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    Saturday, December 26, 2020

    Dishonored Jumping is the best fighting move

    Dishonored Jumping is the best fighting move

    Jumping is the best fighting move

    Posted: 26 Dec 2020 05:31 AM PST

    Just got my new pc and oh my god. It feels good to have all setting on ultra automatically.

    Posted: 25 Dec 2020 07:38 PM PST

    The most important Christmas presents

    Posted: 26 Dec 2020 04:23 AM PST

    I just got this game a few weeks ago and I am upset I didn't get it sooner

    Posted: 26 Dec 2020 10:30 AM PST

    I got this weird desire to fire up Dishonored again and saw that this game was on a discount on steam and thought it'd be worth my time to get it.

    Dishonored 2 blows the first game out of the water. I've had a couple moments were I just got really giddy because of how cool the combat was. I'm on a high chaos NG+ run with Corvo and I had like 7 elite guards chasing me up some stairs and I just kept teleporting up and down the stairs, laying spring razor mines and doing some assassinations. While picking them off one by one, one of the lower ranked guards got too spooked and tried leaving.

    Just wanted to get that out there. This game is great.

    submitted by /u/Krillicu
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    It was quite the journey

    Posted: 26 Dec 2020 09:44 AM PST

    Can someone help me. Playing original Dishonored for the first time on Steam. Game won’t go fullscreen

    Posted: 26 Dec 2020 12:55 PM PST

    Everything is great except for the 3 inches of black all around the screen. I have a 15" screen.

    I can't do anything to get it to go full screen, I've changed all the settings I can.

    It runs full frame in window-ed mode, which I have to get to from the game because Steam just updated and I no longer have that option in the right-click menu on steam, but the window won't stretch and the square button at the top right is blurred out.


    submitted by /u/braindamagedcriminal
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    Dishonored 2 - Xbox One is 50% off

    Posted: 26 Dec 2020 10:36 AM PST

    Dishonored 2 (XBO) is $8.93 on Amazon

    Posted: 25 Dec 2020 09:28 PM PST

    Least Favorite Powers

    Posted: 26 Dec 2020 12:13 AM PST

    Somebody on my top five best powers in the Dishonored series said it would be interesting to talk about my least favorite powers in the series so let's begin.

    Mesmerize, This power is so BORING. Like it cost like six runes (Base Power) and if really want to get by guards without being noticed just use Shadow Walk or something.

    Windblast, I would have to say windblast is kinda meh in my eyes. It's only really useful in high chaos runs and imo it's not really that useful. Windblast is probably the lease useful out of all the powers in the series (I'm not saying the power is bad, there is different levels of good if you get what I mean lol)

    Summon Assassin, I don't really care for this power. This one never really interest me, it's basically a worse doppelganger.

    submitted by /u/dylan_wants_pasta
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    An update to my prediction for D3.

    Posted: 26 Dec 2020 11:23 AM PST

    In one of my posts I mentioned the possibility of D3 taking place years before D1 starts.And I would like to bring an update.The protag might not be the assassin but the one solving the murder. THE STORY:After the assassination of Larisa Olaskir (The empress before the Kaldwin line rose).The empire is thrown into chaos ranging from politics to economy.Behind the scenes:The first member of the Kaldwin line is a leader of a group that wants to eliminate the conspiracy responsible for the murder.They got formed because the conspiracy is powerful and they do not have enough evidence to expose them.The leader of the group against the conspiracy is a man of the people sort of politician who supports the guards that are actually honest (lawful good guy who takes his work seriously and as a result does it properly).The problem however, is the fact that he supported the guard and since the empress got killed and they haven't caught the assassin yet.His reputation as well as the guard got damaged. THE PLACE:Morley or Gristol. THE PROTAGANIST:An honest former high rank guard that got fired under accusations of being corrupt.Which fits the theme of dishonored since:Corvo:Was accused of murdering empress Jessamine,Emily:Was accused of being the crown killer.Daud:Was a thug and a mass murderer and Billie:Was Daud's second in command.He/She meets the leader of the secretive group and becomes an agent who will eliminate members of the conspiracy and put an end to the leader of the conspiracy.The Outsider marks the protag since protag was not like the other guards or not for no powers mode.

    submitted by /u/datdatdatdatdatboi
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    Greetings everyone. I recently finished the DLCs of the first game brigmore witches. And in that DLC you face Delilah . You either trap her or you kill her, I chose to trapper. I'm playing Dishonored 2 and you know what happened next I suppose.

    Posted: 26 Dec 2020 10:55 AM PST

    Is this some kind of a plot hole? Keep in mind the last time I played Dishonored 2 and one was in 2017 Quite frankly Dishonored 2 story is the weakest. Although the game is incredible

    submitted by /u/Rain_EDP_boy
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    The Top Five Powers in the Dishonored series (besides blink and far reach)

    Posted: 25 Dec 2020 10:28 PM PST

    So I decided to make the top five powers in Dishonored series. I will be looking at all the powers from Dishonored 1 all the way through death of the outsider.

    1. Semblance, One of the underrated powers imo. Semblance basically allows you to walk around with somebody else's face that you stole. This opens a lot of opportunities up to the Player. The reason why I think it deserves its a number five is that it is only really suited for non-lethal playstyles. You can't kill the person who's face you stole and I'm pretty sure you can't kill people during the time you're wearing somebody else's face (I'm sorry I haven't play death of the outsider yeah I'm sorry y'all lol)

    2. Possession, Possessions is personally one of my favorite powers. You can create a lot of unique scenarios with it and you can possess your enemies and lead them into somewhere where you can take them out quietly. The reason why I put it above Semblance is because Possession can be very useful in low chaos and high chaos runs. As I said before Semblance is only very useful in low chaos or non-lethal playthroughs. Also possession also allows you to possessed animals and access tinier entrances/exits, which semblance does not do.

    3. Shadow Walk, Shadow Walk is the SHIT. It allows you to basically get a free kill or a faster way to knock out your enemies. Shadow walk is so versatile in any playthrough. Also it's upgrades are cheap as hell so it's pretty easy to upgrade it all the way pretty early. I was so tempted to place it above Bend Time but I'll discuss more why I put it under it.

    4. Bend Time, It's not really that surprising that this power on this list. Like Shadow Walk gets you free kills, stealthily knockout people in plain sight without them even ever knowing. Basically to make it short Bend Time it's a great power to have in every playthrough but I do believe there is a better power than Bend Time.

    5. Domino I don't know if this is a unpopular opinion but Domino is the best power in the game. It allows you to clean up a room of enemies with just one sleep dart. Like Shadow walk it's also very cheap to upgrade. Domino is great to pair with other powers but it's great on it own.

    Here are some honorable mentions that didn't make it to the cut,

    Dark Vision, It's great for tracking and finding stuff but not really game-changing.

    Doppelganger, It's a good power but it's has a similar problem with semblance, it's only really useful in high chaos runs unless you don't upgrade it at all.

    submitted by /u/dylan_wants_pasta
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    Posted: 26 Dec 2020 06:34 AM PST

    Does it count as a kill if an unconscious person is eaten by rats in dishonored?

    Posted: 25 Dec 2020 10:34 PM PST

    Give proof, from the latest update.

    submitted by /u/aip-
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