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    Dishonored Dishonored 2 is just beautiful

    Dishonored Dishonored 2 is just beautiful

    Dishonored 2 is just beautiful

    Posted: 23 May 2021 03:23 AM PDT

    A young Granny Rags from The Dunwall Archives. Really such a great character.

    Posted: 23 May 2021 02:37 PM PDT

    He wanted a duel but...

    Posted: 22 May 2021 11:49 AM PDT

    Starting a Dishonored montage, a little work in progress

    Posted: 23 May 2021 06:52 AM PDT

    Progress on my dishonored animation that ill hopefully finish if I have the motivation. I finished designing the little post office type situation, could be better, if you have any ideas for it id love to hear em. Sorry if it seems like im spamming or isn't Dishonoredy enough

    Posted: 22 May 2021 06:34 PM PDT

    Anyone else feel like running with the Whalers (or even being one of the Witches) would be way better than basically any other life in Dunwall?

    Posted: 23 May 2021 03:27 PM PDT

    I mean damn, Dunwall is a bleak place. The city guards are 95% corrupt and 40% actual psychopaths. The common workers have zero rights or ability to agitate for better conditions, and their conditions seem to be kept one step below immediately lethal most of the time. The royalty and noveau riche are trapped by the endless formalities of high class society even as it sucks the life out of them (and all their money is wasted on pointless decadence). The Overseers are often as cruel as the city watch with no accountability and an even stronger 'us vs them' mentality and relish burning out heresy wherever they find it, or think they find it, or suspect that at some previous point there may have been a small trace of heresy a decade ago. And there's been a rat plague devastating the entire city for the past two years.

    Meanwhile the Whalers get to have badass supernatural powers, are led by an amoral but fair leader who cares about his men, and don't have to be another cog in the nightmare machine that is Dunwall society. Plus even just having limited abilities to mimic dauds blink puts them so far above "normal" people in the setting that I doubt they lose people very often while on jobs.

    Even though Delilah is stated to be a pretty uncaring boss and leader many times in the dlc and D2, the life of women in dunwall is even more limited and restricted then the life of the men, so it still seems like the best of a list of bad options.

    Edit: Lmao, "wholesome" award for a post talking about how this Victorian-esque nightmare society is so fucked up that being a part of a secret Assassin gang given powers by a cruel trickster god seems like the least bad option

    submitted by /u/jaboi1080p
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    Anybody know what the 'night of the tallboys' is? [Dishonored RPG]

    Posted: 23 May 2021 12:58 PM PDT

    So I was reading through the rulebook for the Dishonored RPG and in the description of the Tailors District in Dunwall it mentioned how 'survivors in the now less populous but still functioning district have not forgotten the brutal measures taken on the Night of the Tallboys, and many have yet to forgive'.

    This sounds like an incredibly interesting part of the lore but I couldn't find any reference to it again in the surrounding text and it didn't even have an entry on the Dishonored wiki which I've consulted for a lot of interesting lore stuff up to this point. Does anybody know if this event is recorded in any of the various books or anything so that I might have a way to learn more?

    By the way yes, I will eventually (not massively soon though) be running a game in the Dishonored RPG, if anybody is interested in joining shoot me a message and I'll put you in my TTRPG Discord server so that I can notify you when that is.

    submitted by /u/Magma-Noob
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    My new Back Alley Brawl record

    Posted: 23 May 2021 02:38 PM PDT

    So you know, some people want to keep all their powers after completing the game, and starting a new one with the unlocked powers, well I got something for you...

    Posted: 23 May 2021 06:21 AM PDT

    There's a file in the config folder of the game called "Debug Commands", seemingly implying that there's a console command accepter somewhere in the game, to you know, go God Mode, have infinite Mana and Adrenaline with all the powers and mow down NPCs like a goddamn God.

    I found it, after a little digging around, dunno if I was the first or not but just wanted to share it with you fellas. It's not about "cheating", I just want to have some fun, just for the shit and giggles. So, I'm gonna post the procedure in the comments if people are happy about it, or willingly delete this post if you all are angry or upset.

    submitted by /u/MasterNoir
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    just wanted to say im proud of myself (I didnt use any guides also sry i couldnt find a better flare)

    Posted: 23 May 2021 11:40 AM PDT


    Posted: 22 May 2021 03:49 AM PDT

    I guess Jindosh thought one finger wasn’t enough

    Posted: 22 May 2021 08:26 PM PDT

    Quick question about NG+

    Posted: 22 May 2021 01:33 PM PDT

    Can you do infinite ng+? If i want to play 5 times in a row with everything unlocked can i do that? Or there is only 1 ng+?

    submitted by /u/Odd_Honey9704
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    how is lethality calculated?

    Posted: 22 May 2021 01:57 PM PDT

    i'm doing as close to a chaotic neutral game as i can (full assault, mid lethality). im trying to do it by alternating between kill and knock out but unsurprisingly it doesn't really keep the lethality in the middle (usually on the side of non lethal). i'm not sure how lethality is calculated so it could just not be in the middle because it doesn't matter if you knock people out or it might be off slightly because the non-lethal takedowns counter doesn't count certain things

    submitted by /u/MrSkobbels
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    Anyone know how to fix disappearing objects? The fish vanishes at a certain distance. Happens pretty frequently for me. Environmental Detail setting is set to Ultra.

    Posted: 22 May 2021 09:31 AM PDT

    Are the Dunwall City Trials Really That Hard?

    Posted: 22 May 2021 12:29 AM PDT

    I have read quite a few posts lately about them as well as reviews claiming they are either stupidly hard, impossible etc.
    I watched a few of them to get an idea ahnd they really don't seem that bad at first glance.

    The reason I am asking this is because I have all other achievements and I was planning on getting the Trials to get the rest.
    But the reviews (mostly) made me hesitate. Most of them were very passionately worded about how to it's absolute tortute and that it's not worth going for the achievements.

    So I am asking as someone who is really comfortable with the game's mechanics and likes the challenge, is it honestly so bad and not worth going after?

    submitted by /u/DarkSnowElf21
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    Is there a point to the furnace in aramis stilton's mansion?

    Posted: 21 May 2021 05:42 PM PDT

    I've played through dishonored 2 3 times now and each time I get to a crack in the slab I mess around with the furnace for a couple of minutes before moving on. Is there a point to this furnace or is it just there for decoration?

    submitted by /u/TNTNuke
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    Amogus (sorry mods if this is outside the rules)

    Posted: 22 May 2021 12:18 PM PDT

    Dr Hypatia turned me off the game

    Posted: 22 May 2021 09:09 AM PDT

    I rarely get so annoyed by how a character is written. Single minded characters (bordering on one dimensional) like Delilah can be made enjoyable by how fun they can be, and in Delilah's case there were also some hidden layers to her seemingly Disney esque evil-ness. But Hypatia, Jesus Christ I felt like vomiting. Of course a genius alchemist spends her days thinking about nothing but those poor, poor workers breathing soot down in the mines. Of course when the Duke's guard trap her in her own home and watch her like carrions her first and only concern is what those poor workers are going to do without their good doctor. Of course her evil murdering persona turns out to be just another one of the Duke's plots, forcing her to kill against her will, what, did you think the good doctor could possibly be responsible for any of it? She's perfect! And so dull

    I wish we could at least get an explanation for why she has such an overblown hero complex. I miss the legitimately morally ambiguous characters of the first game. It's too early to stop completely so I'll probably go on at some point but this mission made me feel physically sick so I've stopped playing until the feeling passes. Apologies if my rant provided nothing substantial but I had to vent

    Edit - grammar

    submitted by /u/Dorumamu
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