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    Sunday, September 5, 2021

    Dishonored Nothing to mind here just enjoying wine and cigars

    Dishonored Nothing to mind here just enjoying wine and cigars

    Nothing to mind here just enjoying wine and cigars

    Posted: 05 Sep 2021 07:58 AM PDT

    I made the Clockwork Soldier head (trailer design)

    Posted: 05 Sep 2021 12:04 PM PDT

    Can't wait for Deathloop!

    Posted: 05 Sep 2021 06:18 AM PDT

    I want to pull my hair out

    Posted: 05 Sep 2021 09:04 AM PDT

    My second map on Dishonored and the continent of Pandyssia, there is little information on it so I took some liberties. My first map on the side.

    Posted: 05 Sep 2021 09:53 AM PDT

    TIL there’s an apartment above the black market in the second mission of Dishonored 2 you can enter. There’s nothing value able up here but I’ve never noticed it before now (sorry for ass quality)

    Posted: 05 Sep 2021 02:44 AM PDT

    I'm so damn hooked on this game.

    Posted: 05 Sep 2021 02:18 PM PDT

    TIL that dropping the logs on this lady doesn't count as a kill. Today I also learned that the other Howlers will run over and commit death on themselves lmao. I checked the bodies, they are certainly dead, not unconscious lol

    Posted: 05 Sep 2021 07:21 AM PDT

    A Guide To Solving The Jindosh Riddle

    Posted: 05 Sep 2021 09:10 AM PDT

    After speding a few hours across two nights I have managed to solve the Riddle; I found it to be quite a challenge, but a very satisfying one. Looking back, the hardest thing is perhaps to figure out where to start. So, I put up a little guide to help other people to figure out the steps to solve the riddle by themselves. You can read the whole thing and discover the solution in the end, or you can quickly glance at it, to see what to do next if you're stuck.

    Also, there might be other ways to proceed. This is the one I used!

    Let's begin.

    The "blueprint" for the riddle is the following:

    "At the dinner party were Lady Winslow, Doctor Marcolla, Countess Contee, Madam Natsiou, and Baroness Finch.

    The women sat in a row. They all wore different colors and [character 1] wore a jaunty [color 1] hat. [Character 2] was at the far left, next to the guest wearing a [color 2] jacket. The lady in [color 3] sat left of someone in [color 4]. I remember that [color 3] outfit because the woman spilled her [drink 1] all over it. The traveler from [city 1] was dressed entirely in [color 5]. When one of the dinner guests bragged about her [heirloom 1], the woman next to her said they were finer in [city 1], where she lived.

    So [character 3] showed off a prized [heirloom 2], at which the lady from [city 2] scoffed, saying it was no match for her [heirloom 3]. Someone else carried a valuable [heirloom 4] and when she saw it, the visitor from [city 3] next to her almost spilled her neighbor's [drink 2]. [Character 4] raised her [drink 3] in toast. The lady from [city 4], full of [drink 4], jumped up onto the table falling onto the guest in the center seat, spilling the poor woman's [drink 5]. Then [character 5] captivated them all with a story about her wild youth in [city 5].

    In the morning there were four heirlooms under the table: [heirloom 1], [heirloom 5], [heirloom 3], and [heirloom 4].

    But who owned each?"

    The very first steps are to write down all the five variables, and their five possible values:

    1. Characters: Winslow, Marcolla, Contee, Natsiou, Finch
    2. Colors: green, white, red, purple, blue
    3. Drinks: beer, wine, absinthe, whiskey, rum
    4. Cities: Dunwall, Karnaca, Fraeport, Dabokva, Baleton
    5. Heirlooms: ring, snuff tin, diamond, bird pendant, war medal

    I personally would advice you to notice the "hidden" variable, namely the position at the table; from 1° meaning far left, to 5° meaning far right, with 3° being the center seat.

    Then, start to pick apart the text to extract all the information:

    • [character 1] has [color 1]
    • [character 2] is 1°
    • [color 2] is 2°
    • [color 3] is left of [color 4]
    • [color 3] has [drink 1]
    • [city 1] has [color 5]
    • [heirloom 1] is next of [city 1]
    • [character 3] has [heirloom 2]
    • [city 2] has [heirloom 3]
    • [heirloom 4] has [drink 2]*
    • [city 3] is next to [heirloom 4]*
    • [character 4] has [drink 3]
    • [city 4] has [drink 4]
    • [drink 5] is 3°
    • [character 5] is from [city 5]

    *This information comes from deceptive lines: "Someone else carried a valuable [heirloom 4] and when she saw it, the visitor from [city 3] next to her almost spilled her neighbor's [drink 2]". It is not clear that [heirloom 4] and [drink 2] belong to the same guest, and you might think that [heirloom 4] is seated next to [city 3] who's in turn seated next to [drink 2]; however, the latter hint is wrong, and you'll eventually find yourself stuck.

    The first takeaway from this is that every character is explicitly assigned a variable, and for every one of them you'll have to assign the other four variables.

    Blink to the solution.

    If you only want a basic guide and not a full walkthrough, here's the summary of what to do:

    • Assign the colors
    • Then the drinks
    • Then the cities
    • Add the last names and heirlooms

    Each step you solve gives you information for the next one, so be sure to always check the full list of hints.

    Time for a sheet.

    Here you will write all the variables, starting from what is sure and progressing until it's completely filled in; given that it might require some trial and error, it could prove useful to write down why you're making the decision to assign that variable to that particular spot, so that you can always review your mistakes and avoid to repeat them.

    1° Character 2
    Color 2
    Drink 5

    Colorful first steps.

    Figuring out the colors is the starting point, hand in hand with [character 2]: let's start from her.

    • [color 2] is obviously out of the question
    • [color 1] too, because it belongs to another
    • [color 3] and [color 4] are seated next to each other, but the only seat next to this character is [color 2] so…
    • [character 2] is [color 5]; and [color 5] is from [city 1]
    • additionally, [heirloom 1] is next to [city 1]
    1° Character 2 Color 5 City 1
    Color 2 Heirloom 1
    Drink 5

    There are now three colors left, and as many useful hints.

    • [color 3] has [drink 1]; this means it can't 3°
    • [color 3] is also to the left of [color 4]; this means it can't be 5°
    • [color 3] and [drink 1] are 4°; [color 4] must be 5°
    • [color 1] has to be 3°, and [character 1] is wearing it
    1° Character 2 Color 5 City 1
    Color 2 Heirloom 1
    3° Character 1 Color 1 Drink 5
    Color 3 Drink 1
    Color 4

    Quenching the thirst.

    Time to turn our attention to what these ladies were drinking; once again, [character 2] is our starting point.

    • [drink 1] and [drink 5] have already been assigned
    • [drink 3] is known to belong to someone else
    • [drink 4] comes from [city 4] so it can't be
    • [drink 2] is 1°, and with it there's [heirloom 4]
    • additionally, [city 3] is 2°
    1° Character 2 Color 5 Drink 2 City 1 Heirloom 4
    Color 2 City 3 Heirloom 1
    3° Character 1 Color 1 Drink 5
    Color 3 Drink 1
    Color 4

    The drinks are now solved.

    • [drink 4] has to be 5°, alongside [city 4]
    • [drink 3] is 2°, and that is [character 4]'s seat
    1° Character 2 Color 5 Drink 2 City 1 Heirloom 4
    2° Character 4 Color 2 Drink 3 City 3 Heirloom 1
    3° Character 1 Color 1 Drink 5
    Color 3 Drink 1
    Color 4 Drink 4 City 4

    Tales from the cities.

    Time to discover the nationalities of the guests.

    • [city 2] has [heirloom 3]
    • [city 5] is where [character 5] is from
    • [city 5] and [character 5] have to be 4°, because it's the only row without both city and character
    • [city 2] and [heirloom 3] are 3°
    1° Character 2 Color 5 Drink 2 City 1 Heirloom 4
    2° Character 4 Color 2 Drink 3 City 3 Heirloom 1
    3° Character 1 Color 1 Drink 5 City 2 Heirloom 3
    4° Character 5 Color 3 Drink 1 City 5
    Color 4 Drink 4 City 4

    A Lady's intuition.

    It's almost done now. There's only have one vacant seat left, and it comes with a rather precious hint.

    • [character 3] has [heirloom 2], and she has to be seated 5°
    • [heirloom 5] is left, and 4° is the only option
    1° Character 2 Color 5 Drink 2 City 1 Heirloom 4
    2° Character 4 Color 2 Drink 3 City 3 Heirloom 1
    3° Character 1 Color 1 Drink 5 City 2 Heirloom 3
    4° Character 5 Color 3 Drink 1 City 5 Heirloom 5
    5° Character 3 Color 4 Drink 4 City 4 Heirloom 2

    And so the Jindosh Riddle is solved! COngratulations on solving it, either all by yourself or with a little help from this guide!

    submitted by /u/offalreek
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    Should I read the in game books?

    Posted: 05 Sep 2021 09:42 AM PDT

    I know this is the subreddit for the game so it probably has big fans. But I imagine it's still where I'll get the best responses. Is the lore in dishonored good enough to fully invest in? I've played Dishonored 1 & the Daud DLC's but never read much of any notes or books in game. I plan on playing the whole series now that I have all the games. Is the lore well written & something worth getting invested in? I love reading the books in things like Skyrim, but some games I kinda skip the extra stuff. I have less time since I have a kid & was wondering if people think the lore is a fun thing to get into. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/X-0manowar
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    Not killing Jindosh should NOT be this hard

    Posted: 05 Sep 2021 11:31 AM PDT

    Spoilers... I suppose? Not in my opinion, but rather play it safe

    I'm playing D2 for the second time (first time I didn't finish the game and now I'm moved out so had to replay it). First time I didn't have a problem with Jindosh, I did the non-lethal option. This time around, I'm trying to do a mostly non-lethal playthrough and I also like the NL option better than the L one, but... I keep killing him on accident!

    First it was a clockwork soldier trying to kill me but striking him. Then... I don't actually know what happened the second time but I'm blaming the soldiers again. And third time I tried to far reach next to him but I accidentally summoned him and he fell off of the chandelier I was standing on.

    This would be so much easier if I had sleep darts.

    submitted by /u/anxiousslav
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    that is what i've become

    Posted: 05 Sep 2021 03:57 PM PDT

    I don't think you sleep so well like that on duty

    Posted: 04 Sep 2021 06:15 PM PDT

    How to I escape undetected after planting the bomb

    Posted: 04 Sep 2021 05:57 PM PDT

    Played the game 13 times first time doing it stealthy when I plant the bomb I always get detected by the guards who are shooting at you how do I do it stealthy

    submitted by /u/m1garand7179
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