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    Tuesday, June 1, 2021

    Dishonored Today, I learned that you can pick up fish and throw them with Daud's ''Pull'' ability.

    Dishonored Today, I learned that you can pick up fish and throw them with Daud's ''Pull'' ability.

    Today, I learned that you can pick up fish and throw them with Daud's ''Pull'' ability.

    Posted: 01 Jun 2021 12:40 PM PDT

    Feck yeah

    Posted: 01 Jun 2021 12:26 AM PDT

    Animatic (WIP) - Daud and the Outsider

    Posted: 01 Jun 2021 03:40 PM PDT

    How do you do, fellow low chaos players?

    Posted: 01 Jun 2021 11:18 AM PDT

    I live in a town that shares some architectural similarities with Dishonored. I was never interested in Victorian-era architecture until Dishonored. But I just want to live in Dunwall! (Carrickfergus & Whitehead, Northern Ireland)

    Posted: 01 Jun 2021 01:34 AM PDT

    Expanded Universe

    Posted: 01 Jun 2021 03:55 PM PDT

    Okay so I know that the author Adam Christopher has released a few different novels as part of the expanded Dishonored universe, but what is the order I should read them in? Or does it even matter? I have The Corroded Man right now and didn't know if that's technically first, or what?

    submitted by /u/SpiderFox525
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    Dishonored 1 and Chaos level question.

    Posted: 01 Jun 2021 05:28 PM PDT

    So, I started playing Dishonored a while back, but I stopped playing because it seemed like I was heading for a bad ending (based on posts I have read), and I guess that bothered me. But, i have recently finished playing Prey, so i thought that I would jump back in to Dishonored and finish it up.

    I think it is called Chaos level (it's been a while). Anyway, despite the fact that I go through missions taking people down rather than killing them, I still end the mission with High Chaos, and I'm not sure why. Sometimes I have to kill someone, but I would think that the number of stealth take downs should counteract the number that I kill.

    To be honest, I'm not sure if I even have to worry about it, since nobody has said anything to me about being too violent. In fact, they usually just compliment me on the good job I did. How do I tell when I am crossing/have crossed the line?

    Should I be concerned about my high chaos mission endings? Why am I getting high chaos endings when I go out of my way to take down people with stealth? Should I just give up on getting a good ending and just kill everyone? I kind of want to do that, if I an going to get a bad ending anyway. Why do they design a game with so many ways to kill people then punish you, story wise, for using them? I'm not upset, or anything, it just seems odd.

    submitted by /u/Shadozer
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    Dishonored Characters

    Posted: 01 Jun 2021 08:32 AM PDT

    So, obviously with death of an Outsider. We see the end of the giver of powers. Atleast the mark. However, Like with D1s DLC playing as Daud, D2 playing as Billie. Knowing how everything is and how the series took off. What would you guys like to see. For example, knowing that Delilah and Daud could lend their powers to their subordinates. Wouldnt the continuation of ones story be possible? Maybe some ex Lieutenant in Dauds whalers again. Maybe Emily has a son who takes up in her footsteps and learns the ways of Corvo and Emily but finds himself elsewhere across the continent but crosses pathes with an Ex whaler who may teach him more powers. Maybe he learns about past enemies like brigmore witches and learns their craft. Maybe he now uses the powers and equipment of Corvo and the Whalers. Maybe he can learn witchcraft. Maybe he finds someone to take Jindoshes Ideas and make them superior. Im not sure i just like thinking about what a Dishonored 3 would give us, if it were to come.

    submitted by /u/NelidaNajera
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    Question on Powers menu

    Posted: 01 Jun 2021 04:59 PM PDT

    I am playing Brigmore Witches on PC. I push J to get into the Journal & when I go on Powers I see the powers like Void Gaze, Blink etc and at the bottom of the screen I see the title Enhancements but I can't figure out how to get "down" to it. I've tried the arrows buttons. I've tried mouse wheel scroll & Tab. Driving me crazy. How do I access it? Thanks

    submitted by /u/JagedNS
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    i hate my life.

    Posted: 01 Jun 2021 02:41 AM PDT

    Credits to Outsider_Voidboi on instagram for this "MASTERPIECE"

    Posted: 01 Jun 2021 12:23 AM PDT

    Hearting Delilah

    Posted: 01 Jun 2021 03:52 PM PDT

    So, for a while I was bummed out thinking that it was not possible to heart Delilah because by the end of the game the heart had Delilah's Spirit and not Jessamine's.Until I found out you can actually heart Delilah in "A Crack in the Slab" at the ritual, Jessamine says a lot of interesting stuff and implies that they aren't actually sisters but Delilah truly believes they are.

    If you are too lazy to open Dishonored 2 right now this link is a full video with all Delilah's heart lines.


    submitted by /u/KylXXn_
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    Dishonored 1 random key in barricade

    Posted: 01 Jun 2021 06:13 PM PDT

    I haven't played DH 1 for awhile but there's something I remembered that always bugged me In the Hound Pits Pub at one of the really tall barricades outside, if you use dark vision you can see a key there, and I don't know why there would be a key in a barricade that doesn't have any entrances I always tried jumping over the barricade or trying to find a way to the key, but it's a big barricade so yeah, didn't work out well

    submitted by /u/Valerie224
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    Anything I can do to improve the performance in Dishonored 2?

    Posted: 01 Jun 2021 06:00 PM PDT

    I got a 2060 and a Ryzen 5 2600. Game doesn't run horribly all the time but sometimes it drops down to 50s and drops hard. To compensate that I locked my FPS to 60 and lowered settings to high from ultra but it still randomly drops like crazy.

    submitted by /u/Paydyas
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    Posted: 01 Jun 2021 05:24 PM PDT

    So, I downloaded Dishonored 2 on PS Now through my PS3. I tried to open it and it had a lock next to it, and it wouldn't work when I opened it. I downloaded the game, so I should still have it, even if it was removed from PS Now, right? If so, then what's happening?

    Possible things I can think of right now are

    It's not working because Red Dead Redemption 2 is currently being downloaded

    Dishonored 2 was removed from PS Now

    submitted by /u/FishNamedWall
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    I have trouble activating adrenaline kill reliably

    Posted: 01 Jun 2021 06:56 AM PDT

    Ive followed the instructions, ctrl+left click, or ctrl+doubleclick for the next tier of skill. Problem is i rarely have it activated right at the time i want it. It's either:

    1. Too late, im already taking damage/dying

    2. Only activating 1 kill instead of double slash

    3. Doing double slash when i only want to kill 1 target

    What did i miss? I wanna practice outside combat but it seems i cant activate without targets around?

    Any tips on this? I'm playing dishonored 2 btw.

    submitted by /u/HeavyBlastoise
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    The Loyalist betrayal in Dishonored 1 makes no sense and it makes me unreasonably miffed

    Posted: 31 May 2021 10:56 PM PDT

    I'm not the first one to ever point this out, and I don't think many would consider the late game plot twist that the Loyalists would betray you the games strongest story beat. But after playing through the game again a few times the more I've thought about it and the more it annoys me.

    Though to be clear, in a high chaos playthough it makes way more sense. Everyone is bitter, paranoid, and distrustful already so it makes sense there would be a wild grab for power. Corvo, being the proven mass murder machine/or stupidly adept assassin with a massive emotion connection to the soon to be empress would be high up on your list of people to merc. That and the same theme is followed into the final level where all the Loyalists turn on one another.

    But in low chaos them betraying you makes no sense and the reasoning they give is similarly absurd. The one Havlock keeps bringing up is the need to cover their tracks, no one can ever know what they did and they'd be held accountable for it if it got out. But... there's no reason at all to think this. There was a coup, the empress was murdered and an illegitimate regency was established that in a low chaos run was already more than likely exposed as such to everyone. Having a counter coup to the original coup is well established in the realm of politics. Once people are getting assassinated and the political state gets this unstable pretty much anything goes. Not to mention that Corvo in low Chaos will explicitly have avoided mass carnage and murder that would be worthy of ire. To mention they'd end up the ones in charge! They'd own some of the strongest political positions in the country and have the good will of the now empress for the rest of her reign. Who in their right mind would try and come after them?

    Then comes the next arguement that they couldn't manipulate Emily if Corvo was around, but as said above they'd still be the three most powerful men in the country and have the trust of not just the Empress but the body guard they were worried about! Sure he wouldn't let them get away with everything but you'd think saving his life, helping him rescue his daughter, and put her back on the throne while also systematically getting revenge on every person that was responsible for turning on him would earn you a fair amount of good will.

    I really really think it could've been explained better, but as is it's nonsense.

    submitted by /u/Snoubalougan
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    Redundant weapons/powers and useless bonecharms?

    Posted: 31 May 2021 08:23 PM PDT

    I'm currently working on a sort of randomizer ruleset for the game, where you get assigned a limited number of weapons, powers, enhancements, and bonecharms from New Game+, and then play through the game with only those things available, and not upgrading or using anything else. However, I'm looking to exclude the possibility of redundant weapons abilities, such as stun mines/springrazors or grenade/sticky grenade. Members of those pairs occupy a similar design space to each other, and while there are differences, I think it would lead to a boring game if someone were to roll functionally very similar abilities. I'm also curious about what bonecharms people like to use. Some seem generally useless or just not that fun, and so I'm not sure it's worthwhile to include them in the randomizer (such as Blast Resistant or Tricky Timing).

    But I want to know what the community thinks about these, as maybe I've misjudged them or otherwise not properly considered their use cases. So I've created a survery here to ask about several powers/abilities that are redundant and which bonecharms people think are useless and should be excluded from the list. I've also included a section where you can list black or corrupt bonecharms, but I'm not sure if you can even start with those in NG+ so I'm trying to figure out how I can include them or if I should.

    submitted by /u/AprioriTori
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    Newest challenge run finished, only touched the main targets, nonlethal (Jindosh didnt count as a knockout for some reason)

    Posted: 31 May 2021 05:49 PM PDT

    So do you think Havelock was really...

    Posted: 31 May 2021 09:10 PM PDT

    Trying to trick you into letting down your guard so he can attack you at close quarters? Some people think it's a glitch since he will let you go if you snatch it immediately. But I actually think his pacifism is the actual glitch, since the surprise normally be a clever strategy and he's desperate enough to try it. I can't see him just giving up.

    (I wish he was a better opponent though. Pull out some bone charms, dude!)

    submitted by /u/KingKosmos
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