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    Tuesday, October 13, 2020

    Dishonored My fanart of Billie Lurk

    Dishonored My fanart of Billie Lurk

    My fanart of Billie Lurk

    Posted: 13 Oct 2020 07:06 AM PDT

    Samuel Beechworth wears gloves to hide the mark of the Outsider. Never had him pegged as a heretic.

    Posted: 13 Oct 2020 12:23 AM PDT

    Do you guys have any Dishonored traditions?

    Posted: 12 Oct 2020 08:33 PM PDT

    You know — little rituals that you find yourself doing in every playthrough.

    Myself, in D2 I always pick up Alexi's body and place her down on the nearby bed, so that she's resting against the headboard. Leaving her laying on the floor seems callous, especially when playing as Emily.

    Also, any time I see someone pissing over a ledge, I always push them over either by startling them or sliding into them.

    submitted by /u/CozyGhosty
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    A small missed opportunity (slight spoiler).

    Posted: 13 Oct 2020 12:09 PM PDT

    So when Slackjaw offers you to extract the safe key from Bunting, and you enter the BDSM room or whatever it's called to get it out of him he'll always say "your footsteps sound a little loud, have you gained weight honey?" no matter what from my understanding. It would be cool if you were 100% stealth up until then he wouldn't say it and maybe ask if you lost weight.

    submitted by /u/velociraptor24
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    What's your favourite Blink ability?

    Posted: 13 Oct 2020 01:44 PM PDT

    Ya know how every character has their own version of Corvo's blink? Well what's your favourite?

    View Poll

    submitted by /u/PS4_better_than_xbox
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    If you use the heart on a wolfhound in D2 you’ll still get the same secrets as a regular human.

    Posted: 13 Oct 2020 06:37 AM PDT

    Which has the best level design ?

    Posted: 13 Oct 2020 01:13 PM PDT

    Do Weepers count if they spot you?

    Posted: 13 Oct 2020 01:32 PM PDT

    I'm doing a ghost run on Dishonored and if I get spotted by a Weeper does it mean I don't get the little check at the end? God I want that check.

    submitted by /u/PS4_better_than_xbox
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    Something I just noticed in Dishonored 2

    Posted: 13 Oct 2020 07:27 AM PDT

    During A Long Day In Dunwall, if you listen to the announcement over the loudspeakers you can hear the announcer guy get beaten/murdered at the end of it. I have about 100 hours in D2 and I never noticed that

    submitted by /u/LadyLuck1881
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    Alright, Discussion time

    Posted: 12 Oct 2020 11:46 PM PDT

    I just finished the DOTO expansion, and I'm amazed! Honestly, it's my new favorite. While it explained a lot about the series, I'm still left with a lot of questions. So, I'm super curious about what/who y'all think the dead god is. Also, something that's been very consistent throughout the series are Whales being linked to the void, especially given what happens in the final act of DOTO. My idea is that there's something inhuman... (dare I say whale-like) about The Eye. It makes me think that the dead god statue is of a whale, or had something to do with whales. I really tried with the spoiler mark, I'm new to this subreddit and I'm sorry if it doesn't work!

    submitted by /u/Ciris_Sword
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    Chaos and responsive story hate?

    Posted: 13 Oct 2020 02:46 AM PDT

    Hello, I've played Dishonored 1 probably more than two dozen times and the second 7 or so. Having done Low chaos play through, No powers play through, High chaos play through and completely ghosting it I don't get why some people criticize the games "dynamic" world responding to play behavior. I think it's great that if I'm going for a dark kill everything with a pulse and maybe more play through the game gives me more enemies to slaughter and challenge to overcome then the other way if I'm going stealth no kills for some reason I can blink from place to place taking paths around enemies whom are in lesser numbers.

    submitted by /u/Terabitio
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    is dunwall city trials worth it

    Posted: 13 Oct 2020 06:53 AM PDT

    I have played the daud dlc for dishonored one as well as dishonored one and is dunwal city worth it as the reviews on steam are mixed and i heard it doesn't add to the story but is it still worth it.

    submitted by /u/USSThunderMufin
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    What counts as a kill in Dishonored 2?

    Posted: 13 Oct 2020 05:44 AM PDT

    I'm trying a kill free play through 2nd time around and I'm wondering if any of the deaths caused by other characters (guards throwing citizens into a wall of light, Overseers and gang members fighting etc) count against that goal.

    I'm also reasonably sure I stumbled upon people I know I couldn't have killed where there didn't seem to be any potential cause of death.

    submitted by /u/TFFTN
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    Dishonored 2: PC or Xbox One X

    Posted: 12 Oct 2020 08:49 PM PDT

    I just finished playing the original and the dlcs for the first time and am not sure where to play the sequel. I played the first one on an Xbox One X.

    My PC specs:

    i7-9750H RTX 2060 32gbs of RAM (MSI laptop) 1TB SSD Windows 10

    Both versions would be through GamePass

    submitted by /u/KarateKid917
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