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    Friday, February 7, 2020

    Dishonored [Gmod] Me and the boys planning to get whisky and cigars

    Dishonored [Gmod] Me and the boys planning to get whisky and cigars

    [Gmod] Me and the boys planning to get whisky and cigars

    Posted: 07 Feb 2020 08:14 AM PST

    I'm pretty sure I killed a few guards in this room...

    Posted: 07 Feb 2020 01:02 AM PST

    "I brought you tea as courtesy to a colleague. I won't make that mistake again in the future."

    Posted: 07 Feb 2020 09:53 AM PST

    "I'm Here and Waiting for You" By ViaEstelar

    Posted: 07 Feb 2020 10:48 AM PST

    I know the true meaning of sufffering

    Posted: 07 Feb 2020 03:41 PM PST

    Corvo the Sushi Chef

    Posted: 07 Feb 2020 01:51 AM PST

    Potentially NSFW; I chocked a guard unconscious in mission 3 and...

    Posted: 07 Feb 2020 03:09 PM PST

    Question about Chapter 4 (DH2)

    Posted: 07 Feb 2020 10:00 AM PST

    Can I do a focused strike on Jindosh and render him unconscious or is there a certain way I have to make him unconscious?

    submitted by /u/ElderLyons2277
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    Dishonored Pathfinder Setting

    Posted: 07 Feb 2020 01:45 PM PST

    So, I've posted at length about this before, but I've been working on a tabletop RPG setting of Dishonored using Pathfinder as a base. I wanted to know what you all thought now that I'm pretty sure I'm finished with the outsider gifts.

    I added quite a few custom ones, as well as all of the ones in the cannon of the games and books (plus Black Sparrow and Dead Hand as nods to the working titles of D2 and DoTO). I also added the DoTO powers as gifts as well. I had to change a few to work better in the system without too much overlap between Blink, Pull, Far Reach, etc. I'll list them below, and the feats that relate to them in the comments below. Also, gifts with * can be passed through Arcane Bond.

    On to the powers:

    Outsider Gifts: You may receive access to outsider gifts from a number of different sources, but the most common is through a class feature. Unless otherwise noted, you may choose any gift you meet the level requirement for. You may choose the Enhanced version of a gift only if you have the base version and meet the level requirement. You must use the new cost and effect of an Enhanced gift, unless it says otherwise.

    There are two types of gifts, active and passive. Passive gifts have no cost and are always active. Unless otherwise noted, active gifts are a swift action to use and you must have a free hand to use them. Any gift that requires a save has a DC of 10+half your level+Wis modifier. They are presented in the following format:

    Name (level requirement): Mana Cost (for active)/Passive (for passive)- Effect.

    (Enhanced level requirement) Enhanced Cost/ Passive- Enhanced Effect.

    Active Gifts

    *Bend Time (Level 6): 4 mana- As Time Stop, with a minimum duration.

    (Level 16) 10 mana- The duration is maximum. If someone else uses Time Stop, you act normally during their rounds of Time Stop. You may target eachother normally. You may spend the mana cost of this power to end another creature's Time Stop prematurely.

    Bleeding Colours (Level 4): 8 mana- As Mirror Hideaway, but only with paintings.

    (Level 12) 12 mana- As Mirror Transport, but only with paintings.

    *Blink (None): 1 mana- You can teleport up to 30 ft, as if using Dimension Door​. You must have line of sight.

    (None) 1 mana- Your range increases to 60 ft.

    *Blood Briar (Level 8): 6 mana- You grow a plant in an adjacent space. It performs one slam attack per round that deals 1d10 bludgeoning damage with a bonus to hit equal to your Wis mod. It has a 10 ft reach and 40 hit points, and lasts for 2 rounds per level or until killed.

    (Level 12) 6 mana- The damage becomes 2d8, its hit points become 60, and it lasts for 1 minute per level.

    *Create Gravehound (Level 8): 6 Mana- You create a Gravehound from the corpse of a Wolfhound or other similar creature. This takes one minute to perform, and there is a 10% chance plus another 10% per Gravehound under your control that upon creating a new Gravehound it will go berserk, attacking you.

    (Level 12) 8 mana- Gravehounds you create gain the Advanced creature template.

    Dead Hand (None): 2 mana- You may make a melee touch attack that deals 2d6 negative energy damage.

    (Level 10) 2 or 4 mana- When you make your touch attack, you may spend the second cost to target a specific area. If it hits, it gains an additional effect: Head-target is confused for 1 round, Arms-target drops one item of the user's choice (even if requiring 2 hands), Legs- target is knocked prone, Torso- Target is staggered for 1 round.

    Devouring Swarm (None): 4 mana- You summon a Rat Swarm within 30 ft of you. The swarm is not under your control, however it will not attack you. It acts of its own accord and gains its own initiative. They disperse after one round per 2 levels.

    (Level 10) 6 mana- You summon 1d3+1 Rat Swarms, all of which must be summoned adjacent to one another, but can separate afterwards.

    Domino (Level 4): 3 mana- Choose two creatures you can see, both of which must be within 30 ft. of one another. Both must make a Will save. Failure means that the next time one of them takes hit point damage, ability damage, or suffer from any condition, they both are affected by it.

    (Level 10) 6 mana- Choose three creatures instead of two.

    Doppelgänger (None): 2 mana- You create a Major Image of yourself that is not an illusion.

    (Level 6) 5 mana- Your doppelgänger is now capable of combat. It has a number of hit points equal to 1/4 of your maximum. It can make one attack per turn at your highest attack bonus. It cannot take attacks of opportunity. It also gains any gifts you have as if you had Arcane Bond.

    *Far Reach (None): 1 mana- You can increase your reach by 5 ft for 1 round

    (None) 1 mana- Your reach increases by an additional 10 ft and lasts one additional round.

    Foresight (Level 10): 4 mana- This functions as Ethereal Jaunt, however when the duration ends you snap back to the physical location you were in when you used it.

    (Level 16) 6 mana- You are also effected by Foresight, even after the Ethereal Jaunt effect ends.

    *Form Change (None): 4 mana- This functions as Alter Self.

    (Level 10) 4 mana or 8 mana- You may spend 8 mana instead to make this function as Polymorph. You can only affect yourself with this.

    *Infiltrate (None): 2 mana- this functions as Knock.

    (Level 10) 5 mana- this functions as Mass Knock.

    *Interrogate (None): 2 mana- while grappling a creature, you effect them as if you had focused for 3 rounds on Detect Thoughts.

    (Level 10) 5 mana- this functions as Mind Probe as long as they are grappled.

    *Leech (None): 4 mana- For one round, you regain health equal to half the damage you deal. (Level 8) 6 mana- The duration is increased to a number of rounds equal to your Wisdom modifier, and you also regain 1 mana each time you deal damage.

    *Leviathan Song (None): 1 mana per round- Activating this Gift is a standard action, but can be maintained for free each round (and dismissed at any time). While active, you or an ally you choose within 30 feet gains a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls +1 per 4 levels (max +6 at 20th level). (Level 12) 2 mana per round- The song effects all allies within range, including yourself. The bonus also applies to saving throws. It can be activated as a swift action.

    Light Steps (Level 8): 4 mana- As the Ninja class feature of the same name.

    (Level 12) 8 mana- The duration is increased to 1 round per level, and you are treated as if the plane you are on had subjective gravity, allowing you to walk on ceilings and walls.

    Madness (Level 4): 3 mana- As Murderous Command

    (Level 12) 6 mana- You may target up to three creatures, and the effect lasts for 1 round/ 2 levels

    Mesmerize (Level 4): 4 mana- You target a single creature within 30 ft. They must make a Will save or be fascinated for 1 round per 2 levels.

    (Level 10) 6 mana- You may target up to three creatures, none of which may be more than 30 ft. apart.

    Necrotic Fascitization (Level 12): 6 mana- You target a single creature within 30 ft. They must make a fort save or take 1d8 str damage and 1d6 nonlethal damage/2 levels. success means they take no str damage and half the nonlethal.

    (Level 16) 6 mana or 10 mana- You may spend 10 mana instead to deal 1d6 con damage and 1d4 bleed damage/2 levels.

    Perceptive Visage (None): 2 mana- You may use Clairaudience/Clairvoyance, but the sensor can and must be any depiction of your likeness, chosen separately with each use of this gift.

    (Level 8) 2 mana or 6 mana- You may spend 6 mana to instead perceive all senses through the chosen likeness, and speak through it.

    Possession (None): 6 mana- As a full round action, you possess a creature with an Int of 3 or lower as Greater Possession for one round per level.

    (Level 10) 6 mana or 12 mana- By spending 12 mana, you may remove the Int cap and also possess corpses/unconscious bodies. The creature is nauseated for one round after this effect ends.

    *Pull (None): 4 mana- You pull one object within 30 ft weighing no more than 50 lbs through the air to your hands.

    (Level 8) 6 mana- The range is increased to 40 ft, the weight limit is increased to 200 lbs, and you can pull living creatures that fail a Reflex save.

    Shadow Walk (Level 6): 5 mana- For 1 round per level, you gain a +10 bonus to stealth and a +2d6 sneak attack. After 1 sneak attack, this effect ends.

    (Level 14) 8 mana- The sneak attack damage increases to +5d6, and you can sneak attack up to 3 times before the effect ends.

    *Shout (None): 4 mana- You deal 2d8 sonic damage to all creatures in a 10 ft radius as a standard action.

    (Level 8) 6 mana- Your damage increases to 4d8 and the radius to 15 ft.

    Semblance (Level 4): 2 mana- You target an unconscious person, shifting your appearance to be theirs for 1 round per level. This ends early if you do something the person normally wouldn't, such as attack a guard if impersonating a guard. Using another active gift while this is active ends this as well. This illusion is purely optical and auditory, as such machines that are wired to specific people will not be fooled, nor will creatures that can track by scent.

    (Level 8) 2 mana or 6 mana- You may spend the second cost to perfectly impersonate a person, fooling machines and creatures that can track by scent.

    ​*Silver Tongue (None): 3 mana- Creatures that see you have their starting attitude improved by 1 step for 1 round per level.

    (Level 12) 12 mana- One creature that is effected also sees you as a trusted ally for the duration, possibly fighting for you or leading others away.

    Summon Ally (Level 6): 8 mana- You summon an NPC that has 4 levels in either Assassin, Witch, or Marked. They travel with you for 2 rounds per level or until killed. You cannot have more than one ally summoned at a time. A Marked ally may not choose Summon Ally as a gift.

    (Level 12) 12 mana- Your ally is an NPC with 10 levels in Assassin, Witch, or Marked. You may have 2 allies summoned at a time. A Marked ally may not choose Summon Ally as a gift.

    *Thorns (None): 2 Mana- This functions as Magic Missile, but deals piercing damage instead of force and all must strike the same target.

    (Level 6) 4 mana- Your maximum number of thorns increases to ten.

    Time Slip (Level 12): 4 mana- this functions as Temporal divergence, however instead of glimpsing possible futures you do one, and then rewind time and do the other. This does not mechanically change the function of the spell, only the flavor.

    (Level 18) 10 mana- You may rewind time by one round. Any changes that have taken place are reverted.

    Void Fog (Level 2): 2 mana- this functions as Obscuring Mist.

    (Level 12) 2 mana or 8 mana- you may spend the second cost to have this function as Solid Fog.

    Void Gaze (None): 1 mana- You gain Darkvision 60 feet and Life Sight for 1 round per level.

    (None) 1 mana- Everything you view while using Void Gaze is treated as if you had concentrated on it for three rounds using Detect Magic.

    Void Scar (None): 5 mana- As Bestow Curse.

    (Level 16) 5 mana or 10 mana- You may instead spend 10 mana to have this function as a Demilich's Bestow Greater Curse.

    Void Strike (None): 4 mana- As a standard action, you may make a melee attack against any one creature within 30 ft. Anything that can be done as an equivalent of a melee attack can be used instead (except grappling), such as a trip attempt or vital strike.

    (Level 10) 4 mana or 8 mana- You may instead spend 8 mana as a full-round action to make a full attack at a range of 40 ft, dividing your attacks among creatures in that range as you see fit.

    Wind Blast (None): 2 mana- You deal 1d8 force damage to all creatures in a 10 ft cone. Creatures must make a fortitude save or be knocked back 5 ft per point of your Wis modifier.

    (None) 3 mana- Your damage increases to 3d8, the cone to 20 ft, and creatures take falling damage as normal if they strike an object.

    Passive Gifts

    Agility (None): Passive- You add your Wis modifier on Acrobatics checks and you take half damage from falling.

    (Level 6) Passive- Increase your base land speed by 30 ft. You also add your Wis modifier to initiative along with your Dex.

    Arcane Bond (None): Passive- Your Summoned Ally gains a pool of mana equal to 1/2 of yours. They may choose two unenhanced gifts that you possess that are marked with an asterisk (*). They gain these gifts. If you do not possess Summon Ally, you may select any single ally you choose.

    (Level 10) Passive - They gain any gifts you possess that are marked with an asterisk (*), including their enhanced version if you have them.

    Black Sparrow (None): Passive- You gain a familiar as if you were a wizard or witch, using your Marked level as your effective wizard/witch level.

    (none) Passive- You gain the improved familiar feat.

    Bloodthirsty (None): Passive- You are permanently under the effects of a Deadly Juggernaut spell. The bonuses reset to zero after you score a critical hit.

    (level 10) Passive- The maximum bonus to melee attack rolls, melee weapon damage rolls, Strength checks, and Strength-based skill checks increases to +10 and the maximum DR becomes 20/-. You gain these bonuses at twice the normal rate, and the effects fade after scoring two critical hits.

    Craft Bonecharm (Level 4): Passive- You gain Craft Wondrous Item as a bonus feat, and can craft up to 2nd tier bonecharms.

    (level 8) Passive- You may craft up to 4th tier bonecharms. You may also craft Runes.

    *Darkness Shield (None): Passive- You add your Wis modifier to AC as well as your Dex so long as you are wearing light or no armor.

    (Level 8) Passive- You gain moderate fortification (50%).

    *Detonation (Level 10): Passive- You gain Death Throes that deals a number of d6s of damage equal to half your level. This damage is half fire and half bludgeoning.

    (Level 16) Passive- Your number of damage dice increases to half your level plus the remaining amount of mana you had when killed. The damage is changed to half disintegration and half force.

    *Dust Storm (None): Passive- You gain a 25% miss chance from concealment. Creatures that can see through dust or smoke ignore this.

    (Level 8) Passive- You gain total concealment (50% miss chance).

    *Painted Flesh (None): Passive- Your skin changes colour and texture. This gives you a +4 bonus to intimidate checks. This triggers automatically every time you roll initiative or otherwise enter combat. (None) Passive- The bonus increases to +8.

    *Plague Born (None): Passive- You gain a +4 bonus against diseases and poisons.

    (Level 12) Passive- You become immune to disease and poison.

    *Rat Whispers (None): Passive- Rats, dire rats, and rat swarms won't attack you. Animal companions, familiars, and summoned creatures still do. You may also commune with these creatures as if under a constant speak with animals effect.

    (Level 10) Passive- You can communicate telepathically with all rats, and they will actively serve you. Animal companions, familiars, and summoned creatures are given Will saves to resist this effect.

    *Reflexes (Level 4): Passive- You benefit from the Cut from the Air feat, even if you do not meet the prerequisites. This does not count as having the feat for any purposes.

    (Level 8) Passive- You benefit from Deflect Arrows as well, and may use both in the same turn.

    Sentient Shade (Level 10): Passive- Your shadow becomes a Shadow (Bestiary 1) under your control. It does not possess the Create Spawn ability. If you possess Enhanced Arcane Bond, your shadow benefits from the Unenhanced version.

    (Level 14) Passive- Your Shadow becomes a Greater Shadow (Bestiary 1) instead. It does not possess the Create Spawn ability. If you possess Enhanced Arcane Bond, your shadow benefits as well.

    *Sickness Aura (none): Passive- You gain an aura out to 15 ft that sickens people while they are within it (Fort negates)

    (Level 8) Passive- Your aura extends to 30 ft, and nauseates people the first time they enter it, sickening them after (fort negates nausea, not sickening).

    *Shadow Kill (None): Passive- If you kill or incapacitate a creature, they become invisible and incorporeal for 1 minute if they were unaware of your presence or did not see you as a threat. (Level 10) Passive- This functions for 1 minute per level, and functions even if they were aware of you or saw you as a threat.

    *Strength (None): Passive- Increase the range increment of weapons you throw by 20 ft.

    (None) Passive- You gain a bonus to all Str checks and Str based skill checks equal to the amount of mana you currently have (minimum 1)

    *Vitality (None): Passive- You gain an additional hit point per hit die.

    (None) Passive- You gain another additional hit point per hit die.

    Void Life (Level 8): Passive- You no longer need to eat, drink, or breathe.

    (Level 16) Passive- You no longer need to sleep and no longer age.

    Weapon Wielder (None): Passive- You are considered proficient with any weapon you hold.

    (Level 8) Passive- Any weapon specific feats you possess, such as weapon focus, apply to any weapon you wield.

    submitted by /u/Zenith135
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    Clean-Hands Ghost in D1?

    Posted: 07 Feb 2020 12:28 AM PST

    I've beaten this game once before on sneaky but kill everyone anyways. Now I'm trying sneaky, never seen, no killing. Also no upgrades & no magic. Trying to unlock a lot of achievements in this run.

    It's pretty tough; I'm not terribly good at stealth.

    Anywho, the level with Uncle Cornrow and the High Overseer. How can I save the uncle, brand the overseer, & not be seen? Is it even possible?

    submitted by /u/agent_wolfe
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    dishonored 2 is so much better than 1

    Posted: 07 Feb 2020 11:56 AM PST

    I played through 1 and was like damn this has so many good ideas and concepts but the ai sucks my balls and there were so many frustrating design choices and bugs that i was just let down by the end. i bought dishonored 2 expecting it to be fairly similar but holy shit dishonored 2 is one of the best games ive ever played. practically everything from dishonored 1 is fixed, improved, or refined. some of the best level design ive ever seen. ai is crazy detailed. powers are fun as hell with emily. theres so many gadgets and methods to do the missions and every mission feels unique. hell even the obligatory "lose your powers" mission is great because youre given a new tool to fill in for the powers you lost.

    id say maybe 6/9 missions were amazing with the other three being okay-decent

    heres my only gripes that i wish were improved for the next game:

    1. dont hide runes or bone charms in shitty places (specifically safes because i seriously will NEVER put in the effort to find out the code for a safe and almost always look it up if its not made obvious within a few minutes). bonecharms that are hidden in stupid places should just not exist cuz it ruins the pacing. this is my biggest problem with the game and its easily fixable
    2. hit detection sometimes is wonky like ill sneak up and wait for someone to walk through the door and then ill left click but either a: they wont die and everyone is alerted or b: they get hit with a slash instead of a kill animation
    3. double jump should be two space clicks AT ANY MOMENT YOU WANT. think doom
    4. needs more kill animations i got sick of the kick, tilt head back, stab animation
    5. the zap proximity mechanisms are just kinda bs and not fun to play against. only in the game twice i think and its either i dont notice it and get insta killed or i do notice it and have to go turn it off which isnt really difficult its just tedious

    but yeah everything else was like PERFECT and those 5 things were features i noted to be particularly annoying (for reference i had around 50 positive notes and like 8 negative notes by the time i finished).

    submitted by /u/Jeremy0015
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    Do you like Corvo or Emily's swordplay more?

    Posted: 06 Feb 2020 05:33 PM PST

    Some of their moves are nearly identical but most finishers and eve drop attacks are different. Emily focuses on quick and precise skills, with occasional takedowns where she jumps up on a guard with her knees on his shoulders, brings him down and stabs through the neck or chest in a quick motion. She's a lot more fluidity over power. She doesn't decapitate as much and when she does it's generally more expedient.

    Corvo is more power. Kicks, decaps, neck stabs into twisting beheadings, a double legged trip where he quickly maneuvers the sword underneath the guard, impaling him. He still has quicker moves at his disposable, though, like a pinpoint heart stab that leaves enemies twitching on the ground for around 10 seconds. My favored of his is a simple one where he quickly knocks a guard off balance and impales him through the chest, lifting the guard off the ground in the process and letting him fall off. I'm sure I've forgotten about plenty. Any to add and what's yours? I'd include Lurk but she seems to be a mix between the two instead of her own style, save for the wrist bolt takedown she learned from Daud.

    submitted by /u/Freikorp
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