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    Friday, November 26, 2021

    Dishonored I couldn't resist...

    Dishonored I couldn't resist...

    I couldn't resist...

    Posted: 26 Nov 2021 03:35 AM PST

    Today I found out that bone charm crafting is actually pretty fun (and that you can throw a dead body hard enough to completely murder Geforce shadowplay)

    Posted: 26 Nov 2021 10:15 AM PST

    Just me?

    Posted: 26 Nov 2021 08:08 AM PST

    A scene I liked

    Posted: 26 Nov 2021 12:30 PM PST

    Bullying bandits with bottles (and glasses but that doesn't sound as catchy)

    Posted: 26 Nov 2021 10:50 AM PST

    Locked in as "high chaos" early on?

    Posted: 26 Nov 2021 07:23 PM PST

    Haven't played Dishonored 1 at all but got into Dishonored 2 via the PS4 free demo. Ended up buying full game. I started a sort of panicked playthrough and ended up doing the first 3 missions in what I now know is considered "high chaos"... Is there any turning back now if I want to try a more stealthy / peaceful approach - or is the ending of the game (whatever it is) set for me based on what I've done already?

    submitted by /u/MyTeethAreFine
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    Where will Dishonored 3 take place?

    Posted: 26 Nov 2021 04:22 AM PST

    I feel as if it would be really funny for Dishonored 3 to take place in Tyvia because Dr. Galvani said he was heading there after the events of Dishonored 2 take place. It would also make sense that Dr. Galvani will be our inventor for D 3 since we don't have a connection with anyone else.

    P.s. I haven't looked anything up and think it would just be really cool.

    submitted by /u/ManiaHorn
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    Screw the clockwork soldiers.

    Posted: 26 Nov 2021 03:03 PM PST

    I forgot how annoying these SOBs are and I keep dying to them because they aren't easy to get rid of without more than one grenade, the most annoying is when they back me up into a corner and I have no time to react to it before they slice me in two.

    submitted by /u/sunshinelink
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    How do I change the language of dishonored 2 on the xbox one?

    Posted: 26 Nov 2021 09:25 AM PST

    Title says it all. For context I had my xbox settings on english for a long while, meaning dishonored 2 is in english on my xbox. A while back I changed the xbox settings to spanish (forcing myself to learn it lol), but like many other games dishonored 2 stayed in english. With the other games I could change the language, but I cant figure out how to do it with dishonored 2.

    Pls help me out

    submitted by /u/sunnythesillygoose
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    [Spoiler] DOTO, how to get into the club?

    Posted: 26 Nov 2021 02:25 AM PST

    Hey, I'm on mission "The Bank Job" and the door to the club is locked, I can't get in via Shan's place because his door is blocked by the funeral stuff, is there another way in?

    submitted by /u/sunshinelink
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    What's detecting me in Brigmore Witches- Delilah's Masterpiece?

    Posted: 26 Nov 2021 01:49 AM PST

    I tried far too many times on all sorts of difficulties to get the no detection trophy, but I keep missing the ghost checkmark. I'm sure nothing should be seeing me? I basically used infinite Bend Time to make sure the statues don't spot me at the very end (just maxing up on remedies and using Bend Time 2 as soon as it ends and sleep darting the statues). Could I be missing something?

    submitted by /u/rookv
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