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    Tuesday, March 9, 2021

    Dishonored Banshee Witch fanfic cover. Everything I do needs a fancy cover.

    Dishonored Banshee Witch fanfic cover. Everything I do needs a fancy cover.

    Banshee Witch fanfic cover. Everything I do needs a fancy cover.

    Posted: 09 Mar 2021 03:03 AM PST

    I’ve also been on a lord protector drawing kick lately

    Posted: 09 Mar 2021 11:58 AM PST

    Also did Emily

    Posted: 09 Mar 2021 03:26 PM PST


    Posted: 09 Mar 2021 10:14 AM PST

    Accessing Explosive bullets early in Dishonored 2

    Posted: 09 Mar 2021 03:58 AM PST

    By far one of the most lethal weapons in the Dishonored 2 arsenal is the explosive bullet. But by the time you gain access to them, it always feels quite late in the game, namely, its the Grand Palace mission and you only really have one mission left to enjoy them. But what if I told you there was a way to obtain explosive bullets early?

    Enter Bend time. You need stop time for this, and preferably the bullet capacity upgrade since each level secretly gives you +2 explosive bullet capacity. A lot of Addermire solutions are also necessary. The person you will be stealing them from is none other than our very own Kirin Jindosh. If you ever wondered why his bullets knock you down and deal a ton of damage, its because they're explosive. But you cannot pickpocket or loot them from him; you merely get normal pistol rounds.

    The strategy consists of alerting Jindosh and getting him to shoot you, using stop time as he readies to fire and the bullet starts to come out. Then you pluck the bullet and voila, you have your very own explosive bullet! You can steal up to nine (your ammo capacity), provided you have the mana to keep up with it. I have tried using the advance time ability during stop time to see if I could get an extra bullet for only one stop time. The problem with this is that you need some great reflexes to stop advancing at just the right time, or to be at the opposite side of the room where he may lose sight of you. Else you get blown up. So it comes out to be one explosive bullet for one stop time. Hence the Addermire solutions. You may also find it useful to dispose of his clockwork soldiers and get a large space to move about in before you begin.

    You will be able to pocket nine explosive bullets in this way, and can enjoy them for the other levels. Other elite guards can occasionally use explosive bullets which you can also steal, though I do not believe there are any before you meet Jindosh. After Jindosh, there are definitely some, such as the Captain in the Grand Palace, and one is in Stilton's, but you cannot steal explosive bullets from him because powers are unavailable.

    I hope you found this post informative, and enjoy blowing your enemies to pieces.

    submitted by /u/Thenitewilast5evers
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    This ceiling reminded me of the Grand Palace.

    Posted: 09 Mar 2021 01:29 PM PST

    Single-player Video Game Experience Survey

    Posted: 09 Mar 2021 05:03 AM PST

    Hi r/dishonored,

    My name is Thor Janson, and I'm a Cognition and Communication Master's student at the University of Copenhagen. I am currently working on a research project as part of my Master's thesis, and this involves conducting a survey that aims to investigate players' single-player video game experience. The moderators of this subreddit have kindly allowed me to post my questionnaire here, and I am very thankful for this. I would likewise be extremely thankful if you could take the time to fill out the questionnaire! It takes roughly 10 minutes to complete.

    I hope that as many of you as possible take part in this research, as I would like these results to be as meaningful and applicable as possible. This project is the culmination of my academic career, and I very much look forward to seeing your responses.

    Once the survey is closed and the data have been analyzed, I may post the results here if participants indicate that they are interested. I am also available to answer any questions or considerations you might have, so feel free to leave a comment, send me a message, or email me at mwk684@alumni.ku.dk. You are also welcome to recommend this survey to friends or share the link via social media.

    You can find the questionnaire here:


    Kind regards,

    Thor Janson, University of Copenhagen


    What are the requirements for participating in this research?

    Anybody who plays single-player video games is encouraged to participate!

    Is the questionnaire focused on a specific single-player game?

    No. The questionnaire will ask you to respond to a series of statements based on your experiences playing your favorite single-player game, which you will be asked to supply beforehand. As long as you play single-player video games, you are welcome to participate!

    Does the questionnaire require divulging any sensitive personal information?

    Apart from gender, ethnic background, and country of residence, the questionnaire does not ask participants to divulge any sensitive information. For the mentioned items, participants may decline to answer. The questionnaire does not ask participants to divulge any other personally identifying information.

    What type of questions are on the questionnaire?

    Apart from demographic questions, the questionnaire will ask you to respond to a series of statements based on your experience playing your favorite/preferred single-player video game.

    Will I get to see the results?

    Yes, once data analysis is complete, I may post the results back to this subreddit. If you are interested in seeing the results, please let me know via comment, private message, or email.

    submitted by /u/KU_ResearchStudent
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    What twist of fate brings people like this together?

    Posted: 09 Mar 2021 02:49 PM PST

    I'm in need of some help connecting three characters together for the Dishonored rpg. An event or person that hooks them all together.

    The Setting is Dunwall at some point during the rat plague, specifically the reign of the Lord-Regent Hiram Burrows.

    Although none of the players have given me specific names, all have titles that they will be referred to as

    The Rat Man

    Our first character is somewhat unorthodox. A member of the urban poor who turned to the streets and later the sewers for shelter when the doom of Pandyssia struck. Miraculously, he survived the plague's attempts to reduce him to a weeping wreck and many people attempting to steal from or otherwise end him. It was this determination to live that caught the eye of the outsider. To quote the player himself, "If you were an immortal god-being that enjoys observing the world and saw a crackhead surviving for that long in those conditions, wouldn't the next natural step be to give him superpowers and see where this goes?" The title of Rat Man comes from his residence in the Dunwall sewers and his starting power, a modified version of devouring swarm so that he could feasibly start with the power and maintain the balance of the game at the start.

    The Tyvian Hunter

    An independent Tyvian fur trapper that was going to sell some exotics furs in Dunwall. It was a win-win for him and the nobles willing to buy. With him earning way more than he would working for a fur company and the nobles getting tyvian furs for a fraction of the price. However, as he was wrapping up his trip to the capitol of the Empire of the Isles, the plague hit Dunwall proper and the quarantine has caused his plans of going home a rich man to go balls up. His newly acquired small fortune didn't survive the spiking prices and general panic that Dunwall was now under the spell of. With no beasts to hunt, he has turned to hunting those declared criminal by the watch for a living.

    The Officer of the Watch

    There isn't much about this one, player hasn't given much except a broad concept. But the character is, as the name implies, an officer of the watch.

    submitted by /u/Bruhtonius-Momentus
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    Officially Welcoming Bethesda to Team Xbox - Xbox Wire

    Posted: 09 Mar 2021 06:54 AM PST

    What exactly happened to Cecilia after D1 ?

    Posted: 09 Mar 2021 01:16 AM PST

    Just started Dishonored 2

    Posted: 09 Mar 2021 08:28 AM PST

    The game is really pretty, but I feel like the plot moves way too fast in the first mission. In the first Dishonored all that happens in the first mission is

    1. You arrive in Dunwall with no plague support.
    2. You talk to Jessamine.
    3. Daud assassinates her.
    4. You get falsely convicted.

    I felt like it was pretty simple to follow, but in Dishonored 2 I feel like it tries shoving so much in your face at once. "Crowned Killer" "Delilah is back and she's your aunt?" "Someone named Alexi dies?" "You have a love interest named Wyman?" "You get on a ship with a disguised Billie Lurk and she knows Sokolov?" I feel like there should've been a prologue mission of sorts with just you and Corvo that explained this some of this at a better pace.

    submitted by /u/Mrgtsutton
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    Playing Dishonored 2 with a non-lethal assault no powers run is amazing!

    Posted: 09 Mar 2021 02:52 AM PST

    It adds a new dimension to the game where you feel like a karate champ.

    Doing insta KOs by sliding into enemies is hilarious.

    submitted by /u/winslow-revolving
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    Do the titles of Sokolov's paintings actually mean anything?

    Posted: 08 Mar 2021 11:43 PM PST

    Or are they just cool rubbish? Like, part of me understands that there might be some mathematical method applied to the art, but then another part of me cannot wrap my head around why the Torturer's quaternionic.

    submitted by /u/FLBrisby
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    having a nice drink there buddy ?

    Posted: 08 Mar 2021 06:02 PM PST

    What would the Empire of the Isles be like in the 20th century?

    Posted: 09 Mar 2021 04:28 AM PST

    The Dishonored universe draws some really interesting parallels to 19th-century Europe while also creating unique technology, history and political conflicts.

    With that in mind, what do you think the Empire would be like in the 20th century?

    What sort of new technologies would there be? What conflicts would arise? Would they finally create successful colonies in Pandyssia? How would all this link in with the void and the Outsider?

    I wonder if there would be equivalents of WW1 or 2, but given that the Isles is the only established power we know of, it's pretty unlikely that a conflict of that scale could arise. If Pandyssia was settled and a new civilisation was formed there, I could imagine it becoming independent from the Isles, possibly splitting into multiple separate states or kingdoms, which would definitely lay the foundations for large-scale wars.

    From a technological point of view, I think wind would end up replacing whale oil as the key power source, as we saw a lot of wind turbines in Dis2, and the whale populations will probably deplete around the isles. At this point I don't think they've discovered fossil fuels, so they could end up utilising sustainable, renewable energy as their key power source long-term at a much earlier stage than the real world. Hydroelectric power would also be a really important discovery, due to being an empire comprised entirely of island states, so that could easily supplement or even surpass wind.

    Mechanical & clockwork technology would continue to be used heavily, I think. It seems to be a successful industry in the games and the people making profits from it would not want that to stop. The clockwork soldiers would take a long time to become fully effective due to the high cost indicated in Dis2 and, if whale oil ran out, they'd be useless until batteries of some sort were invented, so I'm not sure at what point they would be a viable option. In fact, the storage of power would be an issue for a lot of mobile technologies like vehicles and personal devices, so until that was solved I'm not sure how long it would be until things like cars became as ubiquitous as they are today, or as common as they were in much of the real 20th century.

    Politically speaking, I think it's really unlikely that the Isles would ever separate from each other unless any of the smaller isles ever developed a larger military & navy, or unless the three smaller states formed a union against Gristol. Gristol seems to be the dominant military & naval power so I can't see why any of the smaller Isles would dare to oppose them unless victory was guaranteed. At the same time, I can see the individual Isles gaining increased autonomy in the future, a bit like with state law in the US or with the devolved powers in the UK, particularly as we know that politicians in the empire wanted greater parliamentary representation and less authority from the throne. If any of the Isles wanted independence I can imagine there being a vote similar to the Scottish independence referendum or even Brexit (though maybe the British Commonwealth is a better comparison). However, even if the smaller states were politically independent, there are no options for other allies or trade agreements that we know of, so they would always be economically dependent, to some extent.

    Apologies for the rambling, but I wanted to get my thoughts down and I'm really interested to hear other people's ideas.

    submitted by /u/TheLidgefrid
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    Where to start

    Posted: 09 Mar 2021 04:16 AM PST

    Hi I have been really interested in doshonored recently due to deathloop but I don't know anything about these games. I was gonna start with the definite edition cause it seemed like the best way to get into it but is there any other way I should do it? , not sure if I wanna play all the games , just want to get a fun game and what to expect from deathloop in a way

    submitted by /u/craigstewart11
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    When you've learned how to be good, the only thing left to learn is how to be bad at a game

    Posted: 08 Mar 2021 05:23 PM PST

    I have returned from the cold AGAIN and decided I would play Dishonored instead of Dishonored 2. So did a clean hands, shadow, normal difficulty run

    Posted: 08 Mar 2021 04:45 PM PST

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