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    Thursday, December 17, 2020

    Dishonored Emily Minimalist

    Dishonored Emily Minimalist

    Emily Minimalist

    Posted: 17 Dec 2020 08:54 AM PST

    Just more proof that low chaos is the canonical D1 ending. (this is from my High Chaos D2 playthrough)

    Posted: 17 Dec 2020 10:36 AM PST

    Enjoy this art by Sam White.

    Posted: 17 Dec 2020 08:59 AM PST

    What's your favorite quote?

    Posted: 17 Dec 2020 10:53 AM PST

    My favorite quote comes from Thomas. "This is the second time now. I see something or someone out of the corner of my eye, but when I turn... they're gone. Someone is watching us." Now i know hes referring to the witches but i like to think hes also seeing the training mannequins following us around. (Weird little Easter egg if No one knows what im talking about)

    submitted by /u/life_is_chrome
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    In The Mind of: Emily Kaldwin [Part One]

    Posted: 17 Dec 2020 02:06 PM PST

    Greetings people of the Isles. My plan for the next few posts I make will be to make a follow-up to this video In The Mind of: Corvo Attano

    I highly recommend any fan of Dishonored watch it if you haven't already, it goes over all of Corvo's canonical choices in the original Dishonored. Since I'm yet to see anyone try to figure out Emily's canonical choices in Dishonored 2 beyond that she got the Low Chaos ending, I thought I'd do it myself. Better late than never, ay?

    This first post will cover the first mission of Dishonored 2, so strap in and enjoy:

    After being locked up by Ramsey, Emily is determined as ever to take down Delilah, take back her rightful spot on the throne and save her father. There is no time to think on the events that happened just minutes before, so Emily cracks open a window, leaves the locked room then comforts Alexi in her final moments. Armed with her father's blade, Emily Kaldwin sheaths it, putting aside the barrage of negative emotions that would drive a weaker person to fight their way to freedom.

    Emily knocks out the first guard, takes his key and locks his unconscious body in the room that temporarily imprisoned her. She then takes out the second guard either stealthily and non-lethally, or the inexperienced Empress slips up and is forced to take that guardsmans life before he can alert anyone else.

    (Note that with Emily having little to no real experience outside of training when it comes to stealth or combat, she is prone to mistakes and will likely be forced into murder at times but not often)

    Emily then moves to the other room where Ramsey is, hides herself then waits for Ramsey to leave for the Royal Chambers. As the two guards in the Throne room have their backs turned, Emily turns to her father and is of the events of the first game as well as has her motivations cemented.

    Emily trails Ramsey until he is inside the Royal Chambers. Corvo would not hide from a target, instead revealing himself before he takes them out either lethally or non-lethally. Emily is only concerned with getting out of Dunwall alive. Descending unto Ramsey from the railings above, she slams his head into the ground and knocks him out. She takes her ring back as well as whatever money Ramsey had on him, enjoys the nastalgia that the old room gives her, likely takes the books she has about her father to read on her travels, locks up the room, gears up and leaves Dunwall Tower.

    The Empress then runs for her life, leaping from rooftop to rooftop until she comes across the tracks that run above the Dunwall streets where the metallic boxes run by every so often. Thinking fast, she hops aboard one which takes her to the docks. She leaps off of the box car, reluctantly dives into the waters below then swims abroad aboard the Farewell Daud-

    I mean Dreadful Whale.

    Emily isn't quick to trust the captain of this strange ship, but Meagen is Emily's only way out of the city as well as an apparent ally of Anton Sokolov so how bad could she be? They proceed to set sail and leave Dunwall for the time being.

    submitted by /u/A_Humble_Knight
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    Kidnapped Sokolov, but at What Cost? At What Cost?

    Posted: 17 Dec 2020 02:21 AM PST

    I'm getting better at this - just went through Kaldwin's Bridge on hard with no kills, no alarms sounded, and only one unconscious body found, but it was HARD WORK not killing the one guy who found me in the guard station at the bridge. Burned through all my remedies, two elixirs (he kept getting in the odd swipe while I was avoiding him) and all my sleep darts.

    I miss the plethora of non-lethal options in D2 and Death of the Outsider, I'll tell you that. I managed Golden Cat and Kaldwin Bridge with no deaths, but I forgot that you ONLY get drop assassination in Dishonored at roughly the exact moment I did a sky-murder on some random overseer. Whoops.

    submitted by /u/TheYellowPage
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    I finally did it :D

    Posted: 17 Dec 2020 12:32 PM PST

    I finally did it :D

    It has been a long journey, but I have finally done it. I managed to 100% all 3 games of Dishonored, my favorite game triology. It was really hard (especially dunwall city trials's achievements), but it made me realize how I love this games.After all this journey, I'm glad to say that I can now rest and enjoy my whiskey and cigars tonight.

    Note: while I pray for a sequel for the series, you better watch yourself Bioshock triology, I'm gonna get ya...

    EDIT: forgot to upload the pics (sorry i'm not used to reddit)




    submitted by /u/FacaDelicinha
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    New game us dishonored 2

    Posted: 17 Dec 2020 12:35 PM PST

    When I wanted to do my fourth playthrought (which was new game plus) I didn't get any of my bone charms or weapon upgrades. Is it normal?

    submitted by /u/i_main_thatcher
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    Just Finish Dishonored 2 - some thoughts

    Posted: 17 Dec 2020 11:36 AM PST

    I just like to do a write up after playing through a game for the first time. Playing a game is a big deal for me and I'm often left with a lot of thoughts.

    Dishonored (1) is forever in my heart and on the list of top games ever made. This was preceded by games like Bioshock, Dark Souls, and Fallout 4. Pretty big contenders. Dishonored is probably the only game that I ever bought DLC for, as I was DYING FOR MORE. And I don't know how many play throughs I've done, but if I haven't done a 5th or 6th run yet, I'll be doing that soon.

    Needless to say I couldn't wait to play Dishonored 2, but my graphics card was kinda shitty and I wanted to wait until I got a better one for the full experience. And, I just recently got a new computer.

    So first let me just say it. I think Dishonored 2 is not as amazing as the first game. Note: "not as amazing" is not an insult. It's a good game, it's an awesome game. But I think the first one has some type of magic to it that Dishonored 2 is missing.

    In terms of graphics and art I was definitely impressed, as expected, I mean the quality is just amazing. But I'm not sure if the overall art, the mood, the environment was as impressive as the first game. I really felt like I was in a tense, heavily guarded atmosphere with plague and vermin in Dishonored. But DS2 had a bit more of a "Disney feel" for lack of a better word.

    I also found this game to be incredibly easy in comparison to the first. I died a lot and really felt challenged in the first game. At some point in DS2 I just started walking around and taking on teams of enemies head first. I simply didn't have any fear or tension. Is this because I played the first game so much and I'm just an expert at it? Or is the game just easier?

    I found the story a little harder to follow. I am probably the most likely person to skip cut scenes and get to the action, but I know clearly what happened in the first game. In this game I kept spacing-out during cut scenes, and I could swear that sometimes as hard as I tried - I just could not grasp what they were leading me towards. I ended up blindly following orders "Kill this person" or "Save that person".

    One thing that really ruined my experience with this game was the ending. I had no idea what I was supposed to do at one point. I crafted the skull, put it in place, then I either killed her or knocked her out, and then he said "I should put her on the throne". So there are 2 thrones, one in the painting and one outside the painting, I threw her on the throne in the painting and nothing happened, so I took her back inside the castle and tried throwing her there, nothing happens... Then I realized, oh I could have just left her in the painting that was what he meant... duh? Wait... now I'm stuck! And no directions on what to do. I replayed this part from loading saves like 5 times, and finally I realized that I did in fact beat the game, and all I had to do was go talk to the statue Emily. THERE WAS NO MARKER pointing me towards that statue of Emily. So I thought I broke the game. The mission clue said "Save Emily" but I didn't know where she was. The statue there just looked like another of the many statues all over the game, or maybe I was just distracted and just didn't notice it. Fair enough. But they could have guided me towards the statue with a marker or pointer, being that they did that with the rest of the game.

    I think that's a bug. It happened more than once where the place-marker wasn't available for a statue. So that part actually really sucked. But that was the only problem I had.

    Summary. This game had an EXTREMELY tough act to follow so none of this stuff is really a major complaint. It's a good game and I'm going to play through a few more times for sure. If Dishonored is a 5/5 then Dishonored 2 gets a 4.5/5 to be fair.

    The fact that both this game and the previous are short (in comparison to other AAA games) is not a problem for me. Games are similar to books for me. I don't care how good a book is, if it's 1000 pages I'm going to feel a bit exhausted. I get this way with games too. I was working on Dark Souls 3 and I basically just dropped it half way to play Dishonored 2 because it was sucking the life out of me. The short and sweet nature of Dishonored games is a WELCOME RELIEF.

    Thanks if you read all the way through!

    And how is Death of the Outsider? Does it compare with the first two games or is it a decline?

    submitted by /u/b_art
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    Dishonored 1 mods

    Posted: 17 Dec 2020 11:09 AM PST

    Hey I'm new to this subreddit!

    Does Dishonored 1 have mods?

    I played this game on and off for about 6 years now. Can't play the second game cause weak laptop. So I've been wondering if this game has a modding scene. Not like entire new story dlc kinda mods. Just fun modifications etc.

    submitted by /u/superduperseer
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    Me and the boys having the time of our lives

    Posted: 16 Dec 2020 07:40 PM PST

    Are any of the Dishonored games for the PS4 buggy?

    Posted: 17 Dec 2020 06:51 AM PST

    I remember hearing that dishnored 2 was buggy on release, but I don't recall if that was only PC or if that was across all platforms. I also don't know if the bugs were ever patched.

    submitted by /u/bartonfoundation
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    Is this an actual recipe?

    Posted: 16 Dec 2020 06:29 PM PST

    Dishonored 1 Survivor | Round 4

    Posted: 16 Dec 2020 05:24 PM PST

    Tad late on posting this, my apologies!

    The eponymous first mission, Dishonored, has been eliminated with 39.6% of the vote! It's come close to elimination several times and the quality of the remaining missions is only getting higher so it's no surprise this level was chosen next. As a tutorial goes it's not too bad but I never really liked the fact the first missions in every Dishonored except Dishonored 1's DLC starts you off with no powers. It's especially evident here since in this trailer Corvo is shown being given his powers while in Coldridge Prison, and I feel like escaping with at least Blink to play with would've been a lot of fun. The level is very linear and basically plays out the same way every time too, so I always find it a bit of a bore when starting a new playthrough. At least it's on the short side!

    We're starting to get into the good stuff now, and every mission has finally received at least one vote! For those curious, House of Pleasure was the mission that didn't get any votes in the first 2 rounds but it did get a couple this time, well done to u/lauchis for guessing that!


    How it works:

    Each round, you vote for your LEAST favorite Dishonored mission from the options available. After 48 hours I'll close voting, and eliminate the most voted mission, then we'll go again with the remaining 8 missions, voting for least favorite each time, until only 1 remains and is crowned the community's favorite mission in Dishonored 1.

    Missions still standing:

    • High Overseer Campbell
    • House of Pleasure
    • The Royal Physician
    • Lady Boyle's Last Party
    • Return to the Tower
    • The Light at the End

    Eliminated missions:

    • The Flooded District, 22.8%
    • The Loyalists, 43.8%
    • Dishonored, 39.6%
    submitted by /u/-Raid-
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