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    Thursday, January 14, 2021

    Dishonored Clockwork Soldier Digital Illustration

    Dishonored Clockwork Soldier Digital Illustration

    Clockwork Soldier Digital Illustration

    Posted: 14 Jan 2021 07:13 AM PST

    A big mistake.

    Posted: 13 Jan 2021 11:09 PM PST

    Well, I just played dishonored 2 for the first time after playing the first dishonored about 400 times over. and decided to go big or go home with a flesh and steel run out of the gate.

    I finished it but I truly believe that was the hardest game I have ever played in my life. With no knowledge of the maps or enemies I found myself caught in the worst situations and became very familiar with the loading screens. The hardest part being the ending sequence of dunwall tower with all the witches. I ended up making it to the final battle with a whopping 0 next to every ammo and health elixir and was relieved to find a way to cheese it after at least 30 failed attempts.

    I'll be posting a video to sum up the experience soon on my YouTube but y'all gotta try it out for yourselves if you haven't.

    Any way thanks for coming to my Ted talk.

    submitted by /u/haIfpaw
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    I just now realized that this used to be a bridge

    Posted: 14 Jan 2021 02:30 AM PST

    Piero's Spiritual Remedy - Development Photos for "Charms"/Props

    Posted: 14 Jan 2021 11:25 AM PST

    This is a compilation of photos I've taken while developing the miniature Piero's Spiritual Remedies. This takes place over the duration of a few months, minus the sketches, and additional photos I posted on Tumblr. Currently I'm close to making the final versions, with a few kinks to work out from Version 2 of the Spiritual Elixirs.

    Dishonored has always been one of my favorite games, and I'm excited to post the other projects I'm working on once I get to them. I'm still working on Sokolov's Health Elixirs, and perfecting the crates they'll go in. I'm pretty meticulous when it comes to detail, so I make a lot of versions before taking photos. (You can find more photos though on my Tumblr, squiredby2) My goal is to make better versions than those limited key-chains, an affordable way to get a memorable item from a game I love, all while creating something I can be proud of. Which to say has been quite a while, and almost a dream come true.

    Anyways I hope you all enjoy seeing the process as much as I have making them. Enjoy!

    First Batch of Elixir Blanks

    Glow Test of Elixir Blanks

    Version 1 of Piero's Spiritual Remedies

    Clay Cap Mock-Ups for Piero's Spiritual Remedies

    Cap Clay Sculpt Mock-Up for Piero's Spiritual Remedies

    Custom Circle Cutter 3D Model for Piero's Spiritual Remedies

    Version 1 of \"Cross\" Cutters for Piero's Spiritual Remedies

    Version 2 of Piero's Spiritual Elixir (Near final version)

    submitted by /u/MrScaddy
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    Hard work finally paid off

    Posted: 14 Jan 2021 10:35 AM PST

    I found a Dishonored reference in The Evil Within 2

    Posted: 14 Jan 2021 03:15 PM PST

    Jus finished Dishonored 2.

    Posted: 14 Jan 2021 02:18 AM PST

    What a game! Probably my fav series of all time. I think i like the atmosphere in dunwall a bit better but this wasn't half bad. Onto DOTO next.

    submitted by /u/Christian00633
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    I just wanted to share with you some screenshots from my last playthrough

    Posted: 14 Jan 2021 03:18 AM PST

    Should I keep playing Dishonored 1?

    Posted: 14 Jan 2021 02:50 PM PST

    HI! I recently beat Prey 2017, and I think it might be the best game I've ever played in my whole life. I'm trying to find other games like it, so I'm trying dishonored.

    I enjoy aspects of it, however I'm not sure if it's right for me. I want to do a run where I don't kill anyone because I like getting the good ending in games (which is what I loved about Prey), but frankly its frustrating. I feel like I have to save after every kill and that just ruins the pacing. Playing on normal btw.

    Am I playing the game the wrong way? Does the game get easier as you unlock more abilities? Any other misc advice? I'll also take game suggestions for games like Prey!


    submitted by /u/sboles66
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    Couldn't get it in a screenshot but billie is big chungas now

    Posted: 14 Jan 2021 02:00 PM PST

    This is what the guards and guests will say to your mask on a ghost non lethal run. (I dont think that I was spotted).

    Posted: 14 Jan 2021 12:38 PM PST

    Has Harvey hinted at releasing more Dishonored lore?

    Posted: 14 Jan 2021 01:23 AM PST

    Not just through the game. Like more books or art, or are those things really reliant on the studio and contract?

    I've been replaying D2 and man, I forgot how much I love this game for the lore. It's really the most unique in terms of worldbuilding.

    submitted by /u/throwmeinwatersam
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    Do you have any tips for speedrunning Death of the Outsider?

    Posted: 14 Jan 2021 09:51 AM PST

    As in title; I know already about leap glitch.

    submitted by /u/DzonLocke
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    Some tattooed people really thought storming the Capitol was a Dishonored mission.

    Posted: 14 Jan 2021 04:40 AM PST

    The ones with the tattoo. I'm trying to piece up what they thought.

    I just realised climbing Capitol fence is a very D1 thing to do. And then the whole thing in a way.

    So some people having a tattoo and living/larping the game maybe look at accessible rooftops all the time in their life, and want their fantasy scenario fullfilled. They saw this as their chance.

    Imagine how enormously stupid all that is.

    Yeah, the game narrative fits. You infiltrate a building, usually a "palace of corrupted elites" and preferably non lethally change to political outcome to your favor. They think they have a favorite emperor to protect (I mean US is an electable democracy not an empire, but hey these are self-righteous ppl).

    What did they expect, tying some politicians, snooping around and reading some notes, and publishing embarassing ones. Stealing valuables, finding bonecharms?

    Maybe they are hardcore gamers, finishing with no powers and load/saving so they think it's realistic.

    LoL! Reality won't present you a perfect objective list. I don't know if anyone got everything right in first playtrough either.

    Any political battle is usually not won by single-time breaching a building like in a freaking video game. (I mean in a democracy you can't override the votes at all, and you shouldn't ).

    It just took ONE clever and trained policeman to divert the mindless masses, even the few with "Mark of the Outsider" rofl.

    Maybe they are even on these forums reading this (since they are online on reddit and 4chan).

    I mean it's an amazing game. But it's still fiction. Some people take it as a religion, life choice and applied that to real politics.

    mindblowlingly RIDICULOUS people.

    submitted by /u/SrbBrb
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