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    Saturday, July 24, 2021

    Dishonored Eye of the Dead God in real life

    Dishonored Eye of the Dead God in real life

    Eye of the Dead God in real life

    Posted: 24 Jul 2021 05:40 AM PDT

    "I have watched the world for four thousand years. Can you even imagine that length of time? If you could, it would drive you from your senses."

    Posted: 24 Jul 2021 11:11 AM PDT

    The void was not merciful, but after 78,5 hours I've managed to 100% complete Dishonored 1, thus completing the entire saga (Dishonored 1 + 2 +DotO)

    Posted: 24 Jul 2021 08:44 AM PDT

    Foul Queen - Dishonored 2

    Posted: 24 Jul 2021 07:58 AM PDT

    Corvos stealth assassination mission in London appears to have failed..

    Posted: 24 Jul 2021 07:34 AM PDT

    Video Game Recipes: Rosewater Jelly

    Posted: 24 Jul 2021 03:05 PM PDT

    Video Game Recipes: Rosewater Jelly

    (As a video game nerd who's also a fan of food history, enjoy an earlier edition of my Video Game Cooking series, featuring Dishonored! Originally posted on Tumblr, all hyperlinks have been removed to get past reddit's spambots.)



    'Razina Rosewater Jelly' - for the distinguished gourmand looking to satisfy a sweet tooth. This food item doesn't actually exist in-game. It's one of the few that were conceptualized, but didn't make it in Dishonored 2. It's a shame, because it looks very pretty, and would be a sight for sore eyes after all those dirty cans of jellied eels and whale meat.

    Dishonored has a surprisingly large amount of food lore. Which I'm very happy about. The player character can heal by vacuuming up the many foods left lying in the dirty streets, Amongst these foods include; loose fruit, canned seafood, roast rats, and bottles of various alcohols. Characters talk about regional cuisine, and express their feelings about various dishes.

    But for my 'video game cooking' series, it's this jarred jelly that caught my eye. Other items seemed pretty self-explanatory, like plain flatbreads and brined fish. Not only that, but all named foods are packaged in setting-appropriate cans and tins and bottles, which implores me to replicate the packaging as well as the food. Finding a plague-tinted can for jellied eels is harder than a simple mason jar for this rosewater jelly.

    Thing is - the name 'rosewater jelly' is also self-explanatory. For those familiar with jelly recipes, all you need is gelatin and flavoring to make a jiggly desert. Rosewater is simply water seeped with rose petals in a particular process, creating a solution with an aromatic taste. Rosewater has a huge food presence throughout West Asian history. The current western world has only recently caught onto the rosewater trend.

    So if I was particularly blasé, I'd tell you to get flavorless gelatin powder, a bottle of rosewater, and mix it all together with water and sugar and pink food coloring. Boom - rosewater jelly.

    But we're here to have fun, and that means making a complicated jelly desert within a vintage-packaged mason jar! So for flavoring, we're getting our grocery store rosewater and flavorless gelatin. We're also going to add special ingredients inspired by Dishonored's setting.

    Dunwall's an obvious British Isles/Germany dupe, with its Gothic/Victorian/Art Nouveau clothing and architecture, and the name; "dun" being Old English. Serkonos (a neighboring country and the setting of Dishonored 2), on the other hand, is some weird amalgamate of south Europe (Italy, Greece, Portugal) and middle America (Cuba, the Caribbean).

    (In Dishonored 1, the mission 'Lady Boyle's Last Party' features a large dinner table, piled high with food. There's a huge fish, a boar, and various cheeses, fruits, tarts, and giant jellies.)

    Some foods within the games are specifically exported from select countries. There's the Serkonan Blood Sausage, the Tyvian Potted Whale Meat, Morley Jellied Ox Tongue, and the Pratchett branded Jellies Eels that come from Gristol's Dunwall itself. Characters talk about how Serkonan food is too spicy, Gristol's food being gross, and Tyvian cuisine being ornate. We can get a general idea of what each foods are supposed to emulate.

    It's not said where Razina Rosewater Jelly originated. We have four regions to chose from (Gristol, Serkonos, Tyvia, and Morley), so we gotta narrow down the possibilities. Who would export rosewater-flavored jelly deserts in pretty jars?

    I think Gristol is out. Their favorite foods include fish, meat pies, and beer, which screams United Kingdom and there's no precedent for rosewater anything throughout Great Britain history. Tyvia gets closer, being a Russian approximate and boasting fancy wines. Morley has almost no in-game lore aside from being cold and full of tall blonde people, and Serkonos probably sits too far West for our Persian-based rosewater ingredient.

    The name 'Razina' also doesn't provide a solid answer. Googling results in sources from Lithuania, Croatia, and a girl's name from the Urdu dialect of Hindi - Urdu being a dialect with strong Persian influences.

    (The developers of the original Dishonored described the setting as \"the bubonic plague taking place during the Industrial Revolution\". Mass-produced and packaged foods have been a thing since before the Renaissance, but the cheap exploitative labor of the Industrial Revolution gave rise to brands like Kellog's, Ford, and the Boston Manufacturing Company.)

    So if no in-game region emulates a West Asian influence, then Tyvia is the closest we get for implied influence - Tyvia (probably) takes its inspiration from real-life Russia, so we can extend its reach down to Kazakhstan, Georgia, Turkey, and perhaps even Iran. All we know is; Tyvia's art is ornate, and it's a cold country. It fits.

    Therefore, our grocery list is gonna be including ingredients from these real-life cultures, to make our Razina Rosewater Jelly.

    Quick gelatin history; the squishy, translucent foodstuff can originate from many sources, such as kelp, meat, and bones. It's hard to isolate the connective goop into any substantial amount of gelatin to craft into a dish, making it an ingredient mostly upon the tables of the privileged. Dishonored can be said to take place during an industrial revolution, sharing the real-life production history of Jell-O's inception by using pressure cooking as a glue manufacturing byproduct. So we can claim that our Razina Rosewater Jelly is being mass-produced as a more affordable luxury.

    Me being an overachieving geek, I first considered buying beef bones and boiling it down to gelatin myself, to really make this recipe authentic. But after some research, I decided it would be way too difficult - not only does it take several days of complicated pre-pressure-cooker pressure cooking, but it will taste meaty and gross and salty. Powdered gelatin it is.

    For our other ingredients, we're going to get; red food coloring, saffron, egg whites, vanilla, and vodka. Because we're not just gonna make jelly in a jar, that's boring. We're making jelly mousse in a jar. That's more fancy and exciting, and fitting of its decadence.

    Our ingredients are; 1 cup of rosewater, 2 tablespoons powder gelatin, 2 tablespoons sugar, 1 egg white, a splash of vodka, and red food coloring. Along with some spices to emulate its fancy ~imported~ taste, such as saffron, vanilla, and perhaps agave nectar or mahlab.

    (Poor working-class meals of the European Industrial Revolution lived on a diet of bread and tea. Groceries were usually in various states of decay, and the lack of food safety laws made things worse. If a blue-collar worker wanted to try Razina Rosewater Jelly, they'd probably be shelling out five meals worth of money for one jar.)

    To begin, you'll mix together the rosewater and sugar with a small drop of red food coloring to make a pink, sugary solution. And this is also where I added a sprinkling of the spices and a drop of the vanilla. You can add more flavors to this base, such as blended fruit. The little hit of vodka is our fancy 'Tyvian' influence. I guess?

    Then, to the watery mix you'll add your gelatin and mix thoroughly.

    Setting that aside, we'll separate an egg to get our egg white. Taking a whisk, you'll whip the egg whites until its completely frothy with stiff peaks. It's not as hard as it sounds, and it'll take you perhaps three minutes at most.

    Finally, you're going to add the watery mix to your frothy egg whites, mixing until the mixture becomes a soft mousse texture. It's not gonna be a true mousse, its too watery for that. But the formula will have some thickness to it.

    Pouring it into your jar, you'll place that into the fridge to become a mousse jelly within one-three hours (depending on your serving sizes).

    And that's it! Once the jelly is set, you can pull out your jar and marvel at your Dishonored 2 desert. So delicious and sweet, it was too pure for the actual game.


    submitted by /u/millennium_fae
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    I cant wait :)

    Posted: 23 Jul 2021 04:18 PM PDT

    She Gave You Her Heart, and You Threw It Into the Void

    Posted: 23 Jul 2021 05:10 PM PDT

    Where did Delilah go wrong?

    Posted: 23 Jul 2021 11:45 PM PDT

    How did she aid in her own downfall & what would've been the best coarse of action to assure her success?

    submitted by /u/Nuclear-Nuggets
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    Dishonored 2: Haven't played since November, finished a level. Not spotted but one kill. Who did I kill?! I can't go back now, boooooo.

    Posted: 24 Jul 2021 03:18 PM PDT

    List of uses for things in the game(If there are any I missed or any I said anything incorrect please say what I missed or miss-said)

    Posted: 23 Jul 2021 08:33 PM PDT

    Sword: Can lethally strike, can block, can cause a distraction(this will be a really common thing), can stun an enemy

    Thrown items: Can lethally explode, can stun an enemy, can distract enemies, can knock out groups of enemies from afar

    Blink: Lets you avoid bright/loud spots, can stun an enemy, allows access to more areas, gets you to places faster

    Far reach: Can bring enemies or items to you, makes movement smoother

    Dark vision: Makes you see enemies and items to be seen through walls, lets you see in darker spots

    Wind blast: Can knock enemies non-lethally back for a lethal finisher or to get away, can knock down an enemy in front of a door, can knock down doors, can kill lots of enemies in a room, can overcharge a wall of light connected to a windmill to make it act like an arc pylon

    Mesmerize: Can distract enemies to go in for a kill or run away or knock out more enemies

    Bend time: Can be used to run through a wall of light or arc pylon unharmed, can line up for kills, can allow you to run through a crowd unseen

    Shadow walk: Allows for even more stealthy kills/knockouts, can go by guards

    Devouring swarm: can be used against a large amount of guards to distract them, can kill individually enemies without using up ammo, can be used with possession to go by guards

    Agility: Allows for higher jumping, makes jump+blink even better, can let you scale a building quicker than blinking/far-reaching

    Bloodthirst: Can be used for an easy kill or two, can be used to line up a ranged attack with the slow motion

    Reflexes: Can be used to be able to defend yourself against a pistol wielder, or redirect a bullet to another guard to then get away or go in for a kill, or use the slow-motion when an enemy spots you to line up a shot

    Shadow kill: Can be used to hide bodies without risk, or help in combat with blood flies

    Summon assassin: Can be used to kill guards or targets, or can be a get away distraction

    Pull: Can be used to pull enemies or items to you for a kill or knock out

    Arcane bond: Makes summoned assassins more efficient

    Displace: Can be used to teleport to inaccessible locations, and to kill enemies by teleporting in them

    Foresight: Can be used to explore a level without taking damage

    Semblance: Disguise as an NPC to get into normally inaccessible locations

    Bolts: Can be shot at the knee to stun an enemy and go in for the kill or knock them out, can be used as a silent ranged weapon, can shoot out whale oil tanks at longer ranges, can be used for a distraction

    Bullets: Can be used for a distraction, can shoot out whale oil tanks at shorter distances, can be used as a more powerful version of the crossbow

    Incendiary bolts: Can shoot out whale oil tanks at longer ranges, is most likely a kill against most enemies, can kill crowds of rats or blood flies quickly

    Explosive bullets: Can kill a few enemies in a crowd, can explode several whale oil barrels in one shot, is a very good distraction

    Grenades: Kill large crowds with more limbs cut out to use later, can be shot mid-air for better explosion placement

    Stinging bolts: Can remove enemies from a fight non-lethally

    Choke dust: A way to run away from a fight when necessary

    Sleep darts: Non-lethal ranged attacks, can knock out an enemy during combat

    Spring razor: If combined with bend time II you can place one on a body part or rat for a silent grenade-like projectile

    Stun mine: A non-lethal version of the spring razor

    Any item I didn't mention was because they were too similar to an item on the list

    submitted by /u/GalaxyZedZee
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    Question about the bonfires challenge (PC)

    Posted: 24 Jul 2021 03:54 AM PDT

    Does anybody know if the glitch that prevents the assassins from spawning in expert difficulty works in PC?

    submitted by /u/Zutroy_el_serbio
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    In the final mission, it says I need a lighthouse key to progress, I have scoured the map and restarted several times. How do I get this key?

    Posted: 23 Jul 2021 04:56 PM PDT

    In-game Ansel shot (filtered/cropped super-resolution)

    Posted: 24 Jul 2021 05:37 AM PDT

    Does anyone find the relationship between Corvo and the Empress kind of weird?

    Posted: 23 Jul 2021 07:22 PM PDT

    Basically, he became her guard when he was around 16-18, met her when she was 12 and when she turned 18 herself they became lovers

    submitted by /u/Throwaway_BerserkAcc
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