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    Monday, July 6, 2020

    Dishonored This game really is like walking around in a painting

    Dishonored This game really is like walking around in a painting

    This game really is like walking around in a painting

    Posted: 06 Jul 2020 08:29 AM PDT

    Well, I finally did it. After 2 years I family beat the game. I will normally put dumb quote like “whiskey and cigars” but all I have to say is: dammit I will miss this game and all the characters.

    Posted: 05 Jul 2020 08:07 PM PDT

    That looks familiar

    Posted: 06 Jul 2020 06:11 AM PDT

    I create a series showcasing video game worlds, this is the one I did for Dishonored 2!

    Posted: 06 Jul 2020 12:06 PM PDT

    [dishonored 2] someone give me ideas

    Posted: 06 Jul 2020 11:50 AM PDT

    I have been talking to someone and they said a fun way to play after you have finished is to pick certain powers and only use them throughout the whole game. So I need ideas I have a new game + save that hasn't spent anything yet so come up with your own unique set of powers for me to try once I pick the best one in my opinion. Come up with a name for your set and maybe even a roleplay story.

    Have fun and remember we are having whiskey and cigars on friday.

    submitted by /u/I_am_Chicknooget
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    Just got these for my birthday! Flair?

    Posted: 06 Jul 2020 12:53 PM PDT

    I'm trying to get the achievements, in this case, cleaner hands (The Knife of Dunwall), but in the last mission I always get 1 enemy killed. I've played this mission like 3 times now and I'm sure every enemy is unconscious. Any ideas why it happens?

    Posted: 06 Jul 2020 12:30 PM PDT

    Bad optimization (pls arkane learn from your mistakes)

    Posted: 06 Jul 2020 03:07 PM PDT

    Can i play the knife of dunwall without brigmore witches?

    Posted: 06 Jul 2020 03:04 PM PDT

    will the story remain incomplete or will the missions stop at a bad time if i dont have brigmore witches bought?

    submitted by /u/randomguyoninternet4
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    Dishonored Dunwall City Trials Achievements Guide

    Posted: 06 Jul 2020 04:00 AM PDT

    For anyone having trouble with getting the Dunwall City Trials achievements, if you're into that sorta thing or just want a perfect 100% or Platinum achievement. Then I'll be dropping a small guide here to follow for achievements Assassin Vs. Machine, Headhunter, By My Hand Alone, and Long Way Down. If you're looking for the location of the Dolls for the achievement "Mrs Pilsen's Remorse" then a simple YouTube search can help you out. If I run out of space I'll simply make another post. I hope these guides helped you out.

    -By My Hand Alone This achievement requires you to kill every enemy up to round 12. Meaning that an enemy Npc cannot kill another enemy Npc. Getting to round 12 without any enemy dying at the hands of another can be tricky. By the end of the 12th round you should have 53 Kills in total. The Rounds consist of 1-3- 3 Enemies, 9 kills by the end of the 3rd round, these enemies vary, with one game being Weepers and Lower Guards in one round and another all Weepers or all Lower Guards. Anyways you get the gist. Rounds 1-3 are made up of Lower Guards, Weepers, Overseers, City Guards, Hounds and Thugs. 3 Each round and 1 Golden Merchant at the end of round 3 so 10 enemies total. Simply staying aggressive with your sword and Crossbow will let you get all 9 kills.

    4-8 4 Enemies per round, consists of the previous enemies from rounds 1-3 and an addition of Whalers and Elite Guards. At round 8 an Overseer with a music box will spawn, easily killable with a Grenade. You wanna watch out for the Whalers as they can use their crossbow to steal a kill away from you. Using a ranged weapon against them is effective. 14, 18, then 22 kills at the end of round 7 a Golden Merchant Should Spawn making it 23 kills and after round 8, 27.

    If you are having any trouble with the following rounds using bend time can help. I would save it for the Tallboys and I'll explain why in a sec, but if you are having trouble don't be afraid to use it.

    9-12. 5 Enemies per round. Round 9 spawns in the Torturer. While he looks like a big threat, 2 headshots with a pistol always did the trick for me. From Round 10 to 12 you will have Tallboys spawn in. They also look like big threats, but if you saved all your mana potions and if you managed to get 4 spring razors you'll have no problem with them. Once they spawn use Bend Time and run over to them as fast as possible. Double jump and place the Spring Razor on the TallBoy and that should kill it. You should have a few seconds left on bend time to pick off a few enemies along the way. When round 12 starts use the same technique if you need to use Bend Time again then do so. Bend time will be your best friend. By the end of the 12th round a Golden Merchant will spawn this will be your 53rd kill. So if by the end of round 12 you have only 52, don't restart kill the merchant first and your achievement should pop.

    -Headhunter This achievement requires you to get 100% accuracy getting only headshots. (Turn down Head Bobbing in the settings) Honestly I had trouble with this achievement but I managed to get it after 20-30 failed attempts. Room 1 will have 3 Whalers and 1 Civilian. So will Room 2. Once the game starts if 2 Whalers are in front of you, pick them off, kill the one walking first then kill the one standing still to the left of the Whaler you just killed, sure you get headshots, body shots do not count. If a Whaler is searching the desks you can either take a right from where you exited your spawn room and get a headshot there, if he's on the other desk standing behind him and walking to him will make him get up and turn around. Shoot him while he's turning around but still being close to him. If the Whaler is walking on the other side of the room just wait for him to stop then shoot him.

    For Room 2 there are 3 Whalers as well. Depending on where they spawn this room should either be easy or a bit of challenge. If one is alone in the middle to the right then wait for the Whaler on the other side of the room to make his way to the left and stand still then pick off the Whaler in the middle. Whichever Whaler you wanna kill after is up to you, I chose the one searching the desk closest to you, but only when he stops searching the desk and stands up straight. If there are 2 Whalers in the middle then pray you have good accuracy. Kill the one on the right and once the one on the left starts walking to your direction shoot him. Same goes for the other one.

    Room 3 consists of 5 weepers. Run to the middle and as soon as all 5 weepers are out Blink to the bookshelf near the door where you just came from, from room 2. The weepers cannot reach you I suggest zooming in for this one. Wait for the weepers to stop coughing and once they're still shoot them in the head. Simple

    For room 4 (which is where people struggle as well as room 5) activate Dark Vision before entering the room fully. It gives you an advantage as to see where they are. Aim at the Whaler furthest the left since the gates open from Left to Right. Don't zoom in left Auto-aim help you here. Once the gate exposes the Whaler (not fully) there is a brief period where they are not in attention to you. Shoot them during this time but quickly, better to have only 1 Whaler attacking you then 2. Once the 2nd Whaler starts attacking you, do not let yourself be pinned to the wall as they can kill you instantly if they stun you. I would wait till they do their pulling power and zoom in either once or twice and aim to the left of where the bright light is coming from.

    Room 5 This has 2 Whalers, 1 holding a civilian hostage and another walking up the stairs then teleporting back down. Just zoom in first on the Whaler holding the civilian hostage and shoot him. Shooting this one has no effect on your arrow, your arrow will shoot straight as intended. For the whaler going up and down the stairs I would wait till he starts to turn and aim above his head because the arrows will start to fall, they will it shoot straight. A visual guide will help for this.

    Room 6 2 Whalers, use the pillars to your advantage, I shot the one closest first then the one furthest. Using the pillar to hide me.

    Room 7, 3 Whalers, this one might scare anyone already having a perfect run but don't be. 2 Whalers will spawn on the upper floor and another at the lower spawning either in front of you or to your left. Shoot the one on the lower level first, there will be a period of time where he isn't aware of you yet. Then shoot the Whaler above you that is trying to either shoot or pull you he'll be another easy headshot. If the last Whaler does the same then do the same as the previous Whaler. If he is aggressive I would follow the same technique as Room 4, waiting for them to pull them shoot to the left of the light.

    Assassin Vs Machine. Shouldn't be that hard. From your spawn point you're gonna wanna either double jump and blink ahead of the platform in front of you or just blink over the table. From there run straight until you see a purple building in front of you. Just double jump to the right and blink on the path in front of you. Then run straight (you're gonna need 2 blinks for this so if you don't think you have enough mana for 2 blinks back to back then just run up the stairs) and blink to the gate above the stairs, make sure you're standing on it not below it. After this you're gonna look to your left and see the train, quickly blink to it. You have a couple of moments to relax a bit but make sure to blink to the first part of the train. Once you've reached the part of the map where the train opens up a little gate with a space in the middle get off to the right and sprint forward. Then slide under the little hole in the wall and blink to the finish. If you manage to do it your achievement should pop as well as get 30,000 points.

    Long Way Down. Just follow the normal path, unless you're going for 3 stars as well then wait until I make the void star guide. Stop following the path once you kill the TallBoy. From there look to your right and you should see a rock formation there, blink to the green area and start going forward, jumping on the rock formation that leads to a broken building with a bit of a tall wall sticking out in the corner. From there blink to the corner, or blink to the wooden platform outside the building where a window should be. Then blink to the other corner of the building the one right in front of you. Looking outward, in the distance you should see a red beam of light, double jump and blink toward it, now look down and maneuver yourself, making sure you don't hit anything on the way down. Assassinate the person at the bottom, (key word assassinate because jumping on their heads does happen and it voids the achievement making you redo the level). And you should get the achievement. If you want you can look up a guide for this one too.

    That's all for today. I'll share a couple more guides later on.

    submitted by /u/Mxldo
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    need some help

    Posted: 06 Jul 2020 08:40 AM PDT

    hey, I just tried to play dishonored 2 on steam with a DualShock 4 controller, but it showed me Xbox prompts. is there a way to get it to show me the ps4 prompts? I used big picture mode with ps4 configuration on

    submitted by /u/Juxtivin
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    Dishonored 1 mlg (I know it lags but I couldnt get it to work otherwise. You can see what it is supposed to look like)

    Posted: 06 Jul 2020 06:25 AM PDT

    Need help with finger placement for crouch and shortcuts

    Posted: 05 Jul 2020 11:59 PM PDT

    What finger do you guys use to crouch i.e press 'C'? . If I use my index finger which is on 'E' , I lose the ability to move right and can't bind to lctrl since thats for block.

    I'd ideally not like to move my ring, middle and index fingers from wasd so movement is never compromised.

    Moving from 'E' to 'C' is really disruptive especially for slide and tackle attacks.

    submitted by /u/cbsudux
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    Who had the best story (poll)

    Posted: 05 Jul 2020 05:06 PM PDT

    I made a post of this a couple days ago getting everyone's individual opinion but now it's time to see what the community decides for the final say. By story I mean not just their individual campaigns but also their backstory and entire character. So who takes the title of Best Story? Feel free to go on my other post and put in your personal thoughts!

    Previous Post

    View Poll

    submitted by /u/Gavenlee2003
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