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    Wednesday, August 4, 2021

    Dishonored First time playing, 5 minutes in: "should I shoot her?"

    Dishonored First time playing, 5 minutes in: "should I shoot her?"

    First time playing, 5 minutes in: "should I shoot her?"

    Posted: 04 Aug 2021 09:39 AM PDT

    Recently found out Timsh talks to the Delilah statue in his estate. I wanted to hear the conversation but couldn't find any specific videos of it, so I replayed Eminent Domain myself to record it!

    Posted: 04 Aug 2021 01:58 AM PDT


    Posted: 03 Aug 2021 04:49 PM PDT

    The most dishonoured place I found in my town

    Posted: 03 Aug 2021 10:40 PM PDT

    SO on my tyvian overseer post i made recently someone made me aware of the Operators which i found to be awesome so i had a little go at my take on what there design would look like, trying to make my mask look as much like something Sébastien Mitton would design.

    Posted: 04 Aug 2021 07:46 AM PDT

    Oh lovely! More lore!

    Posted: 04 Aug 2021 02:49 AM PDT

    I guess any little thing counts

    Posted: 04 Aug 2021 03:24 PM PDT

    I am stealth...

    Posted: 03 Aug 2021 06:03 PM PDT

    Jindosh the fraud!

    Posted: 04 Aug 2021 04:16 AM PDT

    Good sirs and ladies, I have defeated Jindosh's lock I gave him a chance. You see I was disrespected by that jumped up uneducated oath Stilton with no sense of decorum. I invited him to parties with some fellow natural philosophers and he failed to return my invitation naturally I assumed he was coming and I told my friends of this only for him to not bother to show himself. He put me through this humiliation not only once but three times.

    I resolved to go to his house and demand an explanation if his explanation is insufficient then I will demand a duel. I did some research and found that Jingdosh's lock stood in my way. Mistakes happen and I wrote him a letter saying I forgave him for the inconvenience and if he simply provided me the answer to the riddle I would consider the matter closed. Not only did he refuse but he did so in the most uncivil manner possible a simple no would have been more than sufficient he did not need to send one of his clockwork soldiers carrying a crate full of Audiographs containing mostly insults and sniggering once I'd finished listening to the last audio graph I resolved to take the most unpleasant revenge I could possibly think of and finally it struck me.

    I tried to answer Jindoshes riddle but there are very few clues but rumors persist that the answer keeps changing I believe this to be even beyond Jindoshes means but it would be terribly embarrassing to waste a trip from Dunwall.

    I realized that Jindoshes lock was little different from the locks used by half-literate shopkeeps one can substitute the items and ladies for numbers and with sufficient time simple brute force the combination. I invented a device to copy my numbers I call the rolling press a lady or gentleman of leisure could of course achieve the same with sufficient time ink and paper.I wished to show Jigdosh the world that it does not take a natural philosopher to outsmart his lock.

    There are other ways but I suspect that void craft is needed and this is forbidden by The Abbey. I also wished to keep it simple enough that a street urchin could use my methods thus saving expense and avoiding even the most fiendish trap Jingdosh could come up with there are always more urchins after all.

    I plan on taking some men I hired from a fellow I swear wishes go by the name Slack Jaw. He gave his word that the men were sufficiently trained for my feud but it turned out they did not have all the skills needed and I am forced to train them myself they do have certain rough and ready skills but what if Stilton attempt to embarrass me by arranging dinner they must know how to make polite conversation and use the correct fork or my revenge will be ruined.

    One can observe my work on sheet one if you suspect I have made any mistakes besides it is a thing of beauty little in the Golden Cat can compete though I di use one of the ladies there to practice my lectures she was not the most gifted student I've had but one could not fault her respect for her teacher and enthusiasm for mathematics.

    I will once I have put my ideas to the test pay for my work to be published in every newspaper on the Isles Jindoshes lock will become obsolete maybe he could have countered me on this had he not crossed the Kaldwins. He can't stop me now.

    But you must be tearing your hair out in dear reader if your short on time I will put all that his needed here.

    The items and ladies can be substituted for numbers to create every possible combination and then turned back to ladies and items. The first lady on the left can be used to reduce the possibilities to a sixth and I have provided an attached document the finished version is the items and ladies' names on page two.


    submitted by /u/cardbourdgrot
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    Which game has the coolest gameplay?

    Posted: 04 Aug 2021 03:07 AM PDT

    Clean hands achievement.

    Posted: 04 Aug 2021 02:18 PM PDT

    I played dishonored once years ago. But I recently learned that can do a no kill run. I'm just not sure if I help granny rags poison the the bootleg counts as killing

    submitted by /u/judd1127
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    What would be fitting powers for an Overseer character ?

    Posted: 04 Aug 2021 12:13 AM PDT

    Okay , I know I asked a question like this just over a week ago , but then I had this new idea twirling around in my head and I wondered what would be fitting fan powers for an Overseer ? Or in any case , a religious person who has been Marked ?

    If you have any new ideas for powers both active and passive , let me know .

    submitted by /u/ShadowLight56
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    Can I get the Granny Rags side mission trophy and the no kills/alerts trophies in the same play through?

    Posted: 03 Aug 2021 11:02 PM PDT

    Just finished my first play through which was high chaos and I sided with slack jaw. So can I side with granny rags and still get the no kills and alert trophies in the same play through? Or better yet can I just replay mission 7 and side with granny rags if I did her other quests in my first play though and still get it, and do the other trophies separate?

    submitted by /u/APizzaStapler
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