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    Saturday, November 27, 2021

    Dishonored Piece I finished recently. Hope you like it.

    Dishonored Piece I finished recently. Hope you like it.

    Piece I finished recently. Hope you like it.

    Posted: 27 Nov 2021 11:16 AM PST

    is this a reference? hmmmmmmmm

    Posted: 27 Nov 2021 10:15 AM PST

    This goddamned achievement.... Sometimes i thought that it was impossible to get.

    Posted: 27 Nov 2021 03:11 AM PST

    TIL hagfish are real!

    Posted: 27 Nov 2021 01:01 PM PST

    Does anybody else relate?

    Posted: 27 Nov 2021 08:25 AM PST

    I can tell that dishonored 2 is obviously better than Dishonored but for some reason I am invested in everything in Dishonored but in Dishonored 2, I cant stay focused on the game and very uninterested in what's happening.

    submitted by /u/BruhMomentGamer21
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    My Dishonored 3 Ideas

    Posted: 27 Nov 2021 09:52 AM PST

    My Dishonored 3 Ideas

    I have no shame and I want to info dump and ramble on my fan idea for Dishonored 3:

    • Takes place in Pandyssia, in the current largest and successfully established colony. It looks like early 1900's San Francisco and there's a mix of features of the American Revolution, Edwardian Era, and the Wild West. At the moment the colony wants independence from the Empire of the Isles and things are tumultuous in terms of political relations. The same can be said with the relationship with the Natives of Pandyssia. Low Chaos ends with a new and peaceful relationship between the colonies and the natives. High chaos ends in how you'd expect between relations with the natives and the colonies, sadly. The colony collapsing entirely is also a possibility.
    • Main Character:


    • Rosa De Leon is a young woman born of parents from two different worlds. One parent is from the Empire of the Isles and one parent is from Pandyssia. She's outspoken, against both the Order of the Abbey and the Empire and is part of a group of revolutionaries. She's given the Mark of the Outsider after witnessing a close ally of hers (emphasis on close) suffer a terrible fate and was nearly killed herself. Rosa is determined and is always focused on tasks at hand. She feels torn between two worlds due to her parentage and in a way looks to bring both of these worlds together externally and internally. She's charismatic and stays focused on her goals, always looking for the best solution.

    • Environment: The layout of the environment is something new to tackle; on the one hand you have the Americana/Wild West look of the new city, on the other, there's the wild world of Pandyssia outside the city and the ruins found from ancient civilizations. A lot of influence comes from ruins found in Mexico and New Mexico. The environments are open plains to heavily forested mountains. The idea in general is that the player can utilize the environment itself to work for them, not just for stealth purposes, but also distracting enemies/killing enemies, etc. Imagine freaking out some paranoid guards by startling some large looking birds to fly over them, or making a tree about to fall over, fall over on them.

    • Tomahawk: Because of the use of new environmental gameplay, a sword simply won't due here. A tomahawk is better suited due it being a multipurpose tool and far sturdier.

    • Order of the Abbey: What survived of the Abbey of the Everyman and Oracular Order is found here and are the main antagonistic force. They now believe that the entire world is corrupted and follow a new leader, Martyr Zhukov, in a quest purify this world and raise a new uncorrupted world.

    • Martry Zhukov: Zhukov "survived" his encounter with Corvo and Emily, and he remains in the pieces of the black mirror crafted in Dishonored: The Corroded Man. He's fallen further into madness and wants to "save" the world from itself by destroying this world and creating a new world from its ashes. He convinced what remained of the Abbey and the Oracular Order that he was a Martyr in a fight against the Void. A chosen member of the Order of the Abbey gets the honor of carving a symbol on his/her hand and allow Zhukov to take possession of their body for an amount of time. The body corrodes away, killing the host and leaving behind corroded bones for bonecharms. Zhukov wants to reach the Aether to accomplish his goal.

    • Aether: The Aether is another aspect of the Void. We only know as much about the Void as the characters from the previous games and what lore we can find. Pandyssia allows for us to explore even more of both this world and the Void. If the Void we know it is the place where the end happens, the Aether is a place of beginnings. Spots of land here are lush and it's peaceful, giant birds, namely owls, fly in the open vastness and stars can be seen while small shining pieces dance around and children's laughter can be heard. Access to the Aether isn't as easy as it is with the Void. In a sense, you're always closer to the end than the beginning. Very, very few are given the opportunity to access the Aether and the secret of who can are closely guarded by the native people of Pandyssia.

    • The current Outsider: Non-other than Billie Lurk herself, whitehaired and wizened in appearance. When she reached the end of her life, she willingly took the role to be the Void's representative avatar.

    • Old Oracle: The old Outsider, now an old man and brilliant painter (basically the ending where you free the Outsider is canon because frankly it makes more sense to me than the one where you kill the Outsider). Everyone calls him Old Oracle and Rosa is close with him, seeing him as a grandfather. He fully supports the goals of the revolutionaries and offers advice and hints, though he can sometimes be cryptic. He does pass away during the game and greets Billie like an old friend.

    • The main goal of the game is to discover the true goal of the Order of the Abbey after they've co-opted the Revolution against the Empire of the Isles. Rosa's lover, a close ally and mole in the Order after becoming disillusioned with them, is discovered and is forcefully turned into a host in front of Rosa's eyes before they attempt to kill her by stranding her in the desert. She's saved by the native people who help her get back to the city and once back, is contacted by the Outsider and given her mark. After taking out targets working with the Abbey, Rosa discovers their goal is to get Zhukov access to the Aether and use its power to corrode away this world and rebuild a new one. It becomes clear that Rosa needs to stop him.

    submitted by /u/Quoth143
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    Is there a gameplay difference between Emily and Corvo?

    Posted: 27 Nov 2021 05:17 AM PST

    I just started playing Dishonored 2 and I love it, I chose Corvo Attano and I wanted to know if there was a difference if you play as Emily, only gameplay wise though.

    submitted by /u/ArseneMain23
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    We like to do a little carnage,a little bit of genocide and a tiny bit of overkill :)

    Posted: 27 Nov 2021 06:36 AM PST

    Favorite Mission

    Posted: 27 Nov 2021 02:42 PM PST

    What mission do y'all like the most?

    I do find the Boyle's party one of the best. I don't know, entering the party and pretending you're a guest is cool. Beyond that, you may kill someone without being attacked by guards. The boring thing are the guards in that archer "robot" suit.

    submitted by /u/duderavenclaw
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    Posted: 27 Nov 2021 09:57 AM PST

    Why doesn't Arkane make new Dishonored game anymore? Do you think that Billie ended the franchise? Do you think there could be more to have taken place in the Empire? We've seen Serkonos, we've seen Gristol, now we can expect a game set in Tyvia or Morley. Especially, Tyvia is described to be colder. It could be a great place for a new game with, perhaps, brand new characters. Wdyt?

    submitted by /u/inner_decay
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    I just bought this game on sale, and even after 5 years, I still feel like it runs like shit.

    Posted: 27 Nov 2021 03:14 PM PST

    Sure, I am getting 80+ frames on Ultra, but it feels like there is a constant microstutter. Also why the hell can you not uncap the frame rate?

    submitted by /u/Ryn4
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    What's your favorite blade upgrade from an aesthetics point?

    Posted: 27 Nov 2021 07:28 AM PST

    Not from a stats point, if you are doing pure stealth then all you'll be doing is staring at the thing. The regular wooden handle and silver blade, the witch upgrade with its pearl white handle and white blade or the clockwork soldier upgrade with its, um, graphite? damascus? handle and blade (image credits to the wiki). personally i find myself getting the white handle and blade.

    submitted by /u/ComManDerBG
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