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    Monday, November 9, 2020

    Dishonored Heavily dishonored/brigmore witch inspired illustration for school.

    Dishonored Heavily dishonored/brigmore witch inspired illustration for school.

    Heavily dishonored/brigmore witch inspired illustration for school.

    Posted: 09 Nov 2020 02:39 AM PST

    My Dishonored acrylic fanart - Outsider's Shrine.

    Posted: 09 Nov 2020 08:27 AM PST


    Posted: 09 Nov 2020 11:25 AM PST

    Karma comes back!

    Posted: 09 Nov 2020 11:47 AM PST


    Posted: 09 Nov 2020 07:36 AM PST

    I misclicked. Again.

    Posted: 09 Nov 2020 12:04 PM PST

    Played dishonored for the first time and had a 22-hour playthrough. Went out to get some pizza. Fall in line at the pizza place. Had this strong urge to merk the guy in front.......

    Posted: 09 Nov 2020 01:54 PM PST

    Clockwork soldiers bugged spotting ?

    Posted: 09 Nov 2020 02:50 PM PST

    So I've recently decided to go back and replay Dishonored 2 with a ghost/no kill run. I'm at the clockwork mansion, on my way out with sokolov, and there are 2 clockwork soldiers in my way. What I do is (since there's no other way to stealthily go past) is I throw 2 grenades on each to kill them without them realizing. Problem is, every time I kill the 2nd soldier, I get a spotted tag (as it shows up in the stats) but I don't get actually spotted. The clockwork soldier never gets the red lightning bolt over his head, he's usually dead during the stunned phase. I've tried this over 10 times, consistently haven't been spotted, and always get both kills, but the game always registers it as being spotted. It's really getting on my nerves and I dunno what to do. Anyone know why this is happening ?

    submitted by /u/BrokeAsAMule
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    [Spoilers? for the novel? idk] what is dauds plan the billie prevents in 1852?

    Posted: 09 Nov 2020 01:26 PM PST

    i read the timeline, however i havent read the novels, but on the timeline it says

    Billie Lurk travels back to 1852 to save Daud and prevent him from carrying out his plan.

    what plan was it, and how did she go back in time? (i know emily did i forgot how though, i completely forgot time travel was even a thing in this) and why

    submitted by /u/oreiyaki
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    What if (DotO spoilers)

    Posted: 09 Nov 2020 05:51 AM PST

    What if, after the low chaos events of DotO the outsider shows up at dunwall tower, walks into the throne room, and Corvo and Emily just look at him and go...


    submitted by /u/Zariman-10-0
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    Did he just...

    Posted: 08 Nov 2020 06:59 PM PST

    Wouldn’t the Heart have been able to expose the conspiracy that was at hand, in D1?

    Posted: 08 Nov 2020 04:34 PM PST

    Just a theoretical question. Wouldn't it be able to expose whoever was involved in the on-going plot, at the Hound Pits Pub?

    submitted by /u/Corvo9393
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    Why is Emily...

    Posted: 08 Nov 2020 05:29 PM PST

    ...Attacked during A Crack In The Slab?

    During the past segments of the mission, Emily is the reigning Emporess.
    Shouldn't she be greated with honor? Not an attack.

    submitted by /u/Sox_The_Fox2002
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    If you could add or change a mechanic to disincentivize save scumming... Would you? If so, what would you add?

    Posted: 08 Nov 2020 09:04 PM PST

    I would add a rewind spell that only brings you back 2-5 seconds or so, but uses a little more mana than you can regenerate.

    That way you can still experiment with mechanics or make minor mistakes without constantly needing to rewind old saves, but it isn't nearly as exploitable. For as fun as the games are, savescumming has been a self admitted weak spot of the series' design

    That might be really hard to add, timescaling has always been a pain for game designers. But this is wish fulfillment... and by the time another game comes out in the series, the hardware will probably be able to handle it

    More practical might be an amnesia grenade or spell that resets enemies to the unaware state. But that's more exploitable.

    submitted by /u/CartooNinja
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