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    Saturday, August 21, 2021

    Dishonored Party Time! (comic by me: AmostheArtman)

    Dishonored Party Time! (comic by me: AmostheArtman)

    Party Time! (comic by me: AmostheArtman)

    Posted: 21 Aug 2021 05:00 AM PDT

    Introducing - The Overseer Run!

    Posted: 21 Aug 2021 12:17 PM PDT

    Are you Loyal to the Abbey? Do you love the Seven Strictures? Does it make your blood boil that you have to side with Paolo in order to Platinum the game?

    Then boy do I have the run for you - the Overseer Run! The rules are as follows:

    • No powers - no upgrades (DH1) or reject the outsider's mark (DH2)
    • No use of bone charms (heresy? Never!) but...
    • Collect all bone charms and runes (excepting those that require heresy to attain, such as the Granny Rags missions)- can't have them falling into the hands of the unrighteous
    • Stealth is optional, Difficulty is whatever you think is fun

    You MUST NOT kill ANY overseers - we must keep the strength of the Abbey to purify the world.

    You MAY kill any civilians or guards - sometimes the price of peace is a high one.

    You must kill all heretics! This includes:

    • Granny Rags. A witch? HERESY
    • All whalers. Using witchcraft? HERESY
    • All prostitutes at the Golden Cat. Wanton flesh? HERESY
    • All the guards involved in the coup in DH2. Working for a witch? HERESY
    • Mindy Blanchard. Witchcraft? HERESY
    • All black market merchants. Selling runes? HERESY
    • All witches. Witchcraft? HERESY
    • All Howlers. Working for Paolo? HERESY
    • Any civilian or guard who says anything heretical. This bit is up to the discretion of the Overseer. Use good judgment.

    Some of the assassination targets are also heretics! They must be killed as well!

    • High Overseer Campbell - killing him is good, Heretic's Brand is better. Wanton flesh, lying tongue... HERESY.
    • The Pendletons - Wanton flesh if I've ever seen it - HERESY
    • Lady Boyle - Not necessary, none of them are engaged in high heresy.
    • Lord Regent Hiram Burrows - Lying tongue? HERESY
    • Daud - WITCH! HERESY!
    • Sokolov - He can be spared. No high heresy.
    • Joplin - Peddling runes and dreaming of the outsider? HERESY
    • The Loyalists - Lying tongues, the lot of them. Put them down.
    • Mortimer Ramsey - Works for the witch Delilah. HERESY
    • Dr. Hypatia - Though the Crown Killer works for the witch Delilah, an argument can be made that Hypatia is not the Crown Killer and is therefore innocent. Up to Overseer discretion.
    • Kirin Jindosh - Did knowingly participate in the seance to return the witch Delilah to the world. HERESY
    • Breanna Ashworth - Honestly, best to just pile up every single person in this mission and light them on fire, the taint of heresy is so strong there
    • Paolo - Uses the witchcraft of the dead witch Granny Rags - HERESY
    • Vice Overseer Byrn - Are you insane, no, do not kill him you fool
    • Aramis Stilton - Hosted the seance. HERESY
    • Duke Luca Abele - his sins are so prolific I haven't the time to list them here - HERESY
    • Billie Lurk - If you know, you know. HERESY
    • Delilah - DUH

    You have the rules - now go! Spread the light of the Abbey! Strike down the heretics! It is here that we unite against the Spirits of the unknown that would drag us screaming into the night.

    submitted by /u/hoontingofhoonters
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    My 3D printed D1 Corvo mask. I'm pretty happy with how it turned out besides the cloth

    Posted: 21 Aug 2021 09:09 AM PDT

    This seems to be the new trend

    Posted: 21 Aug 2021 03:17 PM PDT

    So, I just played as Emily for the first time.

    Posted: 21 Aug 2021 02:00 PM PDT

    Her powers are meh to me, but her kills are awesome. I just had her slit someone's throat and snap their neck in one motion, and she cut off someone's leg and stabbed him in the chest, and landed on someone before slashing their neck.

    submitted by /u/immortal-possum-Paul
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    A fancasting for a live-action Outsider

    Posted: 21 Aug 2021 04:16 PM PDT

    Found for sale at an antique store. I wonder if there's any blood amber inside...

    Posted: 21 Aug 2021 09:49 AM PDT

    I think we know where this is going…

    Posted: 21 Aug 2021 08:41 AM PDT

    Took some shots with reshade and a trainer.

    Posted: 21 Aug 2021 03:29 AM PDT

    Took some shots with reshade and a trainer. submitted by /u/CheeseCakeYee
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    So, the granny rags bossfight is a real thing right?

    Posted: 21 Aug 2021 10:43 AM PDT

    I'm not losing my mind am I? I swear the first time I played dishonored i went into the sewer mission, found some dude dying and he said something about slackjaw and granny, died, and I went through the sewer and found granny with slackjaw in chains and I put some nickel in the oven and grandma vanished into dust. She was summoning hordes of rats the entire time too. But I only had it happen that one time. Am I just insane?

    submitted by /u/immortal-possum-Paul
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    I know this is old info for you with last mission

    Posted: 21 Aug 2021 12:34 PM PDT

    I just completed Dishonored (again) with Ghost. I got curious where Samuel goes after he leaves Corvo at the lighthouse, so I jumped in his boat and got, I think it was 661m to the mission when his boat went underwater and he despawned. I launched OBS and tried to record it but every time invisible wall pushed me out :/

    Maybe it works only for the first time and not save files?

    submitted by /u/aatuhilter
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    My impressions after finishing the first mission of Dishonored 2

    Posted: 21 Aug 2021 04:07 PM PDT

    The Good:

    This game looks great; Dishonored 2's void engine is doing the game wonders with its aesthetic, especially the void's design, and seeing old items in better quality was neat. Graphics aside, the introduction to the story was excellent albeit similar to Dishonored 1's intro. Gameplay has improved significantly allowing for drop down knockouts for non-lethal. Additionally, the guards' have better vision.

    The Bad:

    Being hidden is not as obvious compared to the first game (with a small icon on the bottom left telling you when you're crouching). The sword and gun do not feel as satisfying compared to 1. The timeline for Dishonored is unusual, but I guess low-chaos is the true way to play for story. This could just be me, but I prefer the original outsider's voice despite his wardrobe's upgrade


    The outsider seems more talkative compared to his mysterious presence from the first game. Corvo has voice (this is going to get some time getting used due to the fact that he never had a voice prior).

    submitted by /u/HeroWithAQuestion
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    Corvo no!!

    Posted: 21 Aug 2021 07:43 AM PDT

    Overseer Symbol

    Posted: 21 Aug 2021 03:51 PM PDT

    It seems very strange to me that there's next to no lore about the symbol the Overseers use (the one stamped on all the masks). I know it's meant to represent a farmers fork intersecting a C but I have no idea what the C stands for, any ideas?

    submitted by /u/Slow_Direction_1219
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    Playing the first game. Does it get a lot harder?

    Posted: 21 Aug 2021 03:41 PM PDT

    I don't mean that in a braggy way. Some games are just about the fun and some are about challenge and I tend to love masochistically hard games. Having so many powers and gadgets so early on plus so much mana/potions feels really OP. I've already been intentionally not using powers or gear much at all, but then I feel like I'm missing a lot of the intended fun.

    Do later missions have some good challenge even with all your powers?

    submitted by /u/ArtistWithoutArt
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    What's the deal with the story quality in Dishonored 2 and DOTO?

    Posted: 21 Aug 2021 08:53 AM PDT

    I have played Dishonored's base game, and plan to play the BW and KOD DLCs (I know they're good and who's you play as). I've seen a lot of comments that Dishonored 2 has better gameplay, but worse story than D1 though, and comments that DOTO has a better story than D2, but that it was still disappointing in some way for people expecting the same level of quality as in D1.

    What's up with that? I just learned that D2 takes place twenty years after D1, and that DOTO is a capstone for the entire series. That all sounds pretty good. It certainly would be disappointing if the experience and the story wasn't as good as it's premise would suggest.

    submitted by /u/K7Avenger
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    I'm screwed

    Posted: 21 Aug 2021 04:35 AM PDT

    Playing dishonored 2. At last boss fight high chaos with nothing but my sword link and teleporting. Playing Emily. I'm on very hard 0 bullets 0 crossbow 0 grenades 0 mines. Absolutely nothing. No healing elixir and half health

    submitted by /u/AgeConstant7446
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