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    Friday, June 26, 2020

    Dishonored Finally managed to get them all after a few weeks of trying during the lockdown! The trials definitely drove me a little crazy at times, but overall it was a lot of fun! Love this game series

    Dishonored Finally managed to get them all after a few weeks of trying during the lockdown! The trials definitely drove me a little crazy at times, but overall it was a lot of fun! Love this game series

    Finally managed to get them all after a few weeks of trying during the lockdown! The trials definitely drove me a little crazy at times, but overall it was a lot of fun! Love this game series

    Posted: 26 Jun 2020 06:15 AM PDT

    Everyone: the art in Dishonored is so good! Me:

    Posted: 26 Jun 2020 11:47 AM PDT

    Sometimes problems take care of themselves: I caused the Howlers and Overseers to battle it out

    Posted: 26 Jun 2020 02:06 PM PDT

    Just as I arrived at the Howlers' territory, a dust storm came up. I thought "Hey, I should knock out the guard standing right there at the entrance. No one will know!" He kept focus on me as I tried to get around him, then I bumped into the barbed wire fence. This caused me to lose some health but also triggered the Howler to get angry, which caused his buddies to come after me.

    I was in neutral territory, so just retreated down the stairs. The Howlers followed me! I ran further and they stayed on me. "Hmm, I wonder ..." I ran into the Overseers' area and the Howlers ran right in and they proceeded to kill each other! The one remaining Overseer chased me back to the Howler territory where another Howler came after me until she saw the Overseer.

    I checked the stats and discovered that I had zero kills recorded. Love that mayhem.

    submitted by /u/photolouis
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    Posted: 26 Jun 2020 10:22 AM PDT

    Had to go on public transport today, so I made a mask out of an old dishonored t-shirt I had

    Posted: 26 Jun 2020 08:58 AM PDT

    What do you think? (Please read)

    Posted: 26 Jun 2020 03:35 PM PDT

    (Possible spoilers from DOTO and KOD) This is going to be a long one so sit back and enjoy if you have the time. Topics: Shards of light The aftermath of the Outsider Possible future of the Dishonored series Shards of Light: So in the Knife of Dunwall DLC for Dishonored the Outsider tells Daud 'There are only 8 others like you bearing my mark' (not sure if that's word for word so consider that a paraphrase) now this is at the time when Corvo was the only other person we knew of with the mark so that makes 9 total ALIVE (keep that in mind). Fast forward to DH2 and we now have 10 (Emily) but that's not completely important right now; if we go all the way to the end of DH: DOTO (Billy never actually got the mark so she doesn't count) and we are in the center of the void with Daud and the Outsider's body. In that area you see shards of light as you first enter and make your way to the Outsider there are 20 plane shards but once you are at the center where you find Daud there are 8 shards of light with shattered remains of the people attached to them 1 of them being Daud (30 overall). Now here is where I draw my point, assuming the other 7 got there powers the same time as Daud it would make sense why they are all there at the same time, I assume once the Outsider brings you to the center of the void you slowly fade away into just a single shard of light (the 20 I mentioned earlier). The chronological ending for DOTO wasn't confirmed to my knowledge but let's look at the options: The aftermath of the Outsider: The Outsider dies: Daud made it sound like the void would collapse without the Outsider but Billy says it still remains so I assume its still there, Billy says "There is no one left to say who will and wont be touched by its magic." So the void can grant people powers and during the time of the Outsider HE called the shots and chose people but the Outsider is now dead so everyone except Billy SHOULD lose their powers (that or they will just have them until they die and end up like Daud) because their powers came from the Outsider himself and Billy's came from the void. The Outsider lives: The same is said by Billy when the Outsider lives except the Outsider knows who will receive powers and might be a helping hand in future games. But the point still stands, the Outsider is now human and not connected to the void so everyone with his mark SHOULD lose their powers. The possibilities of future games: Sequel's: As I said the Outsider could be a helping hand guiding the newcomers or if he's dead in sequel's then he cant (but Arkane usually makes the good endings cannon so he will probably be alive). For sequel's we might play as billy in new areas because she will have her powers or we could be new people with similar void powers like Billy. Or maybe the creation of a new Outsider would be a fun plot. Prequels: For prequels it would be really cool to explore the lives of the other 7 shards that we get to see in the void.

    submitted by /u/Gavenlee2003
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    All in one play (now it's time to try and get all the other achievements :D)

    Posted: 26 Jun 2020 08:22 AM PDT

    I remember making this in 2014 when I had just got the game (I was 10 at the time) Honestly looking back on it, I remember it looking WAY better than this

    Posted: 26 Jun 2020 08:55 AM PDT

    100% Completion Afterthoughts

    Posted: 26 Jun 2020 06:14 AM PDT

    100% Completion Afterthoughts

    Completion Time: 136 hours

    Wow. What a game. Never have I enjoyed the story and immersion of a game as much as I did in Dishonored. I don't think I've ever been so invested in characters, and to see all outcomes possible in such a storytelling.

    Because of that the replay value is just insanely high, and I think you'd all agree with me on that. So hunting the story-related achievements were a downright pleasure, and I didn't encounter much frustration (if any) in obtaining them.

    Dunwall City Trials (AKA 'The Monk-Level Tests of Patience & Perseverance')

    Oh mate, I loved and both hated this DLC. All but 3 achievements I got with relative ease I think. 'Relative ease' meaning within a day's worth of attempts.

    'Head Hunter', 'By My Hand Alone' and getting 3 stars on 'Bonfires (Elite)' were the most frustrating challenges I've ever come across in a video game.

    'By My Hand Alone' being the most difficult to me; it took about 2-3 days of around 2 hours' worth of attempts each day to achieve. The most frustrating part? Getting to high wave numbers with only 1 or 2 enemies missed, and then for the next few attempts, getting stuck on the first few waves again and again due to bad luck or positioning. Made me want to rage! I like to see solid progression, not the reversal.

    People seem to struggle a lot with the 'Daredevil' achievement, but I honestly didn't find it too frustrating once I had discovered all the trick jumps. They were quickly memorised, meaning I could do the challenge as normal and just incorporate the trick jumps as they became available. Getting 3 stars on the Elite version of that challenge? Whole different story. F*** the assassins, that's all I feel like saying.

    Accomplishing all those insane challenges gave me the most rewarding feeling I've received from a video game.

    Some of you will not be missed. You know who you are.

    I'm going to have a break from the Dishonored world for a few months, but after that I'll be wiping the dust off the untouched copy of Dishonored 2 that's been sitting in my library. How does it compare to Dishonored?

    submitted by /u/marmitepizza
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    should we gather for whiskey and cigars,tonight?

    Posted: 26 Jun 2020 04:31 PM PDT

    I rescued Vasco!

    Posted: 26 Jun 2020 04:23 PM PDT

    Dishonored role playing tools

    Posted: 26 Jun 2020 12:20 PM PDT

    I've been running a campaign using Dishonored role playing game, and I developed some tools that I would like to share.

    Let me know what you think and feel free to use them.

    GM tracking sheet.

    Scene Template

    How to create a scene.

    I also have some other tools and quick references. I am working on the GM screen where everything will be quickly accessible. Once I get this done, I'll share it as well.

    submitted by /u/Topican
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    Death Loop Possible Connection to Dishonored

    Posted: 26 Jun 2020 03:56 PM PDT

    In the trailer for Deathloop I couldn't help but notice it is almost EXACTLY like Dishonored but in the future. In the trailer the main character has some power that come from his LEFT hand but there seems to be no Outsider mark (this makes sense because the Outsider either died or isn't the Outsider anymore) so he must have gotten his powers from the void itself. That or the Outsider gave him powers by going to the future (because he is outside of time) and you cant see the mark because of the gloves but that would be ridiculous. Also in DH2 Emily (or Corvo) recieve a time peice from the Outsider allowing them to go back and forth through time; maybe somehow something similar happens in Deathloop but something goes wrong creating the whole loop in the first place. Thoughts?

    submitted by /u/Gavenlee2003
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    The Void God

    Posted: 26 Jun 2020 03:37 PM PDT

    Can someone please elucidate the story of the fallen god to me? Ik that Billy has the eye of him but other than that I dont know his origin or how he died (fell).

    submitted by /u/Gavenlee2003
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    Current state of dishonoured

    Posted: 26 Jun 2020 03:34 PM PDT

    I was thinking of purchasing dishonoured 2 in the steam sale, I heard it still has a fair few fps issues so I was wondering with my relatively high end pc, could I still run it properly, good ryzen 5 3600 and a gtx 1070 with 16 GB of ram?

    submitted by /u/legend31770
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    You can keep the heart in the final mission

    Posted: 26 Jun 2020 09:07 AM PDT

    Future of this wonderful franchise

    Posted: 26 Jun 2020 08:46 AM PDT

    I love these games and I was wondering recently what the future of this franchise will be. Will there be a Dishonored 3?

    submitted by /u/Real_Normal
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    What decisions did you make in D2 and why?

    Posted: 26 Jun 2020 02:03 AM PDT

    I like to roleplay a bit in any game that will allow for it. In my recent game, I've been playing as Emily in high chaos. I've been stealthy, for the most part, but I have no qualms about murdering grand guard personnel in my way. The logic is that they are corrupt and aided in the duke's coup, so killing them will ultimately help Emily retain power once the throne is regained since they can be replaced with more loyal guards.

    • Ramsey: I killed him and most of the soldiers in the level. They were directly responsible for the coup and killed loyalist guards and a lot of civilians.

    • Hypatia: I saved her. Emily wants her throne back but she's not a psychopath. Hypatia is a good person who was just as much a victim of Delilah's schemes as Emily was.

    • Jindosh: I killed him. Sparing him may have been more satisfying but I was trying to ghost his mansion and get the achievement where you kill him without him knowing you're inside, and the patrolling clockwork soldier likely would have spotted me if I had tried for the non-lethal route

    • Ashworth: I stripped her of her powers and killed 5 or 6 of her witches. Without her connection to Delilah and the void, she's pretty harmless.

    • Paolo and Byrne: I killed Paolo and most of his gang and brought the body to Byrne. To be honest, I think this is the hardest choice in the game as there is no "right" answer. My justification is that Byrne is the evil I know and in game notes show that he's suspicious of Delilah and the Duke, and loyal to Emily. This loyalty will come in handy later for securing Emily's rule and despite Emily and Corvo being a heretic, a powerful Abby will be helpful in the fight against Delilah and cleaning up her mess. With Paolo, I don't inherently dislike him, but it doesn't seem wise to have a populist gang running the city. It could be hard to control. And yes, I know you can kill them both or ship them off or leave them alone and have Corvo as duke, but we'll just pretend Emily couldn't crack the code to Stilton's manner on her own.

    • Stilton: I saved him and ghosted the past to not mess up the future. He's a good man who can do a lot of good for Karnaca. Plus, it saves Billie's arm, which is nice, because I'm going to replay DotO next.

    • Duke Luca Abelle: I killed him and about half of his guards. Fuck that guy. Also, I'm not sure that I trust his body double to rule competently so I didn't do the switcheroo

    • Delilah: killed her. She's too powerful to let live, and she's already escaped her painting once. I'm not sure if Emily knows about the events of The Knife of Dunwall or Brigmore witches, but still, a vengeful Emily would probably want any threat to her rule eliminated. I killed most of her witches as well.

    submitted by /u/Icydawgfish
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    Is it just me or is the difficulty in dishonored 2 way more than in the first one?

    Posted: 25 Jun 2020 05:40 PM PDT

    I just started Dishonored 2 after beating the first one, and having done the first mission so far, I wonder, did anyone else have a lot more trouble? I played the first game on normal, but after starting this one on normal, I was constantly getting detected, and being forced to slaughter every enemy, I turned a few of the custom settings, and even then it didn't help much. I feel like the enemies have a 180 degree field of vision, and as soon as I enter it and before I can do anything, the white bar is almost entirely full. Is it just that the first level doesn't have many ways around enemies or what?

    submitted by /u/Groundbreaking-Hand3
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    A poll for dishonored games

    Posted: 25 Jun 2020 08:46 PM PDT

    So I finally I got the 3 star from oil drop(from the dunwall city trails dlc) and I have to ask...does anyone actually use the Gun?(either from any game or dlc)

    Posted: 25 Jun 2020 10:16 PM PDT

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