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    Monday, January 4, 2021

    Dishonored Scrapped concept for throwing knives in D2!

    Dishonored Scrapped concept for throwing knives in D2!

    Scrapped concept for throwing knives in D2!

    Posted: 04 Jan 2021 09:24 AM PST

    The best way into Lady Boyle's party

    Posted: 03 Jan 2021 11:01 PM PST

    How to bust someone out of prison 101

    Posted: 04 Jan 2021 07:29 AM PST

    Just a bit of a trick I haven't been able to pull off since

    Posted: 03 Jan 2021 05:47 PM PST

    First play though and I speed run the mf without intending to I'm kinda proud of myself

    Posted: 04 Jan 2021 08:23 AM PST

    Is anyone else curious how/why Daud allowed Sokolov to paint his portrait?

    Posted: 04 Jan 2021 01:21 AM PST

    Just a random thought, lmao. When you come across it in the first game inside the art dealer's apartment, I always found it interesting. I mostly just wanna know what the request was like, or if it was a chance encounter, or one of them paid the other.

    submitted by /u/SteelButterflye
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    "I'll write to her again. She has to see reason." - What's the backstory behind this guard's repeated line?

    Posted: 04 Jan 2021 12:18 PM PST

    I beat Dishonored 1 recently and that guard's line is stuck in my head. It doesn't help that they only have 3 lines throughout the whole game with variations of "yes" as responses. But it made me wonder - what is this guard's backstory? And why does he sound like James Spader?

    Is the woman he's writing to angry at him for being in the military? What "reason" can this man supposedly give her to change her mind? I'd love to hear some made up backstories.

    submitted by /u/Qweerz
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    Dishonored 1 DLC Survivor | Round 3

    Posted: 04 Jan 2021 09:28 AM PST

    Next to be eliminated is A Stay of Execution for Lizzy! That means both missions featuring levels from Dishonored 1 are out - not much support for rehashed maps it seems. Can't say I disagree with the sentiment, this was my choice this round. I did enjoy going back to Coldridge but the level was quite short and not too much changed from the first jaunt through Coldridge, just better security and a new cell block. The Overseer disguise was a great addition that really changed the dynamic, harkening back to Lady Boyle's Last Party by hiding in plain sight. But it always got a little buggy for me, a few times guards would attack me despite me not being in an off-limits zone nor seeing/knowing of any downed guards. Overall though it just doesn't compare to the remaining levels in my opinion.

    Onto the next one! I have an idea of what might go next, I've got quite an easy choice for my next victim...


    How it works:

    Each round, you vote for your LEAST favorite mission from the options available. After 48 hours I'll close voting, and eliminate the most voted mission, then we'll go again with the remaining missions, voting for least favorite each time, until only 1 remains and is crowned the community's favorite mission in the DLC.

    Missions still standing:

    • A Captain of Industry
    • Eminent Domain
    • The Dead Eels
    • Delilah's Masterwork

    Eliminated mission:

    • The Surge, 66.7%
    • A Stay of Execution for Lizzy, 55.6%
    submitted by /u/-Raid-
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    An incredible detail I noticed recently

    Posted: 04 Jan 2021 05:06 AM PST

    An incredible detail I noticed recently

    If you drink Gristol's cider near Campbell when he is being painted at the very beginning of Dishonored, then the bottle will not appear in the final portrait found in Campbell's secret room during mission 2 !


    submitted by /u/SwaRouille
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    [Shower Thought] A spinoff of the dishonored series where the main story of said game is coop?

    Posted: 04 Jan 2021 05:01 AM PST

    I've been thinking alot lately about how to spice up or add to the already wonderful gameplay of the dishonored series. And it crossed my mind! What would a 2-player/coop dishonored play like?

    Story-wise: (I think the following statements can be improved upon) I imagine it to take place to a different island other than karnaca and or dunwall. Somewhere far away yet still in the isles. You play as two young mercenaries (who can be twins idk) who were both marked by the outsider for usual reasons to see how two young and "new to the world" mercenaries would use it. and it also takes time in between dishonored 2 and the death of the outsider. There isn't really a main "objective". It's more of a "self-discovery" journey with the two mercenaries as they discover how corrupt and evil a part of the world truly is. And how they want to approach it.

    Gameplay-wise: (I also think more can be added here) I'm honestly satisfied with dishonored 2's mechanics in the gameplay side of things. (the addition of more stealth options, more mobile movement, and such)

    What I would personally change more are the obstacles and levels that the two mercenaries would conquer. Maybe a few puzzles that require both players to overcome, Different enemy types that are designed to force players to cooperate, limiting the number of powers on both players, more powers that benefit with another power that is only found from another player. Also having the capability to use some of the old powers from previous installments. I also want to add a mechanic where you can share your elixirs with your buddy and being able to trade bonecharms to one another. With the runes, I would personally feel like it'll be better for all of the following rune locations to have two runes to be distributed to both players.

    tldr: I just really want to see how people would come up with creative AND cooperative ways of handling through levels.

    Conclusion: Imagine your buddy grabbing a specific enemy from a group using far reach whilst you wait for the enemy to go in the air and stop time to stick a spring razor in their head. Your buddy then proceeds to shoot an arrow on the said enemy (for good measure) and you continue time and watch as the said enemy drops from above with a trap in their head killing everyone below. I WANT TO DO THAT FOR REAL.

    submitted by /u/janrein123
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    I have a noticed some small details of the game ( contain much story spoilers )

    Posted: 03 Jan 2021 10:50 PM PST

    1. There are random chances that the NPC will do something unexpectedly. Like once I brought a corpse to Mindy, and some guards were running after me. Then when I come there, Mindy was using magic to stop 3 of the guards. I have never expected her to do that, so I replay that many times but Mindy now get killed so easily. Or like when Jindosh confront you in front of a glass door, but he forgot to lock it like in this clip. Most of the times the door is locked
    2. Delilah will not be affected by your spells, since she's a witch. I've noticed this when I play the last mission of D2 at the Throne Room. I use the secret passage to get there, and then teleport up to the statue head where you can see Delilah sitting at the throne. Then I use the Blink which is upgrade to make time stop to teleport. Now only her dogs affected by the spells, but she's still walking even through the time is stopped
    3. Unlike Dishonored 1, Dishonored 2 don't count the indirect kills so strictly. Like I once sleep dart a guard on my way to bring a corpse. He become asleep and fell into the river and the fishes ate him. I was worried if this would affect my Clean Hands run, so I checked the stats and it said 0 kill
    4. Game will allow you to kill Meagan Foster and/or Anton Sokolov at Mission 9. This mission, Meagan will admit that she is Billie Lurk and had helped Daud killed the Empress on that day. You can either choose to forgive her or call her a monster. No matter what you choose, you can kill her and then bring to Sokolov. Sokolov will cry his eyes out. Or if do the opposite, Meagan will stand in shock and do literally nothing at all
    5. If there are more, please write it down the comments. I found this topic really interesting ;)
    submitted by /u/swazer_t21
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    Why did the Loyalists take out Burrows' backers first instead of just going for him directly?

    Posted: 03 Jan 2021 07:00 PM PST

    Dishonored 2 2nd playthrough without Objecive Markers!

    Posted: 03 Jan 2021 09:08 PM PST

    So I'm almost about to finish dishonored 2 for the second time on a new game + as Emily, played the first time as Corvo(my favorite) as I love Stephen Russell coz of Garrett from Theif!

    This time turning off the objective markers gave me a whole new experience and I found many places and secrets that I previously missed or simply ignored. For my 3rd playthrough would anyone like to suggest any more options I can tweak to get an even awesome experience??


    submitted by /u/rtthatbrownguy
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    How does getting detected or alerted counts ?

    Posted: 04 Jan 2021 03:55 AM PST

    So sometimes I hear the guards make the noise of seeing me and it gets a short blink of red over their head but they dont come after me and they say It must have been rats or something . Does that count as being detected . And also the phrase we got a prowler on the loose ( I heard this after passing the wall of light undetected and the guard had nothing to detect yet his sword was in his hand like he was hunting . Does that count as detected?

    submitted by /u/arditjaha
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    Wel rip.

    Posted: 04 Jan 2021 02:08 AM PST

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