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    Sunday, August 15, 2021

    Dishonored The hardest choices require the strongest wills

    Dishonored The hardest choices require the strongest wills

    The hardest choices require the strongest wills

    Posted: 15 Aug 2021 10:19 AM PDT

    Slept on this seires for years but saw it was sale and picked all three games up. So far I'm blown away by how good this first game holds up! Excited to complete them all.

    Posted: 15 Aug 2021 01:58 PM PDT

    Joe Manganiello as Corvo Attano?

    Posted: 14 Aug 2021 09:10 PM PDT

    Dishonored Lore on the Academy of Natural Philosophy

    Posted: 15 Aug 2021 12:42 PM PDT

    Did anyone else completely forget colored television existed & was capable of displaying live broadcasts in the first Dishonored? Where were these things in Dishonored 2?

    Posted: 15 Aug 2021 03:41 PM PDT

    Unfortunate accident at the Royal Conservatory

    Posted: 14 Aug 2021 06:38 PM PDT

    (Question) In dishonored 2 is there any bone charms that increase you crouch/ walk speed?

    Posted: 15 Aug 2021 08:27 AM PDT

    For the life of me I can't work out what these controls are. Any ideas? I keep connecting my controller when I need to scroll sideways at black market shops -.-

    Posted: 15 Aug 2021 12:31 AM PDT

    If you were in Jessamine's shoes, would you have taken Hiram Burrows up on his offer to have plague victims dealt with his way?

    Posted: 15 Aug 2021 06:13 AM PDT

    Quick reminder, Hiram was responsible for the plague spreading in Dunwall. Unbeknownst to Jessamine, he launched a secret operation to release diseased bull rats captured from Pandyssia into impoverished districts to eliminate the city's poverty that resulted in half its population dying.

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    submitted by /u/Nuclear-Nuggets
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    Newbie to the Dishonored series��

    Posted: 15 Aug 2021 01:32 PM PDT

    Just purchased the Dishonored death of the outsider Deluxe bundle/edition that has Dishonored 2 along with it. Very very excited to try these as I've been hearing/seeing only ever good things about the series. Also, I've seen youtube reviews and the graphics style is very unique looking and pretty on the eye, imho.

    A bit off the topic might this be that I loved Deus ex mankind divided, particularly it's level designs or what it is called and I think Dishonored might be very close to it in that way. Here's hoping I'll experience something different to the usual open world RPG games I play.

    All said, I'll be starting with the Dishonored death of the outsider installation as it's about 24gb and will be finished sooner, as soon as it's done❤️.

    submitted by /u/samthapa267
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    Rhymes with Bloodthirsty

    Posted: 15 Aug 2021 01:58 AM PDT

    I wonder what she ate

    Posted: 15 Aug 2021 02:40 PM PDT

    Dust district down, I didnt involve myself with either group, so best ending here we come!

    Posted: 14 Aug 2021 08:29 PM PDT

    Does anyone think there’s going to be a dishonored 3? (Also please explain why)

    Posted: 15 Aug 2021 02:09 PM PDT

    Ranking the Dishonored games from worst to best.

    Posted: 15 Aug 2021 05:26 AM PDT

    Dishonored: death of the outsider

    This is the worst one for multiple reasons

    1. it's way too short only about 5-7 hours. It makes sense since it was originally meant to be DLC for Dishonored 2 but still.

    2. the levels are far too restrictive and linear compare to the open levels of the other two Dishonored games even Knife of Dunwall and Brigmore witches had more open level then this and those were DLCs for the first Dishonored.

    3. You only have three powers for the whole game sure they're only five levels and the powers are pretty cool but still only three.

    There are probably more reasons but at the moment I can't think of any. But some pros about the game are the powers though there's only three (four if you count the rats communication but that was pretty useless) they are fucking awesome, the contracts system was cool and fitting for Billie Lurk since she is an Assassin after all, the concept of Duad wanting Billie to kill outsider because of all the damage that has been caused because of his mark was pretty cool IMO, Billie Lurk is a cool protagonist and I love her new design with the prosthetic arm and eye, the Bank Heist mission is awesome. I've always wanted a bank heist mission in Dishonored it's heavily inspired by thief so it would kind of makes sense plus there's so many ways to get into the bank and steal the blade I love it. I also like how there is no low or high chaos in this game at first it kind of bugged me because it's a Dishonored game then I realised it makes sense because Billie is an assassin and has been doing this for years it wouldn't make sense for her to something go evil because she killed more people. Also the new law on the outside was pretty cool used to be a normal person turned into a god by the twin blade knife and the outsiders Mark is actually his name I thought this was really cool and I think it's setting him up to be a protagonist of the next game and I really hope so. The last thing I want to talk about is the mana refill I like the previous games you don't need to hunt down for drinks in order to refill your mana it automatically reveals to the fullest I really like this but it only works for this game because it's an expansion but because they added it it leaves more room open for creativity.

    Dishonored: DOTO is a good game but it's the weakest Dishonored game.

    Dishonored 2

    This is a great game and a fantastic sequel sure it didn't bring back everything we like from Dishonored and some features were changed but still a great game.

    Delilah is a really cool villain and I like her the bastard sister of Jessamine Kaldwine coming back to take the throne for herself is a really cool concept and the new setting is a great place. I also loved the fact that you could choose what character to play and depending on what choice you make you'd have different powers and a different ending. Speaking of endings there are so many in this game wow the first dishonoured only had 3 Dishonored 2 has four-stage endings with five variations. Also the levels are great Clockwork mansion being a standout. I also liked new game plus it kind of bug to me in the first game how I would collect all these powers and upgrades and upon my next Playthrough it's all gone but I can't really blame them too much because new game plus wasn't a thing back then at least to my knowledge but they added it to Dishonored 2 and it's great it gives you access to all the powers if you have the rooms of course and it leaves more room open for creativity also makes getting the achievements way easier. But now come the cons for Dishonored 2

    1. To kill a target Non-lethally you have to read it. It's always bugged me because usually in the first Dishonored you would have to do side quests for characters or listen to a conversation between 2 NPCs which gave you more reasons to explore the area. But now you just read it somewhere.

    2. Lack of side quests. After replaying the first Dishonored I was really annoyed at this one. Doing side quests gave me more reasons to explore and I usually get rewarded for them and add a little bit more story to the world like doing side quest for granny rags because you think she's an old lady getting harassed by gang members only to find out later she's kinda insane, or when you gave as envelop to the man in the wolf mask at the party and you end up duelling him. The only one I know of is getting a body for a girl and she deactivates the railcar tracks for you.

    3. Low chaos and high chaos don't make sense in this game in the first game it made sense why high chaos would fuck up everything killing people wouldn't leave more corpses for the rats and would end up spreading the plague however if you don't kill people the plague is controlled and eventually cured by Anton in this game are we really meant to believe that because you killed so many people suddenly you're a massive Dick to all your people. I don't blame them too much for this because they kind of had to have this or else people will get pissed off.

    4. Lack of interesting enemies. It's a new location so they can't have all the same enemies as the first game because that was in Dunwall and this is in Karnaca. But still the enemy is kind of suck sure you have the witches which are pretty cool but other than that nothing also the clockwork soldiers suck I get there meant to be a replacement for the tallboy but nothing will ever replace the tallboy especially when this enemy is just a complete tank that's so difficult to kill and can kill you instantly. Not to mention he can spot you in some of the most bullshit ways possible because it can see in front and behind it.

    5. Final boss kinda sucked. My first play through on this game was hard so I was expecting a bit of a challenge but this final bass sucked a lot the previous fights with people marked by the outsiders were awesome Daud, Billie, Corvo, and even Delilah herself in the previous game had a better boss fights.

    Overall this game is fantastic despite its floors and a really good sequel to the dishonoured not to mention there is a lot of replay value because of new game plus.


    This is the best for so many reasons the setting of a steam punk city infested with rats and the plague with constant lockdowns is fucking awesome, the corrupt seeking power is done really well in this game, The enemies were fantastic ranging from assassins to weepers rats and even the tallboy we are all fun to go up against, The levels are fantastic they are open and have so many ways for you to complete your objective and the side quests gave you even more reason to explore the level. High and low chaos i something I hate to that first and to this day I still believe it could've been done better in the first game it does make a lot of sense as to why high chaos would lead to bad ending.

    Also the powers are fantastic summoning rats to eat your enemies alive and possessing your target and then forcing them to walk off a cliff to their deaths would never get old. There are so many ways to complete your objective to this to a point where a certain stealth gamer has millions of views on his YouTube videos of him creatively killing targets no matter how much I play this game I will never be as good as him. While I love this game to death there are a few flaws.

    1. A lack of ways To take out people non-lethally don't be confused I don't mean targets where you can play someone's confession over their crimes over the loudspeaker and get them arrested I mean just regular guards. You only have your sleeping bolts in the crossbow and your arms to chock them out and that's it. Thankfully in the sequels they allowed you to do drop knockouts and someone allowed your powers to help knocking people out but this was a small issue in the first game.

    and honestly that's it I can't think of any more flaws with this game it's a masterpiece through and through and you should definitely play it if you haven't already.

    submitted by /u/YaboiGh0styy
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    What’s the best dishonered game?

    Posted: 14 Aug 2021 08:58 PM PDT

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