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    Wednesday, January 13, 2021

    Dishonored This f*cked up my clean hands flawless

    Dishonored This f*cked up my clean hands flawless

    This f*cked up my clean hands flawless

    Posted: 13 Jan 2021 04:11 AM PST

    I’m so sorry, Admiral

    Posted: 13 Jan 2021 05:41 AM PST

    here we gooooo

    Posted: 12 Jan 2021 05:11 PM PST

    Speeding through the Dust District

    Posted: 12 Jan 2021 06:02 PM PST

    Maybe I should read more of the notes

    Posted: 13 Jan 2021 10:41 AM PST

    Dishonored 1 DLC Survivor | Final Round

    Posted: 13 Jan 2021 04:51 AM PST

    In a somewhat surprising twist, The Dead Eels is the next mission to fall! Given that A Captain of Industry was on the ropes last round I'm surprised it wasn't eliminated next, but perhaps everyone voting for Delilah's Masterwork shifted to The Dead Eels this time. The Dead Eels is probably my favorite mission from the whole DLC, it's such a large and varied level with lots of cool secrets and ways to complete it. It's also fun to witness the gang war across Draper's Ward and finally confront the witches later on in the sewer. I suppose one of my main qualms with this level is that it can get a bit repetitive, depending on how you choose to complete the level you'll go through the same areas multiple times. It also lacks a main target, the only person you're actually assassinating is Edgar Wakefield, and even then he lacks a good non-lethal option.

    I'm looking forward to seeing which mission is crowned winner! I have an idea of what might win based on previous results but we could see an upset, I was betting on A Captain of Industry to go this time and got surprised.


    How it works:

    Each round, you vote for your LEAST favorite mission from the options available. After 48 hours I'll close voting, and eliminate the most voted mission, then we'll go again with the remaining missions, voting for least favorite each time, until only 1 remains and is crowned the community's favorite mission in the DLC.

    Missions still standing:

    • A Captain of Industry
    • Eminent Domain

    Eliminated missions:

    • The Surge, 66.7%
    • A Stay of Execution for Lizzy, 55.6%
    • Delilah's Masterwork, 56.5%
    • The Dead Eels, 46.7%
    submitted by /u/-Raid-
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    It would be amazing to have a way to play the entire game as a maxed out Corvo.

    Posted: 13 Jan 2021 07:42 AM PST

    Let's say I play the entire game and finish it. There aren't enough bone charms to get them all. There aren't enough runes to upgrade everything. It would be amazing to be able to replay the game having every ability/weapon/upgrade maxed out. Just for the sake of gameplay, to enjoy being powerful and to give a different twist to the game. I really want to explore more the intersections, some other cool says to go into the game.

    Idk if this is a thing in Dishonored 2. But I would love to see it in D1

    submitted by /u/fairs1912
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    Can you save the other overseer?

    Posted: 13 Jan 2021 04:50 AM PST

    The one that Campbell poisons detected me when i sleep darted him and Campbell (sleeped Campbell first then him) and it ruined my ghost run of the second mission. But i still really wanna save the guy so does anyone know how?

    submitted by /u/Quirrel-fanboi
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    About Jindosh and the lobotomy machine.

    Posted: 13 Jan 2021 02:12 PM PST

    Jesus,,, CHRIST. I've played Dishonored 2 around... 20 times, 25 times? Aside from how Arkane games are extraordinarily replayable, I still can't get over this one. 2 years later. Man, sometimes I think (since I almost never kill him) death would surely be more merciful than lobotomise him like that.

    Of course, he was an evil man. But the terrified words he screams while the machine destroys his mind... how frightened he was... damn bro. Can't get over it. Every fucking time.

    Also, Jessamine says something that really hits close to home. "The great cathedral of his mind... lost and ruined forever" or something like that. Jindosh truly was a genius, greater than Sokolov. Also, Sokolov himself did terrible things during his permanence in Dunwall, however he rarely gets killed by players. If you get Low Chaos, he also leaves the empire free and happy. That just doesn't seem right to me.

    Finally i think Arkane just did an outstanding job with that one. Whoever thought about putting a damn lobotomy machine in the middle of the game was a sadistic genius who really knew how to play with the player's feelings and ethics.

    submitted by /u/lucipol
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    Do we know how Bonecharm "randomization" works?

    Posted: 13 Jan 2021 06:18 AM PST

    Title. I've replayed D1 a bunch of times, but on my most recent Ghost/Low Chaos run I was lucky enough to get the two best (imo) bonecharms by the third mission, those being Strong Arms for faster choking and the one which gives faster sneak speed.

    However in my earlier high chaos playthrough I didn't find either of those, even though I get every bonecharm on the map.

    Do we know the process for how they're chosen/randomized?


    submitted by /u/bucksinsix_
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    Is it hard to get low chaos ending?

    Posted: 12 Jan 2021 09:24 PM PST

    I just finished dishonored and I think I didn't kill anyone I didn't need to, I think I either did all or most of the non-lethal objectives. I wasn't paying much attention to my chaos level, I get to the end of the game and apparently I had a high chaos run.

    I actually had kind of a hard time completing the game because I had to reload saves so much because I either got detected in a place with a lot of enemies or just straight up died. now I wanna do a low chaos run but now I'm thinking it's going to be impossible, because I just read youre supposed to kill less than 20% of the people in the missions.

    I always try to sneak past but there were some points where there was absolutely no option but to kill at least one guy, and it's annoying because you either have to save the game every second or your whole mission gets ruined because you got detected and now you have to fight everyone or restart really far back.

    also I just wanted to ask if there's a lot of waiting in this game because whenever I tried to do stealth I had to wait for the exact right moment and that would take like 1 to 2 minutes of just waiting.

    submitted by /u/DemiVideos04
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    DH2 - Emily - High Chaos is canon....to me

    Posted: 13 Jan 2021 12:09 AM PST

    Just finishing up my....what....13th or 14 playthrough? Maybe my 10th high chaos run. And I'm on my 23rd hour because I love this universe and I take my time savoring it. I don't want to miss anything. Not a single coin. Not a single askew picture. Not a single, subtle, minute story telling detail that hints at narratives I'm only passing through.

    It ain't about optimization. I'm not looking for the perfect playthrough. Rather, its about marveling at what...to me...is fucking perfection in gaming.

    (I get that maybe not everyone feels that way. But I do.)

    Something about DH2 hits me where I live. Especially the last two levels, and especially in high chaos. Everyone starts treating Emily like the bad guy. Makes sense I guess. You've stacked up....what....400-500 kills or so by now? You're a freight train masquerading as a snow plow and every sneering motherfucker in Karnaca settling in for whiskey and cigars...they're snow drift.

    You just love to plow.

    Now you're damaged goods. Mother finally shuffles off to Outsider-knows-where, lovingly tut-tutting you as she dissolves. Billie and Sokolov - both of whom, I'm assuming, having wanted or expected better for you - facing their own abhorrent past behavior because of it. You've shit-canned their redemption by playing the monster. Maybe there is no hope for the next generation. And maybe they are entirely culpable.

    Meagan Foster and The Royal Physician, having failed to elevate you are now just Billie and Sokolov, dripping with regret.

    "Perhaps I should be forgotten. Consigned to the junk heap".

    Its the bummer of all bummer endings. I used to hate it.

    But nowadays, in the times we're living in....it just feels real.

    submitted by /u/c1ncinasty
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    It's not much but I just published a guide for the "Royal Spymaster" achievement on Steam.

    Posted: 12 Jan 2021 08:44 PM PST

    If you'd like to check it out you can find it here.

    My focus is primarily achievement guides but if there's any other guides you'd like to see let me know.

    submitted by /u/DakotaThrice
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    Some Ideas for a potential Dishonored 3

    Posted: 12 Jan 2021 08:40 PM PST

    I just want to preface this with a few things. I have not played Death of the Outsider, although I do intend on it at some point. I do know that the Outsider is either stripped of his power or outright killed, changing the Void and the world of Dishonored with it.

    The Abbey of the Everyman: Evolved

    I was reading the Dishonored wiki and apparently, the Abbey of the Everyman is dissolved once Emily Kaldwin returns to the throne. In my opinion, this is kind of stupid, in both writing and in the context of the world. For one, the Abbey and their Overseers are well known and iconic, and give the world of Dishonored a unique take on the religious zealot archetypes found in fiction. In context of the lore, I also do not think this makes sense. Why would Emily dissolve the Abbey for any reasons besides personal distaste? The Abbey vehemently opposed the reign of Delilah Copperspoon, and for them to be punished for making a sacrifice in the name of the Empire seems wrong. The Abbey of the Everyman, although oppressive and tyrannical, is the largest and state religion in the Empire. For it to lose its special status as the state religion and become persecuted by the Imperial Military seems far too quick a change. Keep in mind that the Empire just went through multiple coups and now the re-established monarch wants to do away with the largest religion? Yeah-not happening.

    So what would I want to see out of the Abbey? Well I do think they should lose influence. The Outsider is out of the picture, so they have less of mission in persecuting Outsider-worshippers. Instead, they fight to secure the world from the Void-whatever that means. I'd like to see the Abbey and its Overseers evolve. If you remember back to Dishonored 2, the primary reason why the Abbey fell was not because of their zealotry or lack of magical powers, but their inability to combat the Clockwork Soldiers created by Kirin Jindosh. I think the Abbey has a bit of their own Industrial Rebirth, using superior technology in combination with their zealotry to combat anything from the Void. I also think that since the Abbey has lost influence throughout the Empire, specialist Overseers are created to assassinate problematic individuals advocating against the Abbey. The Overseers came into possession of the Whaler's gadgetry, so seeing Overseers with wristbows deployed to eliminate threats would be amazing. I also think that the title of High Overseer has to be either retired or demoted from being the highest rank, as the last three have been disastrous (Campbell was branded, Martin was illegal, and Khulan almost led the Overseers to ruin.) Whitecliff should become more militarized than before with the Abbey constructing fortresses and other defensive points in case of aggression from the Empire.

    A New Outsider

    As mentioned above, I haven't played DoTO. I do know how it ends (it's literally in the title) and I think that leaving the Void without an avatar of some kind leaves the Dishonored world a bit barren in the supernatural. I wonder how you all would feel if a new Outsider came to be, perhaps a character we are already familiar with (potentially Daud, Lurk, Granny Rags, or perhaps someone else.) Choosing Daud may seem really strange but I feel that he would be the one to make sure that whoever the Outsider was, he would do his best to make the Empire prosperous. It could also be a bit of atonement. I'm not settled on existing characters being the next Outsider, but I think a new Outsider would be better than no Outsider.

    New Location

    This one is pretty obvious. While part of me wants to see Morley and Tivia, we have only explored Dunwall and Karnaca at this point, leaving the rest of Gristol and Serkonos unexplored. Wherever we go, I'd like to see the Overseers vary in appearance again, like in this excellent fanart: https://www.reddit.com/r/dishonored/comments/gf5r53/the_abbey_of_the_everyman_morley_and_tyvia_mask/


    Abbey becomes persecuted (not dissolved) and less influential but gains advance technology (primarily from the Clockwork Mansion) and changes slightly in rank structure. A New Outsider would give the series more depth and any new locations in the game would be great to explore, even if they are on Gristol and Karnaca.

    submitted by /u/GamerGrill117
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