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    Sunday, December 27, 2020

    Dishonored Fantasising about a Dishonored 3 in Tyvia again...

    Dishonored Fantasising about a Dishonored 3 in Tyvia again...

    Fantasising about a Dishonored 3 in Tyvia again...

    Posted: 27 Dec 2020 07:09 AM PST

    Warning: bloated manicposting ahead

    So I know this idea is tossed around a lot as its the most likely candidate for a possible D3, but I'm bored on a long train journey and thought I'd share my thoughts here.

    Game takes place in and around the city of Dabovka, some time during the late 1890s or early 1900s. The political landscape would be semi-analagous to pre revolution Russia. Of course the world of Dishonored is rampant with inequality and oppression and it tracks that a big revolutionary movement would be imminent by the late 19th century. Tyvia is the ideal setting for this, not only for the similarities to Russia but also because the High Judges' regime sounds particularly oppressive, even by the Isles standards.

    I see Wei-Ghon as being crucial to the lore. I haven't read much about Wei-Ghon in game and can't find loads on the Wiki but I can picture an expansionist Tyvia going on a campaign to crush a burgeoning independence movement in the far north. While this bears similarity to the Russo-Japanese War in the real world 1904 I picture the Wei-Ghon/Tyvia dynamic as something more akin to China/Taiwan, or maybe Russia/Ukraine. Much like the Russo-Japanese war, the eventual humiliating failure of the campaign would be a trigger for mass protests in Tyvian cities.

    That's where you come in. A high ranking member of the black masked Operators, the secret police who give up their identities and move like shadows. Disgraced and stripped of your position after you publicly denounce the regime following a brutal massacre of workers by the grand guard equivalent (the grand guard in this game could draw inspiration from the cossacks, with the Operators being a highly trained elite deemed less honorable than them - think Shinobi), you are headhunted by the insurrection movement and tasked with eliminating the three High Judges, as well as various members of the Persidium and elite bourgeois.

    The insurrectionists could be a loose amalgam of Bolshevik and Menshevik types with their own inner squabbles and conflicts, perhaps leading to more factional RPG-like story structure. Killing your targets could lead to a failed state post-revolution and result in something not too far off real world Soviet Russia, whereas more nonviolent solutions could result in something altogether more utopian. Maybe you could even play double double agent and side with The Judges, preserving their brutal regime for decades to come.

    Another faction could be a kind of ultra-nationalist extra legal paramilitary order clandestinely sanctioned by the High Judges (similar to the overseers, but worse). They would round up the capital's poor and subject them to firing squads/other pogrom esque atrocities and forcibly deport minorities hailing from Wei-Ghon and Morley. The real life inspiration here could be something like the pro-Tsar 'Black Hundreds' in pre revolution Russia. They would be fun to kill, distinct from The Operators, who you might feel more conflicted about killing seeing as you used to be one.

    Levels could include infiltrating The Citadel of Dabovka / People's Chamber; aiding (or suppressing) a mutiny on a large Battleship a la Potemkin; Escaping or Infiltrating a remote Penal Colony (Utyrka); Dabovka Asylum; even a mirror maze style film studio run by an eccentric propagandist akin to Jindosh could work.

    Not so interested in talking about mechanics here as I am in the lore, but I've always thought a quick step/dash mechanic would elevate the dishonored gameplay to new heights. This could make up for a lack of Blink if the game needs to have a more flesh and steel approach following DOTO (I wouldn't know though as I still haven't played it).

    Thoughts? Help me expand on my deranged fanfic so I can have more stuff to think about during my spells of insomnia. Just imagine how well Arkanes art style would fit a world of frozen streets and quasi-Byzantine architecture!

    submitted by /u/SqueakyLeeks
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    comfy sleeping position

    Posted: 27 Dec 2020 02:21 PM PST

    Something I made after completing D1 Mission 5 (Low Chaos)

    Posted: 26 Dec 2020 07:42 PM PST

    Dishonored 1 Survivor | Results

    Posted: 27 Dec 2020 10:30 AM PST

    And so it's done! Return to the Tower has been voted out with 58.3% of the vote, meaning that our winner is...

    Lady Boyle's Last Party!

    Can't say I'm too surprised at this, it's widely regarded as a great level and one that often comes up as a favorite. Though I was intrigued at the difference between comment thoughts and the actual votes - most of the comments on the previous vote expressed preferences for Return to the Tower, but it looks like the silent majority won this time!

    Lady Boyle's Last Party is still a phenomenal level no doubt. It's our first introduction to high society, tallboys, and a different kind of stealth where you hide in plain sight. It also has one of the more depraved non-lethal options which genuinely feels worse than lethal for me. My one qualm with the mission is the ease of solving the identity of the Boyle sisters - Miss White and Lord Brisby give you the exact target virtually for free, it would be nice if you had to do something more for Miss White or had to work out which guest was Brisby without revealing too much about yourself.

    But I do see why it won - Return to the Tower is a simple, fun (albeit challenging) gauntlet, that you can make even harder for yourself if you forced the Lord Regent up to his safe room, whereas Lady Boyle's Last Party is very unique and unlike any other mission in the game. Forgoing the usual stealthy practice of lurking in shadows and instead carrying out a little detective work upstairs is a great change of pace.

    Thanks to everyone who took part! Let me know your thoughts on the results, and I will get round to posting the first Survivor round for Dishonored 1's DLCs in a few days.

    Eliminated missions:

    • The Flooded District, 22.8%
    • The Loyalists, 43.8%
    • Dishonored, 39.6%
    • The Royal Physician, 40%
    • The Light at the End, 38.1%
    • House of Pleasure, 46.2%
    • High Overseer Campbell, 55.6%
    • Return to the Tower, 58.3%
    submitted by /u/-Raid-
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    First Time

    Posted: 27 Dec 2020 10:50 AM PST

    Hey so This Christmas my Aunt got my Dishonored: Definitive Edition. I know absolutely nothing about this game but it looks cool and I had some questions.

    Is this the first in the series?

    I got it on Xbox one. Is it multiplayer and requires Xbox Live?

    My last question is. How would you rate it out of 10? Don't put any spoilers, I just wanna know your rating.

    submitted by /u/JohnIConnor
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    I Have Been Playing Dishonored 2 for the First Time and I Am Here to Share My Progress

    Posted: 27 Dec 2020 10:42 AM PST

    I played through the first Dishonored game several years ago on my old PC. Fast forward to the beginning of the current month: I wanted to buy s couple of cheap, lengthy games to keep me entertained and take me into 2021. So, I bought Dark Souls 3 and Dishonored 2 - after finishing the first, I am playing the latter.

    I am currently on "Mission 7 - A Crack in the Slab", right after getting the time device from The Outsider. The Clockwork Mansion already blew me away and this level looks like it will do the same. The game has been consistently great and I definitely feel like I am getting my money's worth (even more).

    I am playing as Emily and my stats point towards a "Non-Lethal Assault" playstyle, with Low Chaos. My favorite powers are Far Reach, Dark Vision and Domino (I keep all of those as shortcuts along with the Heart).

    I feel like I may be nearing the 3rd act (first Dishonored did not have a lot of missions, too), so I'll enjoy it for as much as I can, before stepping into my next game. I'll definitely come back for another playthrough, too!

    submitted by /u/RedShadowF95
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    Does anyone know a fix for the Dishonored insensitivity on console?

    Posted: 27 Dec 2020 10:43 AM PST

    That thing where you move the stick diagonally, but because the movement is so slight the game just interprets it as straight ( directly up, down or to the side )?

    submitted by /u/LiterallyGod_
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