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    Monday, November 8, 2021

    Dishonored Made this from (sea) foam years ago

    Dishonored Made this from (sea) foam years ago

    Made this from (sea) foam years ago

    Posted: 08 Nov 2021 01:25 PM PST

    Dishonored 2, the only game where they make NPCs look like homo sapienthals.

    Posted: 08 Nov 2021 12:11 AM PST

    Pondering Setting: the Frontier big city

    Posted: 08 Nov 2021 09:49 AM PST

    Pondering Setting: the Frontier big city

    It is fascinating how Dunwall and Karnaca, despite being big cities, are carefully designed to most resemble a frontier setting by sharing many genre elements with locations set in the American West, Edo-period Japan, and other frontier tropes where a lone protagonist can make a difference.

    Here is something I wrote for my own notes when designing a paper-and-pencil RPG setting years ago. I just realized how much it applies to Dunwall and Karnaca. May it make an interesting read! :-)


    On the frontier life is dangerous. Villages and towns are threatened by monsters and bandits. Nevertheless, most settled locations have a few loners living on the outskirts due to temperament, profession, or outcast social status. These loners are often in need of help from a single individual, or able to assist a single individual in efforts to clean up trouble in the nearby settled location.

    Because of these dangers, most adults carry weapons. (Or perhaps only adults of one gender or social class.) Also, most people cannot afford the price or encumbrance of significant armor, and medical healing is expensive or rare. Thus a lone protagonist can often win a fight by being skilled enough to avoid being hit while injuring enough attackers to cause the remaining opponents to flee. A frontier hero often has special options for effective healing: rare medicines, foreign herbal remedies, or esoteric meditative practices.

    Because so many adults are armed, society focuses on honor more than law. Mistakes are kept secret, and significant characters are haunted by one or more great mistakes from their pasts. Because is difficult to govern an honor-focused, armed society at the geographical outskirts, government does little. Big government is distant or nonexistent. Local government is often corrupt and has insufficient money to do more than law enforcement and perhaps oversight of road building and utilities. When leaders do govern justly they are too busy dealing with intrigue to effectively promote social welfare. Most adults pay little in taxation and receive little in services. When big government does appear it interrupts normal life to handle a crisis, chase a criminal, install a trade route, or claim a natural resource.

    Because government does little, other groups provide support in crisis situations. Clans, guilds, gangs, or religious congregations pool resources as insurance against medical problems, natural disasters, and urban crime and fires.

    Finally, because government is small and people are reliant upon social groups corruption can control a settled location. A social group that grows into a dominating organization can reign unchallenged until a wandering hero or heroine arrives.

    Together, this means problems are obvious and local. A monster threatens a farming village, instead of an army of monsters threatening a kingdom. A tyrannical gang overtly runs the town, instead of a evil brotherhood secretly infiltrating every guild in the capital city.

    submitted by /u/BLHero
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    Dishonored 3 Wishlist.

    Posted: 08 Nov 2021 03:11 PM PST

    Curious about what powers/weapons/setting/characters people are hoping for in Dishonored 3 if it ever gets made.

    To get the discussion started I would love to see the ability to rewind time added to stop time, and the ability to use powers to interact with things in the environment like opening/closing doors, turning on alarm clocks, etc. Maybe an ability to become completely silent for a small amount of time, sprinting, firing a gun, breaking doors wouldn't make any sound during this.

    submitted by /u/JordanLorenz
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    Any way to get rid of that "dirty lens" effect in Dishonored 2?

    Posted: 08 Nov 2021 02:09 PM PST

    Can't find a setting for it in the graphical settings, is there any way to turn it off in the config file or anything like that? I find it super annoying.

    submitted by /u/SpookyScaary
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    Some paintings I've done. I've been thinking about redoing the shrine because I don't like it too much, but I thought I'd share anyway cos you lot seem v kind and supportive. (:

    Posted: 07 Nov 2021 05:12 PM PST

    Does anyone actually use abilities like Dark Vision and Shadow Kill?

    Posted: 07 Nov 2021 09:26 PM PST

    Ever since my first playthrough of Dishonored 1 I've completely ignored abilities like shadow kill and dark vision cause I honestly find them to be largely useless, guess I'm curious to see if someone has found a way to use Dark Vision in a meaningful way I guess lol

    submitted by /u/SpookyScaary
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    Shower thought: Playing High Chaos Assault is a Darth Vader simulator

    Posted: 07 Nov 2021 11:43 PM PST

    Daud: Attempt to kill Corvo. Corvo: Load last save

    Posted: 07 Nov 2021 11:53 PM PST

    D2 No powers run runes carry over?

    Posted: 07 Nov 2021 09:10 PM PST

    I know that collecting runes in a Flesh and Steel run grants 200 coin. But, does anyone know whether or not the runes collected without powers will be transferred to NG+ to be used in a powers run?

    submitted by /u/TexasJedi-705
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