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    Friday, September 17, 2021

    Dishonored I love the twist in the end of the letter.

    Dishonored I love the twist in the end of the letter.

    I love the twist in the end of the letter.

    Posted: 17 Sep 2021 09:38 AM PDT

    "Now that the vault's working again I'll double the security so that no one can ever—OH MY GOD"

    Posted: 17 Sep 2021 01:50 AM PDT

    What is everyone's least favourite mission in D1 and why?

    Posted: 17 Sep 2021 09:53 AM PDT

    I'm doing my 4th playthrough to get the remaining trophies and I know I might get rotten tomatoes thrown at me for this, but I really don't enjoy replaying The Flooded District. I'd say the level's visuals are great, it really shows how much the plague has impacted Dunwall as a whole and this area in particular, but it just kinda feels like a chore now. I had a lot of fun replaying all the other levels, but with The Flooded District, I just wanna run through it ASAP and get to the last two levels which I love.

    I wouldn't say The Flooded District is plain bad, but it feels less fun than all the other missions do for me. What are your thoughts on this?

    submitted by /u/MrStojanov
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    just recently copped the dishonoured duology, looking forward to playing these!

    Posted: 17 Sep 2021 05:06 AM PDT

    Just noticed some major foreshadowing where you get the mark in Dishonored 1

    Posted: 17 Sep 2021 09:14 AM PDT

    I'd like to ask for people's theories on something that was never clear to me...

    Posted: 17 Sep 2021 12:28 PM PDT

    What do you reckon happened last night?

    submitted by /u/theshadypineapple
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    I like getting low Chaos while still killing my targets

    Posted: 16 Sep 2021 05:09 PM PDT

    I feel like that's ultimately the most justified and humane playthrough.
    I poison Campbell, assassinate the Twins, and end the Lord Reagent with a blade.

    But I don't kill any civilians, guards, and spare Daud - It just feels good to bring justice to these villains, but because I only kill the antagonists I still get Low Chaos, resulting in a worldstate in which the Conspiracy is destroyed but Emily still winds up a good leader and the plague is cured.

    submitted by /u/Flunkiebubs
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    The making of Dishonored: Death Of The Outsider, and how Arkane killed a god

    Posted: 17 Sep 2021 11:08 AM PDT

    What is your favourite level in the first game?

    Posted: 16 Sep 2021 08:07 PM PDT

    There are so many good ones but I'd have to say Lady Boyle's Last Party.

    submitted by /u/PawQueen-MotherOfArt
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    If I replay a mission and do it as high caos, will it matter for my current run?

    Posted: 17 Sep 2021 02:16 PM PDT

    I'm at mission 3 and I want to redo mission 1 and 2 at high caos to kill time, if I do that, will my run go to high caos or it doesn't matter?

    dishonored 2 btw

    submitted by /u/russianmineirinho
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    "The nobleman laid with the scullery maid, so loudly they made quite a riot. The nobleman's wife took the butchering knife, and carved herself some piece and quite."

    Posted: 16 Sep 2021 08:34 PM PDT

    Dishonored 100% playthrough

    Posted: 17 Sep 2021 11:51 AM PDT

    I finished my first playthrough and I loved the game, I want to complete the definitive edition, do you guys have a guide for every achievement on each level?

    submitted by /u/jo53_100
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    Question about Dishonoured before I buy it.

    Posted: 17 Sep 2021 01:29 PM PDT

    Edit: To clarify I'm talking about Dishonoured 2. I forgot to put 2 in the title

    So, I'm planning to buy dishonoured since it seems really good, but I just wanna something first

    Have the frame rates been improved? I'm planning to get it on pc since I'm terrible with controllers, but I've heard that the pc version has terrible framerates, so I just want to know if it's been fixed

    Edit 2: I'd also appreciate if someone could link a trainer/cheat engine/etc. I plan to play with infinite mana Because I personally hate how the mana regen works in dishonoured)

    submitted by /u/HazelTreee
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    My Tyvian Dishonored OC Backstory - Otho Arcinsion

    Posted: 17 Sep 2021 01:55 AM PDT

    Hello! If you are interested in reading all of this, I would be so grateful! Thanks!

    (If Otho was in a Dishonored 3 game.)

    Otho Arcinsion was a boy born in Dabokva, Tyvia. His birth parents left him to die on the cold ground in Dabokva. Otho managed to survive for 5 years on his own, a strange man named Yakovich Fedin, picked him off the streets to help him out, Otho didnt trust the man, his gut told him something was off, but Yakovich helped him out, gave him food, clothing, a mother, a doting older brother, a family. For once in his life, Otho felt needed, like he had a purpose, his dream was to become a captain of his own Whaling Trawler, but as he grew into a teenager, his mind started to change, and he wanted to become Yakovich's successor. (Yakovich is Otho's father at this point of time.) One day, Yakovich planned to make Otho his assistant in helping out those high in power. Otho over heard Yakovich talking with an old friend, about how Otho was perfect for his rep. Confused, Otho asks his older brother, Koshkov Fedin, the brother tells him that Otho is just some street rat who Yakovich just stumbled upon.

    "Your only adopted because my father's name was being dragged through mud due to a scandal you fool!" Koshkov said.

    Otho was frozen, he didnt know how to feel, was he scared? Confused? Nervous? Koshkov punched Otho in the heart, and ran off to tell his father that Otho knew that he was adopted for Yakovich's rep. They grab Otho and toss him out in the cold once more.

    "Gaurds! Come deal with this fool! He's broken into my home and taken my valuables!" Yakovich said. Koshkov laughed.

    The mother, Aleksandra Fedin, was worried, confused, all Otho could see was their door closing, and Aleksandra getting beat. After Otho got taken and whooped by the gaurds, they tossed him in an alleyway, hoping no one would see him.

    Otho ran away as far as he could, he was scared, sad, stressed, and wondering what he had done to the Fedin's.

    Thanks to waffle_boy23 for this half! ^^

    He ran from one alleyway to the next, with tears running down his cheeks. The boy was so stressed, he was sweating blood. Otho saw a shrine, carved bones, were on top of this shrine. And then, he was startled by a man that appeared out of thin air. The Outsider. The Outsider granted him a gift, a powerful one at that. Otho was speechless, his hand bled from intense heat. And the mark of the Outsider was engraved on the boys hand. Otho survived 2 months on his own, there he met Daud, who roamed the streets of Tyvia, on a mission. He trained the boy, so that he would be able to stick up for himself. He did this until he was 19 years old. Then took a ship back to Tyvia. Otho left Daud and his whalers because he had found out that they used black magic. Daud was merciful and let him go. Otho hadn't spoke if it since. Otho met a man named Anton Sokolov. He helped him off the ground once more. From this point on, he learned about technology, and natural philosophy. Otho and Sokolov built the Arc Pylon together, it was said to be their greatest creation. Otho wanted to name it the "Invigorating Pylon" but Sokolov thought different. Because Otho had helped Sokolov, Sokolov wanted to name it the "Arcinsion Pylon". Otho agreed on this name, not because it was his last name, but because he was proud of their creation, and the name seemed to fit. They shortened the name and now call it the "Arc Pylon". Otho didnt know how to use his power, so he chose to become an Overseer, in hopes to forget about it. He never spoke, touched, or even dared to look at his left hand, hes even thought about cutting it off. He fought in a war with worshipers of The Outsider, and killed hundreds of people, without a scratch on his armor. And he was only armed with a blade. After this, a mortal, a man, who once was only dirt, struck The Outsider himself with slight fear. The Outsider found this to be interesting, only armed with a blade and can kill hundreds without opening his eyes once. The Outsider knew it was time to tell Otho about the secrets his mark holds. And so The Outsider visted Otho once more.


    "FREE ME FROM THIS CURSED REALM!" He shouted once more.

    Otho was set free from the Void. He had to keep to himself what happened that night, for he would be executed on sight if he told anybody. He loved the Overseer, and his job very much, he felt needed again, and felt like he had purpose once more. Otho was 26 by the time he stopped with the Overseer, but still, he remembered the strictures, in hopes of keeping the outsider away. He was then tempted, and was interested to know more about runes and bonecharms, so then when he found out about this new found power, he sought out everyone that knew, supported, and helped out Yakovich, in anyway, those that held him up and cleared his name. He killed them, one by one, anything that moved would be dead. He could stare down any nightmare. He killed Yakovich's successor, Koshkov Fedin (Other targets before Koshkov and Yakovich). And then he went after Yakovich himself, who was heavily armed, who was surrounded by guards and mechanical men (Clockwork Soldiers). He was the type of man that could walk through hell and back, and not get burned. They all stood no chance.

    Otho was born in 1813, and killed Yakovich in 1837, this takes place during DH1.

    (Target list soon!) After Daud and Anton, he was then adopted by Morse and Dena Petrov. Who really helped him for the rest of his life.

    5 years later Otho cut his entire left arm off, to let go of the void once and for all.

    (1852 During the events of DH2, when Emily's lover "Wyman" set out to Morley.)

    In 1842, Otho Arcinson, who once was a killer, now is a boatman living his best life. He has thought about becoming an Overseer once more, but chose to give up his killing days. He adopted a 2 year old girl name Elijah, who is now happily living with her father on his boat alongside him. (She is 12 during the events of DH2.) (Cut to 1852) Elijah dreams of becoming the grand inventor, like Kirin Jindosh, but less corrupt. She looks up to Otho, because he helped and worked with Jindosh as he grew up. She wants to start by creating an artificial limb (Left arm) for Otho, because she feels bad he does not have one. Otho hears strange sounds coming from nowhere, its all in his head, he hears horns being blown and it frightens him, he sometimes attempts to commit suicide, but then remembers about Elijah. He has to take his meds for the sounds to temporarily go away. (This happened because Otho cut off his arm, and did not like the Outsider.) During DH2, Otho is the captain of the ship of Aristotle. (His ship/boat) Wyman is set on Ship Aristotle with Otho and Elijah. Otho takes him to Morley on a mission, for whatever reason his people need him for. On Ship Aristotle, Otho keeps a Tyvian themed Clockwork Soldier, to pilot/gaurd the ship. He named it after his father, Yakovich. Otho loved Yakovich, but he knew he had to die. The Clockwork Soldier Yakovich, (CSY) still talks through Jindosh's old deleted recordings, and scrambled words, to make it seem like he is a human. Otho built CSY to switch between arm blades, and hands with fingers, to pilot the ship when Otho was getting rest. Otho built CSY with the same materiel used for Overseer masks, to prevent him from getting damaged by ranged attacks.

    You can find out what he looks like on this link.


    I want to add more stuff about the Overseer, so if you have any thoughts/suggestions please let me know! Any feedback is kindly accepted! If there are any typos please let me know! Thank you!

    submitted by /u/No-Championship-1595
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    Do you think the world would've been better off without the Outsider granting marks? (Read comments and such before making a decision)

    Posted: 16 Sep 2021 10:34 PM PDT

    What is your favourite quote from the first Dishonored?

    Posted: 16 Sep 2021 08:27 PM PDT

    I love the dialog in this game, there are so many great lines. Whether it's the words themselves, or just how they were said, here are some of my favourites:

    "Do not let your keen eyes wander tonight boy, there's word of bad men about." -and overseer

    "By the Outsider's eyes, I'm going to drink tonight." -Pendleton

    "May all the spirit's guide you, and may our enemies head hit the floor without you taking a scratch." -Martin

    "For the restless hand shall be raised against the common good." -Cecelia

    "Should Overseers come to call, know your strictures one and all!" -the heart

    "I smell bones in the pylons. Blood beneath the stone blocks. Men died building this structure." -the heart

    "Dunwall Tower is not so tall that it can rise above the stench of death." -the heart

    "The doom of Pandyssia has come to the city." -the heart

    submitted by /u/PawQueen-MotherOfArt
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    Need help fixing crash on Dishonored through Steam.

    Posted: 16 Sep 2021 06:56 PM PDT

    Every time I open a journal the game crashes and I'm back on my Home Screen. Anybody else have this problem? If so how did you fix it?

    submitted by /u/StayPuffedMarsh
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