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    Sunday, December 6, 2020

    Dishonored Velvet lined storage in a PC big box

    Dishonored Velvet lined storage in a PC big box

    Velvet lined storage in a PC big box

    Posted: 06 Dec 2020 12:26 PM PST

    Daud sketch i made today after playing some Dishonored.

    Posted: 05 Dec 2020 05:27 PM PST

    Community's thoughts on DOTO?

    Posted: 06 Dec 2020 04:50 PM PST

    I know i'm very late to the party, but i only recently finished Dishonored 2 and DOTO.

    I thought Dishonored 2 was great and loved it despite some small details i didn't like. Tho i can't say the same for DOTO (had mixed feelings towards it).

    I was disappointed with Daud and the changes to the Outsider's character.

    Adding Daud was rather pointless, being brought back simply to do nothing and die. I wish he had a more important role, or if the devs weren't gonna use him i'd prefered if it was all Billie's idea to get rid of the Outsider.

    In turn, the Outsider went from an apathetic dark mysterious god to an emotional kid that got stabbed and gained super powers...ngl, i wish they didn't try to give him an origin story (tho to be fair, this started in Dishonored 2...DOTO simply finished it).

    But given that the devs wanted to make a game about ending the Outsider, i probably wouldn't have liked it since i would've preferred if the Outsider had no origin and was actually unbeatable. I really dug the game expanding the lore on the Void and Outsider, but in the end felt it was better when it was a mystery.

    It wasn't all bad ofc, i loved basically everything else. Playing with Bille was super fun and also all the levels were great. Having regenerating "mana" was fantastic and i loved the incorporation of social stealth in her powers (the auction and impersonating Cardoza being my personal favs).

    In short i really liked it but felt Daud and the Outsider were done dirty in a sense.

    Anyway, i wanted to know how other fans felt about the game. Did you like everything or were you also a bit disappointed with how they handled Daud and the Outsider?

    submitted by /u/shmouver
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    How does one access Death of the Outsider

    Posted: 06 Dec 2020 03:54 PM PST

    I just bought the dlc and can't find any way to start it. Help

    submitted by /u/H4ZRD_RS
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    Voice Acting

    Posted: 06 Dec 2020 01:37 PM PST

    I'm currently playing through Dishonored 2 for the first time and am quite enjoying it, just about to head into the final mission.

    I played the first one back when it first came out and remembered liking it a lot too... but jeez, for all the game does right, the voice acting is just pretty much all terrible isn't it?! Or is it just me. I dont remember it being the case with the first game.

    Two main villains of this are the outsider and Delilah. Cringey as fuck. Its the sort of voice acting where I sit there hoping nobody will walk into the room as I'm playing because it's just embarrassingly awful.

    Anyone else find it terrible too?

    submitted by /u/Tramampoline4
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    Is it possible to replace sound files in Dishonored?

    Posted: 06 Dec 2020 04:11 AM PST

    I wanted to replace the Dark Vision sound with "My vision is augmented" from Deus Ex

    submitted by /u/GazSchlaughwe
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    I played through the entirety of the last level, only to find out after finishing that somewhere, somebody died, and my earliest save with 0 kills is allllllll the way at the start.

    Posted: 05 Dec 2020 06:59 PM PST

    Has anyone done a BloodFly run

    Posted: 06 Dec 2020 01:40 AM PST

    During my original run I had some fun with a black bone that made bullets into bloodflys but now I'm thinking you could do a whole NG+ run only using bloodflys, has anyone tried this, some ideas would be dragging corpses in bloody infest areas and using them to lure the flys around or doing a run with the concept in mind like with the body to Ash BloodFly ability

    submitted by /u/itsagundog
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    Dishonored 2 is filled with weird glitches

    Posted: 06 Dec 2020 03:35 AM PST

    So after finishing the game once with Corvo, i had hoped to get clean hands and ghost trophies but surprisingly i didn't get clean hands cause I got a single goddamn kill and I seriously don't remember anyone dying or getting into any sort of accident

    I decided to play with Emily and decided to get 60% loot as well, so when I was done with Mission 3 (the Good Doctor) I saw in my stats that I had one goddamn kill and I was so pissed cause I had to redo the mission and find all the loot again.

    So I started experimenting back and forth and realised that when I dominoed the two guys near the wall of light at the main entrance, and did a non lethal takedown, apparently one of the dudes end up dying (LMAO idk how but it is what it is) so I used the stinging bolt and then did the non lethal takedown. Voila!

    Now that I was doing the clockwork mansion mission, by the almost near end to my surprise I notice that I AGAIN got a kill which was ridiculous

    I have to restart the mission (cause apparently even when I reload saves I still seem to find that kill in my stats) and loot everything again :")

    Man these stupid things are so so so so so so so so so so so so so so annoying I just wanted to get done with my second run-through asap to start with the third and final one (no powers and high chaos)

    submitted by /u/ruchi_rich_
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    New playthrough on PC

    Posted: 06 Dec 2020 06:12 AM PST

    Just wanted to say how awesome this game is. I've done a few playthroughs on XBOX, but recently installed on my PC. This game is just so smooth and it's worth it to take your time exploring. This go around, I'm trying to read everything I can, to better understand all the backstory. Much easier to keep up with on a screen where I can read stuff better overall. Already had a nice collection before I met up with Meagan. Can't wait to try another playthrough on new game plus after this.

    submitted by /u/flomoloko
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