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    Sunday, July 5, 2020

    Dishonored Nice idea

    Dishonored Nice idea

    Nice idea

    Posted: 05 Jul 2020 06:44 AM PDT

    [Screenshot] Halls of the Keeper

    Posted: 05 Jul 2020 09:11 AM PDT

    Would anyone be interested in an all powers/upgrades save from the first mission for Dishonored 2?

    Posted: 05 Jul 2020 02:38 PM PDT

    I've been screwing around with Cheat Engine (not my own table, someone else created it), and I figured out I can give myself all powers, upgrades, ammo for all weapons, all bonecharm traits, and infinite money and whalebone from the very first mission, being A Long Day in Dunwall. I've screwed around with it some, and it's a lot of fun being able to do things that would normally be impossible, like killing Ramsey with rats or a doppelganger. I'm not sure if it will cause the game to crash or a save to corrupt if I then gain the outsider's powers or pick up the crossbow, but I highly doubt this will happen. Would anyone be interested in a copy of the save file? If so, just let me know. I still haven't given myself all the upgrades and ammo, as there's quite a few, so I'll need to work that out, which should take about an hour. Here's how I'm thinking the save will look like:

    The save will be immediately upon gaining control of your character. The position of the character nor even the movement of the camera will be changed, giving the impression of just starting the game. You immediately have access to blink or far reach (as Corvo or Emily, depending on who gets the most votes I will choose one). Upon opening your inventory, you will have the maximum amount of runes, being 10,000, with which you can unlock whatever you want. All bonecharm traits will be unlocked as well (assuming I can get it to work without unlocking bonecharm crafting, this shouldn't be an issue though), and all upgrades and ammo will be given to the player too.

    Any thoughts/requests/questions?

    submitted by /u/NinjacksonXV
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    This is a knife I made. I like to think I got a lot of inspiration from the weapons of Dishonored.

    Posted: 05 Jul 2020 03:26 PM PDT

    [Spoiler]I have got an idea to dishonored 3

    Posted: 05 Jul 2020 02:39 PM PDT

    In dishonored three u will play as an artist named Stefano. Your story will be about how u make 1 peace of art that makes alot of money but the night before u give it to the royal family a gang attacks u, getting u captured and they steal your art. But when they ask u to make them weapons u refuse so the gang leader gets mad and slice your hand as to not make art any more but the twist is he uses the blade that made the outsider, they throw u down the ocean so u drown but the void get into u before u drawn and u escape u get your hand back but it's kinda crupted and not normal looking ,after getting back to land the npc u encounter is non other than the outsider him self. Note :this game takes time after death of the outsider the good ending. And so your first mission is to free belli lurk that got captured by that gang. She got captured by the gang and they took her blade after u get to her she dies but gives u your next objective to kill the gang leaders right hand . I wont tell the hole story here but u get the idea, your abilities will be based on the personality of your charecter , like one of the abilitys is to control other ppl but ur charecter will be at the same location which means if some one finds u u get attacked ,the name of this ability will be (scenario) u make a scenario like an artist does with his canvas. The blink ability will be replaced with another ability which makes him into a black liquid that can only move when he is sticking to a wall or to a floor, and so on and so forth I did plan all the game but no need to make this post so long this post was just to give u an idea and I might make this a game if I get my hand on a easy engine like (dreams) so ya besesda if u are reading this pls make dishonored 3 . Also sorry for the bad English:p

    submitted by /u/vexonet
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    What's everyone's favourite and least favourite missions from the games?

    Posted: 05 Jul 2020 01:09 PM PDT

    I suppose I am also asking to rank the missions from the games, but my favourites are The Flooded District, Lady Boyle's Last Party, and The Dead Eels, and my least favourites are The Good Doctor, The Royal Conservatory, and the Surge.

    submitted by /u/Sivboi
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    How does Dishonored 2 run at minimum specs?

    Posted: 05 Jul 2020 11:07 AM PDT

    So i'm thinking about getting Dishonored 2 in the summer sale and my pc just about meets the minimum requirements to run it. Does anyone have experience of how the game runs at the min specs?

    submitted by /u/TheMatrixSheep
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    A random petty gripe

    Posted: 05 Jul 2020 12:19 AM PDT

    Whenever Dark vision is used...ENHANCED EYES.

    Could really do without and don't see why it's necessary.

    Petty like I said. Anyone else have random complaints about any aspect of the game/games?

    submitted by /u/Haindelmers
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    [Dishonored 1] Odd code...

    Posted: 05 Jul 2020 12:17 AM PDT

    [Dishonored 1] Odd code...

    While replaying DishonoredIn the High Overseer mission. Down in the Kennels if you look at the cover on the right you see here a combination of some sort. The closest thing around here is the room with the dead hounds, but the code for that room is different and you get it from the "Seven Strictures". Does anybody have any idea on what this code for?


    submitted by /u/FireStarJutsu
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    Question about swift shadow stacking

    Posted: 04 Jul 2020 05:09 PM PDT

    So I've been messing with the bone charm crafting and decided to stack stiff shadow x2 but I feel like I'm being noticed more often while in stealth. So does the added speed make you "louder" and more noticeable or am I just fucking up?

    submitted by /u/neuroticallyepic02
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