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    Monday, December 14, 2020

    Dishonored tfw you're trying to get through a mission without killing anyone

    Dishonored tfw you're trying to get through a mission without killing anyone

    tfw you're trying to get through a mission without killing anyone

    Posted: 14 Dec 2020 02:56 PM PST

    Outsider's Eyes!

    Posted: 14 Dec 2020 04:04 AM PST

    So, Rats eating unconscious bodies on the ground?

    Posted: 14 Dec 2020 12:18 PM PST

    Literally just played through the bathhouse mission, I was going for no kills for the first time and when I knocked out 2 maids and one guard throughout that mission and when the result screen came up, It said I had 2 kills. If this is true, then I guess im gonna have to start putting bodies in high places lmao

    submitted by /u/AscendedHobo
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    Dishonored 1 Survivor | Round 3

    Posted: 14 Dec 2020 07:56 AM PST

    The Loyalists has been eliminated with 43.8% of the vote! I doubt anyone will be too shocked at this, I hardly even count it as a level given how quickly it can be completed if you know where you're going. What's more surprising to me is that people actually prefer it to The Flooded District, though last round was very close with only a couple votes between them.

    There's very little to say about the Loyalists honestly, it does just feel like a bit of filler between your escape from the Flooded District and your revenge at Kingsparrow Island. It was nice finally seeing Piero and Sokolov together though, and learning that Callista survives in low chaos. Despite its length it's still packed with lots of classic Dishonored details, such as Lord Pendleton's abandoned audiograph player in the sewers - Wallace must've met with Havelock first before fulfilling Pendleton's final request to transport it to their boat, though I have no idea how it ended up down there.

    There is still one mission that has not yet received a vote, and nobody's guessed it yet!


    How it works:

    Each round, you vote for your LEAST favorite Dishonored mission from the options available. After 48 hours I'll close voting, and eliminate the most voted mission, then we'll go again with the remaining 8 missions, voting for least favorite each time, until only 1 remains and is crowned the community's favorite mission in Dishonored 1.

    Missions still standing:

    • Dishonored
    • High Overseer Campbell
    • House of Pleasure
    • The Royal Physician
    • Lady Boyle's Last Party
    • Return to the Tower
    • The Light at the End

    Eliminated missions:

    • The Flooded District, 22.8%
    • The Loyalists, 43.8%
    submitted by /u/-Raid-
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    Redirective blink exploit

    Posted: 14 Dec 2020 07:03 AM PST

    it seemed obvious to me but for some reason i dont see it referenced, but using redirective blink you can move while slashing your sword then stop moving and the swing will finish while time is stopped, this allows you to win any fight really easily even while outnumbered without using ammo or mana

    it is also useful in a fight because you can look around mid fight at no mana cost and see if anyone is going to attack you

    hope this isnt patched

    submitted by /u/Milf_Hunter_Kakyoin-
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    What Am I Doing Wrong?

    Posted: 14 Dec 2020 03:45 PM PST

    I'm determined to try to pull off a Ghost/Shadow run through on DH1 (got halfway through it before but lost the save) but for one reason or another every time I finish the first mission, I'm told I've killed one singular hostile..

    Thing is, I know that first mission like the back of my hand and I'm using the exact same process I used when doing the run before!?

    I know all the usual stuff like not leaving bodies on the ground for rats, not accidentally drowning people etc. So I really can't work out what I'm doing wrong!

    If anyone could help I'd really appreciate it as I really cba to do it for the 4th time in the last couple hours 🤣

    submitted by /u/IslaOakstone
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    TIL you can explode the baloons near the Boyle Manor

    Posted: 13 Dec 2020 05:38 PM PST

    The Overseers Have Once Again Robbed Me Of My Rightful Glory

    Posted: 14 Dec 2020 04:59 AM PST

    So I'd done the entire Stolen Archive level on Death of the Outsider on hard without anybody dying, and knocked out pretty much everybody in the building when an Overseer near the exit who I had missed before threw a grenade at me out of nowhere. It missed, but the very edge of the blast radius clipped the head off of an unconscious overseer in the corner and that counted as my kill. Ah well.

    It was only a clean hands run up to that point, anyway. What did I really lose?

    submitted by /u/TheYellowPage
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    In need of motivation or help

    Posted: 13 Dec 2020 07:18 PM PST

    So I played Dishonored 2, and I bloody loved it, and so played 1. I played it and all its dlcs, and also really liked it, and I wanted to play it again, without the worry of collecting all the runes and mess, but theres no option for new game + that I saw. And so here I am. Is there a new game plus option I missed? Or do I just cut my losses and start anew?

    submitted by /u/AnUnfinalTale
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    I have an idea for dishonored 3 and I want to share it with arkane studio

    Posted: 14 Dec 2020 05:00 AM PST

    This idea isn't fleshed out and is basically unfinished concepts but I think it's enough to start. I tried to see their website but the email is for Bethesda and not arkane. Is there a member from the studio that I can talk to over email or even here? I don't want to disclose the idea in fear they might not want it if some people already know it.

    submitted by /u/ye-wannabe
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    In my opinion the devs did a view mistakes

    Posted: 14 Dec 2020 05:05 AM PST

    In my opinion the devs did a few mistakes with Dishonored 2:

    A. Killing anyone is evil, produces an higher chaos rating BUT on the same time we can read peoples minds via the heart, so we can differentiate between the good, average and bad guys.

    Imo it would have been better if killing the bad guys would make the world better and killing the average & good guys should make the world worse. This way you would feel more encouraged to be the noble, good assassin, man / woman of the people.

    To that please keep also the last conversation in mind between Corvo and his boatsman in Dishonored 1. There his deeds get an morally touch.

    Imo connecting the chaos rating to moral behaviour, not only to bloodflies / rats would feel more engaging.

    Killing bad/evil people shouldnt make the world worse, killing normal average people with forgivable sins should increase chaos rating though. The heart could be the tool to find the rotten apples in the basket.

    B. Mana regeneration technic is bad, discourages usage of abilities, leads into horting mana and mana elixirs, better:

    The initial regeneration like in Dishonored 2 after an used ability, but 15 seconds after the last used spell mana should regenerate 10 % per 1,5 seconds.

    That would lift the felt restrictions in using the fun part of this game. Also the mana elixirs would be still useful in stress situations, but mana would be basically infinite this way.

    C. All guards are kind of bad, imo the ratio should be 40 % are very bad, 40 % are in the middle and 20 % of them are idealistically hearted people. So the heart could help finding the rotten apples in the basket. Removing these should help the city becoming healthy again.

    D. Taking an corpse as an host (Corvo ability/spell) should be possible infinitly, only the initial activation of the spell should take mana, but afterwards you should be allowed to be infinitly long in the corpse. Only in higher difficulty the corpse hosting should be finite.

    E. Killing Ashworth, the duke and Jindosh should NOT increase chaos, but the opposite. Morale, also moralistic killing/conviction should lower chaos rating.

    F. Some civilians should be good, roughly 80 % of them, 20 % bad enough so killing them reduces chaos rating.

    This way people would be more engaged with the well-being of the people, because you could influence their lives with your actions in a good way.

    G Good people should act and talk like good people, if chaos rating is low civilians shouldnt blackmail Corvo/Emily.

    H. Stealing from good people should increase chaos rating. You have the heart to find out who is good or bad after all, lets make good use of this feature.

    Stealing the safings of an average citizen can push them into poverty and dismay, that should increase chaos rating.

    But stealing from the bad?

    I. The antagonist Delilah is not believable and her recklessness to Dunwall makes it even more unlikely that she can hold power for long. Next time the antagonist should be smart, bold and successful with an league of allies, who dont know the evil under the good looking surface. So besides the evil deeds against the protagonist the enemy should have some friends in all classes/groups. This way the world compares the actions of the assassin (protagonist) to the conspirators (antagonists) and the most cant see through the conspirators lies, also the new rulersdo not an bad job. Not excellent, not good but at least decent. As statesmen they should be ok, but treatorious/evil against you. They do good things only to appease and befriend the public, but behind the curtain they should be dark/corrupt.

    J. The amount of missions felt too short to me. I would say that 2 main missions (areas) more would made the list just right content-wise.

    K. The outsider does behave too teenager-like in Dishonored 2, so playful, I would say as an shadowy, cunning, wise and humorous man with an deep voice he would have felt more dangerous/commanding respect.

    L. The void feels fully unsympathetic/unfriendly. Why not make it so that the your „part" of the void resembles your personality, depending on your actions (high or low chaos) the shape of the void you enter is colder or warmer more playful or unholy. This way the chaos / morale / and physical state of Karnacca would affect your visions of the void and the Outsider.

    M. The waggons of the railsystem are way too small for their purpose and there arent any goods transport waggons, only personal transport waggons.

    The world would have been more believable if it had 2 types of waggons, 1 for passengers, 1 for goods and both a bit bigger than the current version.

    This is my list about the developers mistakes. What is your opinion about it?

    submitted by /u/Zolty47
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    Dishnoured 2: For the Flesh and Steel, am I allowed to accept Outsider's Mark so I can get the passives?

    Posted: 13 Dec 2020 08:02 PM PST

    I don't know the exact mechanics.

    But I want to get that Flesh and Steel trophy. Can I get the Outsiders mark and only focus on the upgrades at the bottom (passives and non-activatable powers)? Or does this only work if I outright refuse the Outsider's Mark?

    Also, how do I even craft bone charms anymore? I thought crafting them required unlocking that ability to do so using Outsider's Mark?

    submitted by /u/GreenColoured
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