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    Saturday, August 14, 2021

    Dishonored Fan Casting! Who do you want to play these characters if they'll appear in the show? Couldn't find anyone suitable to play Corvo, Daud or the Outsider :/

    Dishonored Fan Casting! Who do you want to play these characters if they'll appear in the show? Couldn't find anyone suitable to play Corvo, Daud or the Outsider :/

    Fan Casting! Who do you want to play these characters if they'll appear in the show? Couldn't find anyone suitable to play Corvo, Daud or the Outsider :/

    Posted: 14 Aug 2021 10:19 AM PDT


    Posted: 14 Aug 2021 06:38 AM PDT

    I really really love this.

    Posted: 13 Aug 2021 11:12 PM PDT

    Familiar looking mask from a Pearl Jam exhibit.

    Posted: 14 Aug 2021 01:14 PM PDT

    Finished with the royal conservatory, it was annoying but still a great level!

    Posted: 14 Aug 2021 08:32 AM PDT

    First Dishonored 2 New Game+

    Posted: 14 Aug 2021 04:51 PM PDT

    I just finished a high chaos, no powers playthrough as Corvo and I am just starting a low chaos, powers playthrough as Emily, and I'm at the very beginning of the game where you have to eliminate Mortimer Ramsey. I've been playing this game for years, have probably played this part of it a couple of dozen times, and I just now discovered that you can trap him in the safe room. I've always run into the room he starts in and take them down without out reading the mission clues. It's the things like this that make this one of the few games I can play a New Game+ of right after finishing.

    Tl;dr I keep finding new reasons to love this series after years of playing

    submitted by /u/nikapocalypse
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    Future of the Dishonored?

    Posted: 14 Aug 2021 02:37 PM PDT

    Is there any information about potential sequel or Is it over?

    submitted by /u/Skynir7
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    Questions about Shadow run

    Posted: 14 Aug 2021 06:00 AM PDT

    I'm thinking about trying a complete Shadow run for the first time on Dishonored, and I have a few questions.

    1. Is it as simple as just not being spotted by enemies, or do I have to worry about bodies being found too? Is it okay if an enemy thinks he sees something and investigates, but doesn't become fully alerted?
    2. Can I interact with neutral characters? Can I challenge Lord Shaw to that duel, or do I have to avoid him?
    3. Is there a stats screen or something where I can see if I've alerted anybody? I know Dishonored 2 has one, but I can't find one in the first game.
    4. Can I get the Shadow trophy by playing New Game+?
    submitted by /u/SuperMario1981
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    Dishonored 3 Location

    Posted: 13 Aug 2021 09:51 PM PDT

    I was recently thinking of the future dishonored 3 and wanted to know where you would like it to take place. In my opinion I feel best if it takes place in Morley because if it's in serkonos or Gristol again it would feel repetitive and having a new location we can see more of the Dishonored world and cultures. Also I feel it would be really cool to have a target be like the queen or king of Morley.

    submitted by /u/KylXXn_
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    questions about dishonored 1

    Posted: 14 Aug 2021 04:49 PM PDT

    So i recently bought dishonored 2 on pc b/c of the steam sale only to then realize how poorly optimized it is. I've been averaging 25 fps indoors and 15-20 outdoors on very low so im thinking about refunding and buying the first one. But I have a few questions about the first one. For the color scheme of the games, i really liked 2's vibrant color palette but seeing screenshots of the first game makes it look really washed out and greyscale. Is the color palette of 1 as washed out as it looks in the screenshots and trailers? I also very much enjoy the combat in the second game as well as the gory dismemberments, is the combat much different in the first compared to the second? thanks for reading this and i hope you can provide an answer.

    submitted by /u/Redpanda0712
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    Death of the Outsider; Possible to beat with no powers? 5th Mission problem

    Posted: 14 Aug 2021 01:56 PM PDT

    In the 5th mission there's a sheer cliff with a book shelf to jump from but it's just out of reach of a normal double jump. I've literally used zero powers up until now and it's killed the run for me. Is there any way to do it?

    submitted by /u/bojamajams
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    Assuming the news about the netflix Dishonored project is real what do you think it will be?

    Posted: 14 Aug 2021 01:18 AM PDT

    dishonered characters biggest sins

    Posted: 14 Aug 2021 11:59 AM PDT

    lets start with easier ones

    peiro would be lust for the fact he spys on colista? when shes taking a wash

    same with solklov with lust,but thats a guess since the maid in dr galvanis lab said her friends say hes with prostitutes more than he is making a cure

    havelock,controversial but i think pride

    the owner of that whore house in the second mission also goes with pride

    i think granny rags goes in wrath for trying to kill slackjaw

    speaking of slackjaw,he also goes to wrath, for,assult,disobedience of public ordinace and public urination?,does that count?i think thats more envy but still,

    now its kind of difficult to know there biggest sin

    the boyales,lust for im pretty sure lydia the white boyale,lust for her. maybe pride for the waverly,the black boyale

    but esma?a bit confusing if you ask me but i think so ill narrow it down,it cant be sloth,gluttonyor lust,perhaps not greed either,my best guess is wrath or pride

    pendilton,none fit him nessaserily,pride wouldnt becuase in his memouirs he sais he feels regret for posining corvo in low chaos,i doubt greed would since they were in parliment before,so they were already in hundreds of thousands at least,said by the tourchered man in the silver room,but gluttony,wrath,sloth or lust dont fit him at all,but envy may be the closest thing to his sin

    jasmine,nothing works with her,besides lust considering shes slept with her own bodyguard note:im not adding wrath,why?,well im sure if someone killed you and your reincarnated into a mechanical heart,im sure you would tell someone you want him dead aswell

    martin,there are 2 main sins,pride or greed,at the end of high or total chaos if you dnt kill him at start is him telling havelocks plan and how it wasnt how they wanted it to be at first,im putting greed as a competitor since he still went along with the plan

    thedus campbell its hard to choose bettween most of the sins but i chosee wrathwrath,killing/trying to kill the nicest overseer just because hes uncorruptable?

    daud,(im going purely off dishonered 1 and never played DoTO or the 2nd one) id choose greed becuase i feel since hes an assassin he'd only do it for money and was thretaning hiram burrows for not getting the money

    now its very hard to tell the sins

    emily,there are only 2 sins witch depends on if your on total chaos or low/high chaos,on low and high she asks if you would marry her if you didnt marry jasamine and in total chaos she says at the end 'i will be emress' in some sort of threataning,being wrath. im not including high chaos becuase of the outsider saying 'there gonna say she lived in a world of corruption where the world was not kind to little girls or emresses but she tried her best' or some shit like. id say lust because she wont say the thretaning tone in low chaos

    corvo,where to begin? well,we can say it cant be sloth or gluttony,so lets star with low chaos corvo.and the did nothing sexualy wrong exept screw the empress,thou he didnt sin

    low chaos he didnt kill many and does best to protect emily,so that takes pride and greed away,as he wouldnt save her if he was only an assassin for money ,so i'd say

    high chaos also same with total chaos V

    total chaos the outsider said he did it to cause chaos so it obvious he would be in wrath

    submitted by /u/Memes_go_yeetus
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    I feel like the Mark of the Outsider could be called the Devil's Tattoo

    Posted: 14 Aug 2021 11:40 AM PDT

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