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    Monday, July 20, 2020

    Dishonored This reminded me of Dishonored's art style, what do you think?

    Dishonored This reminded me of Dishonored's art style, what do you think?

    This reminded me of Dishonored's art style, what do you think?

    Posted: 20 Jul 2020 10:50 AM PDT


    Posted: 20 Jul 2020 03:37 AM PDT

    Something I found in prey

    Posted: 20 Jul 2020 01:11 PM PDT

    Although Daud has a lot of memorable moments, I think this is the most iconic one.

    Posted: 20 Jul 2020 01:34 PM PDT

    Looks like it could be somewhere in the dust district

    Posted: 20 Jul 2020 03:33 PM PDT

    The only 2 things that makes me rage in the first dishonored

    Posted: 20 Jul 2020 11:01 AM PDT

    I play back alley brawl on PS3 pretty regularly as dishonored is one of the few games I actually have. I've completed all the different playthroughs and challenge playthroughs (save for no power, ghost, kill all) and lasted over an hour of back alley brawl on expert, by far my favorite game.

    Anyway these 2 things are There's a glitch or something that gets me killed in back alley brawl all the time, when drop assassinating a tallboy I just die the moment I touch the ground, even when at full HP

    2nd is in an intense fight, I'll go to switch to pistol and just before I go to press the button, will get shot from behind or the weeper starts puking, my HP drops just enough to switch that button from pistol to quick heal, then thrown off my rhythm I get dog pounced or something. That needs a toggle option

    submitted by /u/MEKK-the-MIGHTY
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    The outsiders curse�� tons of glitches

    Posted: 19 Jul 2020 06:22 PM PDT

    Are there other sources of magic in the Dishonored world?

    Posted: 19 Jul 2020 08:50 PM PDT

    I'm currently doing research into the lore of dishonored to prepare for a dishonored RPG game. I had been wondering if there were other sources of magic than the void/outsider, and I stumbled upon the wiki page for "the world". On this page I found it said that the outsider is not the only source of magic and that "Being marked by the Outsider is not a prerequisite to harnessing the great forces of magic. There are others in the world who are capable of using magic through alternative means, granted their abilities are typically more specialized and less varied."

    There are, however, no sources for this and I have been unable to find any other references to other magic in the lore. I would be greatly interested in finding other sources already in the lore to add more intrigue to my game, especially for those that are already familiar with the world/lore so that they don't feel like they already know everything there is to know in this world.

    submitted by /u/GraphyteHippo
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    Refusing the Outsider’s Mark

    Posted: 20 Jul 2020 02:17 AM PDT

    Is it possible to refuse the outsiders mark and get a ghost achievement? It never seemed viable to me. And not just ghost, but a lot of other achievements seem downright impossible without powers (and I'm not talking about power-centric achievements)

    submitted by /u/whythehellnotabc
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    About the 2nd game main antagonist. DO NOT READ IF YOU HAVENT PLAYED IT

    Posted: 19 Jul 2020 07:46 PM PDT

    Am I missing something here or Delilah was truly a victim and not even close as accountable of her evil deeds as other objectives.

    1st, she was an unrecognized child and was neglected and manipulated by his father in one of the most cruel ways. I get that for political reasons he couldnt openly recognize her as his daughter with all the things that involves, but what about giving her and her mom a good life elsewhere?

    2nd, the accident with Jessamine was handled in an ridiculous way. How come the emperor would allow one of his daughters to be thrown in the streets without any financial help for breaking materials things.

    3rd she had to see her mother get ill and watch her die without being able to help her for financial reasons.

    4th because of all those traumatic experiences obviously she's not well and wouldnt be a good candidate for superpowers but the outsider marks her just for the lulz

    Yeah yeah I know she grew into a evil wicked being but I dont think it would have been her choice if she didnt lost her mind due to all the crap she has been through.

    She was dishonored.

    submitted by /u/gusbelmont
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    The royal conservatory non lethal: What?

    Posted: 19 Jul 2020 10:13 PM PDT

    Title. So I was working my way through the level, and along with the obj markers being buggy as shit, it just seemed to end. Like I got the lenses, put them into the machine, and when I pulled the switch, figuring it would finally fufill the objective "learn how the witches are controlling the prophet overseer folks" it teleported the target onto the middle of the thing, and zorped her powers away with no explanation.

    Maybe it was because my obj markers were bugged and only really updated on a few, namely helping the shop keeper and the fact that I had eliminated the target sucessfully, I don't know how the thing I did resulted in the thing that happened. I have never had that with a dishonored level before, and I listened to the conversation between her and delilah, not that that updated anything it just fufilled the side objective without actually updating it.

    So. What did I miss. How does this thing take witches powers and, almost more importantly, where the hell is it in the level that it says this because I had legit no idea that pulling that lever was going to result in the targets elimination.

    submitted by /u/Dovahkiin419
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    Dishonored 2 crashes before title screen.

    Posted: 19 Jul 2020 09:39 PM PDT

    Hey, I bought the game and would really like to play it, but I can't make it to the title screen without the game freezing and ultimately closing without any error. I've tried most solutions I found on internet:

    -Verify game files

    -Disable Cloud saving

    -Disable Steam/Nvidia overlay

    -Updating my drivers

    -Rebooting my computer

    -Execute as administrator

    -Delete config file

    -Modify config file

    -Exectute with Windows 7/8 compatibility

    -Pressing Alt-Enter before the crash

    -Lowering my screen resolution

    And I'm probably forgetting one or two more. It's getting a bit annoying and I'm running out of idea, does anyone know anything I could do? I really wanna play the game

    submitted by /u/jijigri
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    Getting a large Dishonored chest tattoo

    Posted: 19 Jul 2020 05:42 PM PDT

    Some background first: I wanted a chest tattoo that was mostly determined by the artist. I went into the shop and talked to the artist who did another one of my tattoos really well. It's on my forearm so it's pretty small.

    When I was talking to him, he asked what I was into and gave the examples that he's into games, anime, and TMNT. So I told him I was into games (a lot of them). Since I already have a tattoo commemorating my favorite game, God of War 2018, I went with my close second favorite, Dishonored. We talked it out and he found some pictures on google that he wanted to use.

    So, the design idea as of yesterday is Corvo and Emily (with their masks on) kinda facing each other with metal and rats coming out from the sides toward my arms. He said that I could contact him with any other things that might be good to add.

    I knew I was missing some important things, so I played a mission in the first game again and remembered Bone Charms so I found the models from the second game and sent them to him.

    I'm curious if anyone else here has suggestions on things that would go well in the tattoo. I probably won't send all suggestions, but I want to show a lot of the universe/games. I feel like I'm lacking stuff from Dishonored 2 specifically.

    TL;DR: I'm getting a big Dishonored chest tattoo and I'm looking for more things I could include in it.

    submitted by /u/Dogrules23
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    The solid landing charm.

    Posted: 19 Jul 2020 08:57 PM PDT

    So I'm rootin and tootin my way through the conservatory when I see a black bone charm pop up on my heart radar thing near me. "Great" I think, this will be interesting. I got Solid landing which, to quote the in game tool tip and the wiki's only text on it, does the following

    Falling from a significant height creates a shockwave on impact affecting nearby enemies and objects.

    TLDR: the actual fuck does this even mean?

    In a game where there's this focus on stealth and I would really like to know what my shit does ahead of time, IN ADDITION to the wild split in terms of desired outcome when doing shit to adversaries between high and low chaos runs, I would love to know how I am going to "affect" my enemies with my actions, not just that my action s will affect them.

    submitted by /u/Dovahkiin419
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