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    Thursday, August 12, 2021

    Dishonored Just bought Dishonored 2 along with Death Of The Outsider on Steam. Very excited to play this for the first time :)

    Dishonored Just bought Dishonored 2 along with Death Of The Outsider on Steam. Very excited to play this for the first time :)

    Just bought Dishonored 2 along with Death Of The Outsider on Steam. Very excited to play this for the first time :)

    Posted: 12 Aug 2021 10:14 AM PDT

    So today I finished the first Dishonored for the first time.

    Posted: 12 Aug 2021 06:20 AM PDT

    Low chaos if you're wondering.

    Honestly what a fucking game. This game is a masterpiece I love it. I played it way back in 2015 but never finished it. Today however I set my ass down and played to the whole game in one sitting. Kinda funny how the game which feels more like an RPG then most RPGs now days. I really wish the RPG elements were in Dishonored 2 and Dishonored DOTO. By far the best Dishonored game while 2 and DOTO are an improvement on the technical side adding more non-lethal options, new abilities, and execution animations are brutal and awesome (fucking love dismembering and decapitating my enemies). But they don't have what made Dishonored incredible talking to NPCs to unlock a new way to complete your objective, rat infested sewers, assassins, A boss fight with another one marked by the outsider (Dishonored 2 has this but it sucks). Plus the Outsider is more of a mysterious being in this one and has a better voice kinda wish they didn't change voice actors.

    submitted by /u/YaboiGh0styy
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    Dishonored Project In The Works At Netflix!

    Posted: 12 Aug 2021 01:54 AM PDT

    High Overseer Campbell anyone?

    Posted: 12 Aug 2021 01:22 AM PDT

    The evidence for the direction of the next Dishonored game from Death of the Outsider.

    Posted: 12 Aug 2021 02:55 AM PDT

    Yesterday u/YaboiGh0styy posted a poll asking who you'd want as the next Dishonored protagonist.

    I pointed out that the next game would likely deal with the void playing a role in new powers and powerful people manifesting, due to having nobody at it's helm as it were.

    My theory for where the next game will go is that now the Outsider is dead/gone, the void will pour it's power more chaotically into the world. So Billie and Daud blame the Outsider for the chaos and murder and corruption of the Empire of the Isles, but the next game/games would show that perhaps an entity in control of the voids power would be better. I think part of the game, maybe in Dishonored 4 or later, as they may save that for a future story, would be to answer the question of was the killing of the Outsider, both 4000 years ago, and by Billie... a good idea? So I think we'll see people either randomly bestowed with powers, or perhaps people born into them, and them being potentially even less worthy of power.

    I could also see an organisation, maybe the eyeless, as Billie seemingly hardly dealt with them really, trying to put someone back in the place of the Outsider, so our plot could be about stopping them etc etc.

    I think the epilogue for Death of the Outsider tells us that this is pretty much what the world ahead holds.

    Wherein Billie says;

    There is so much doubt, but there are some things I know are true.

    The Outsider is no more, and with that, the world will change in ways none of us can know.

    But the Void is still there, echoing just beyond what you can see.

    And there's no one left to say who will and won't be touched by it's magic.

    Just thought I'd bring those words to peoples attention if they haven't re-played DOTO recently, whilst we're discussing what's next.

    I think we're all hoping that after Deathloop, Arkane will be working on our next foray into this world.

    submitted by /u/VirgelFromage
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    Sometimes you gotta take a break from ghost running and cause a little chaos

    Posted: 11 Aug 2021 10:23 PM PDT

    Netflix Dishonored tv-series

    Posted: 11 Aug 2021 06:50 PM PDT

    Imagine Dishonored games with more choices

    Posted: 12 Aug 2021 12:13 AM PDT

    I've been playing Fallout New Vegas recently, and the main motto (or one of them I guess) is that you can kill anyone/anything in the game and still complete it.

    I was just wondering how cool it would be to be able to, for example, just kill everyone in your camp in D1 and be able to find clues in Havelock's journal for the next mission as well as find clues for the upcoming missions in the levels themselves - also, for example, you would drive the boat yourself if you choose to kill Samuel, or you could keep only him and Piero alive and persuade them/intimidate them into being your aides. You would be able to finish the game sooner for example, if you killed High Overseer and there's nobody in your camp to replace him, except for you and Emily.

    I just feel it would add such great roleplaying depth to the game, and thinking of it now it's unlucky such a feature is missing and all you get is a game over screen and reload.

    submitted by /u/korisnik2007a
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    Achievement hunting

    Posted: 12 Aug 2021 03:04 PM PDT

    Collecting all the steam achievements for the series and next up is the first game and honestly I'm not looking forward to it

    submitted by /u/Gum13all
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    Would this game benefit from being installed to an SSD ?

    Posted: 11 Aug 2021 05:19 PM PDT

    I have an original Xbox one still, but I have an external SSD, would this game see much if any improvements ?

    submitted by /u/I-Emerge-I
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