get. She looked at me. 'We all go home.'

    I think I will.

    submitted by /u/conscience1121
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    Is it me or anyone else also find playing as Emily the most boring and feel Corvo and Daud are more satisfying to play!

    Posted: 02 Apr 2020 01:25 AM PDT

    I recently finished my first playthrough of DH2 with Corvo and now playing with Emily in ng+! The first thing I noticed is I just don't enjoy playing her, don't get me wrong, her powers are amazing but I find myself using Blink and Dark Vision more often than Far Reach or Domino or any of her abilities. Secondly, I find Corvo interactions much more better than those of Emily's. I came to DH2 straight after playing D1 for hrs and I gotta say Emily feels really underwhelming to me compared to Daud and Corvo. Maybe that's because I spent hrs with Corvo and Daud so I'm attached with them and I really love their voice acting but I tried enjoying the game with Emily and just can't, I'm just rushing my Emily playthrough for getting the trophy and just can't wait to get back to Corvo! I would like to hear this sub thoughts on this, to me Corvo and Daud are just more satisfying.

    submitted by /u/Lolman-Lmaoman
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