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    Monday, July 13, 2020

    Dishonored I am not a trophy hunter, I just enjoy stealth games and I am very proud of this. Amazing game!

    Dishonored I am not a trophy hunter, I just enjoy stealth games and I am very proud of this. Amazing game!

    I am not a trophy hunter, I just enjoy stealth games and I am very proud of this. Amazing game!

    Posted: 13 Jul 2020 02:03 AM PDT

    [OC] Karnaca Animated Wallpaper

    Posted: 13 Jul 2020 01:59 PM PDT

    My favourite moment from the games

    Posted: 13 Jul 2020 07:12 AM PDT

    According to the rules of bend time, Corvo's hands should be absolutely destroyed

    Posted: 13 Jul 2020 02:15 AM PDT

    So bend time, yeah? You activate it, time stops, projectiles stop mid air. You walk up to the captain that just fired a gun at you, and grab his bullet mid-air, and add it to your inventory. On the other hand, YOU could fire a bullet, then walk forward, and the bullet would go forward into wherever it was going. Makes sense. Anything Corvo interacts with during Bend Time behaves normally. This is why there are still kill animations for finishers during bend time, and you don't just shove a blade into a completely still body. That being said, when you go to grab a bullet out of the air, the bullet should interact as it would in real time, travelling at 1700 mph, right through his hand. But of course it doesn't, because video game logic

    submitted by /u/GeomazingArts
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    when you fail and succeed simultaneously

    Posted: 13 Jul 2020 12:09 AM PDT

    An Open Letter to Arkane, about Dishonored 3 (kind of)

    Posted: 13 Jul 2020 10:48 AM PDT

    In this post, I would like to give you the text of a letter (an e-mail, technically) that I plan to send to Arkane, about my idea for Dishonored 3. As you will soon read, my idea was to explain my idea in terms of how it would be good for fans, but also why it would be a good financial decision. i think both of these pieces are important. Although I am writing about Dishonored 3, I am also advocating that they split the game up in an admittedly unusual way, similarly to Io Interactive's Hitman (No Subtitle). This section of the post will not be in the actual letter. I encourage you to upvote this to demonstrate support, but if you do not like my idea, please do not downvote, as that would be taking away support. I have decided to put this letter here first, because I believe that this is the most dedicated Dishonored community, and I would like to see if support for my idea actually exists before I tell Arkane that it does. Also, sorry for the wall of text. I hope it's an interesting read, if nothing else. Also, if you would like to improve my letter, feel free to share pointers, and I will try to edit as much as possible.

    Dear Arkane Studios,

    I write to you today as a fan. However, I am an impatient fan, in multiple ways. I am hugely excited for Deathloop, your upcoming release. Many fans have theorized that Deathloop is a spiritual sequel to Dishonored. In the original Dishonored, the save system encouraged many players to reset levels after making a mistake, learning the level and it's intricacies after multiple attempts. It seems that in Deathloop, you've "canonized" this play style in a way, and on a much grander scale. However, this brings me to the topic of today's letter: an actual sequel to Dishonored 2. However, I, and many members of the community, realize that this could be a risky financial decision. Although I believe that you are some of the most dedicated and amazing game devs that exist, you still need to turn a profit.

    As such, instead of a contiguous story line for Dishonored 3, I believe that you should release somewhere between six and eight levels, each with a different character and miniature story. Each character would have a handful of unique void abilities. Some characters would have to be original, but some characters could be drawn from pre-existing Dishonored lore. For example, a level about Vera Moray/Granny Rags, a level about the lonely rat boy, or a level about the unnamed woman who can open locked doors without keys. Additionally, because of pre-existing lore, some powers could be re-used from other games. The Rat Boy, for example, would likely have some version of Devouring Swarm (from Corvo's power set). Additionally, according to the Dishonored 1 book entitled "The Outsider," the unknown woman "could see through the eyes of moths, and unlock a door or window latch from outside a house." I believe that seeing through the eyes of moths could be a translated version of possession. Additionally, although I am not a programmer, I am certain that unlocking any door or window without the key would be very easy to implement into the game. Additionally, one character could even be built without powers, instead opting for a variety of gadgets, almost like playing as Kirin Jindosh from Dishonored 2. I would personally love to see what gameplay Arkane Studios could take from a Jindosh-esque mechanical hand.

    With the picture drawn of how this game could be made, it is important to address how the game could be handled financially. As it stands at the time of writing, the non-discounted price for Dishonored 2 on Steam and GOG is 40 USD. That game is nine levels long. If you were to release this hypothetical episodic Dishonored game, at a length of eight levels, then it would likely also be priced at 40 USD. As such, my recommendation is that you release each level separately, each priced at 5 USD. This essentially means that avid Dishonored fans like myself are inclined to just buy it as though it were a 40$ Dishonored game, and newcomers to the series could dip their toes into what I am confident will be an excellent game for a lower price. Additionally, I myself sometimes struggle for money, and would greatly appreciate the opportunity to buy the game more slowly. I am extremely confident that this would be an effective tactic, and in fact, has already worked for Hitman, made by Io Interactive. In fact, by taking away certain parts of progression in between levels, each level could be built more in depth and focused around the unique powers of each individual protagonist character.

    Lastly, if I may, I would like to propose a name that I think is fitting. I anxiously await your announcement of "Dishonored: Outsider's Tales."

    Sincerely, u/baiyanathan

    submitted by /u/baiyanathan
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    How do I get to the Art Dealer/apartment? I've been trying to get to the apartment for hours now lol

    Posted: 13 Jul 2020 02:35 PM PDT

    I'm near the Golden Cat on the roof and so confused right now, trying to blink to the balcony haha

    submitted by /u/TheMajesticKnight
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    Have you read the dishonored novels als would you recommend them ?

    Posted: 13 Jul 2020 05:43 AM PDT

    I consider the stories in both games very mediocre, especially in Dishonored 2, but this game has one of my favourite narrative universes I know of, and I would like to know whether the novels manage to make use of it in a meaningful way. Thanks !

    submitted by /u/shingetsu-
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    Is it just me

    Posted: 13 Jul 2020 06:26 AM PDT

    Or do the controls feel better In dishonored 1? I've played every dishonored game and I have to say 1 and the dlc is definitely my favorite. But I never understood why until I started playing DOTO, it's the controls, they just feel weird and slow in the sequels especially looking around. Maybe it's just me but the gameplay feels faster and more fluid in 1.

    Also I play on PS4

    submitted by /u/NickWithAPulse2004
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    Request for Books with Atmospheres and Settings Similar to Dishonored

    Posted: 13 Jul 2020 02:34 AM PDT

    The setting and atmosphere of the Dishonored series are what really drew me into the games, which I'm sure is the case for many people on here. If anyone has found any novels that resemble the series in this regard, I'd be very grateful for some recommendations to read over whisky and cigars.

    Thank you in advance!

    submitted by /u/mistershedz
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    Far reach takedown

    Posted: 13 Jul 2020 03:52 AM PDT

    Just thought of something during my workday. Can you perform "aerial takedowns" by far reaching straight on top of an enemy??

    submitted by /u/SirNoblis
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    Doing Brigmore Witches in Low Chaos - Will I get a High Chaos ending if I kill everyone in the last mission?

    Posted: 12 Jul 2020 08:31 PM PDT

    By which I mean: does the last mission impact your ending in any way, or is it like in the main story, in that you Corvo can go all out in the last mission if you otherwise went non-lethal.

    (Not interested in achievements or anything - just wanna get a low chaos ending but have fun going lethal on this last mission of the DLC).


    submitted by /u/MarioMuzza
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    Someone can help?

    Posted: 12 Jul 2020 10:13 PM PDT

    Someone can help?

    I didn't killed anyone, but someone found a body who has been unconscious, even with this i got ghost and didn't kill anyone.

    my question is, this body will mess up with my clean hands trophy or to mess this up "enemies killed need to be 1 and unconscious body found doens't count"


    submitted by /u/Sweet_cold
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