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    Dishonored Who to play as in dishonored 2

    Dishonored Who to play as in dishonored 2

    Who to play as in dishonored 2

    Posted: 07 Oct 2020 06:51 AM PDT

    And what is the difference between them

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    submitted by /u/winged-sunrise
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    Emily and Jessamine do not deserve to lead a country.

    Posted: 07 Oct 2020 04:14 PM PDT

    Is it me the only one who thinks that Jessamine and Emily are very bad leaders for their country?

    First of all, we all know that during Jessamin empire, things were done wrong, we can tell the plague was a difficult episode of Dunwall, but Emily did not do too much as a leader, I never seen her worried about her people, she just cares about rescuing her father and getting her throne back, like a selfish prick, never said a word about the citizens of Dunwall or how she wants to save them from some sort of "tyrani".

    Do you think Emily really deserve to lead the country? Or should we start a rebellion? Call for some democratic elections! She can be a bad ass fighter, assassin and revenger, but as a leader she seems like doing nothing for her people and not even care about them, she cares more about the palace than the people.

    Personally I would not like to live during neither any of their leadership periods.

    Not blaming Corvo during his leadership, he was just a very good guard ascended to emperor because he had a secret relationship with the empress, but damn he did not show any interest in educating Emily as a future empress.

    submitted by /u/danyicd26
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    Tips for a Ghost/Merciful run as Corvo

    Posted: 07 Oct 2020 06:48 AM PDT

    These what worked for me so far.

    First, for runes, spend them at Blink, Bend Time, Dark Vision. Bonecharm Crafting. (optional: rune crafting)

    Bonecharms: Lucky Needle, Strong Arms, Electrical Burst, Acrobat, Swift Shadow, Void Favor, Spiritual Pool, Spiritual Fortune, Spirited.

    Max them out as soon as you get them, basically unlimited sleep darts since the chance of recovery is high af. strong arms let you choke faster, you can choke basically 2 people while u use bend time. Electrical Burst works best when there are crowds, especially with the chain lightning blueprint upgrade. 4 people with one mine

    Howling Bolt for witches is what i chose as masterwork, since they're more prevalent than gravehounds.

    Open to other suggestions. Also even though Emily has better powers for taking out multiple enemies, I somehow find it easier if I use Corvo.

    submitted by /u/anduin_stormsong
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