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    Wednesday, October 16, 2019

    Dishonored: "Resting for Now"

    Dishonored: "Resting for Now"

    I forgot how great this game looks

    Posted: 16 Oct 2019 12:25 PM PDT

    I painted Emily

    Posted: 16 Oct 2019 09:19 AM PDT

    Joined the club today

    Posted: 16 Oct 2019 03:56 AM PDT

    Shall we gather for whiskey and cigars tonight?

    Posted: 16 Oct 2019 02:32 PM PDT

    Nah jk I prefer Tyvian red wine.

    submitted by /u/Inhaledten34
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    Time to grind out the original dishonored for 100 percent acheivements

    Posted: 16 Oct 2019 02:18 PM PDT

    How to make Dishonored Shine on PC - Redux

    Posted: 16 Oct 2019 01:37 PM PDT

    This game came out 7 years ago (wow) and around the time of release there was a great thread on how to make the game looks it's best on PC, sadly that thread is now buried, and two of the main contributors to it have deleted their accounts, posts, screenshots and guides. The steam threads are also dead as at some point steam changed their forum urls. Since I just redownloaded the game for my yearly play through I though I would attempt to remake the post with all the things I have learned.

    I have made a small album here of screenshots here, however I am not the greatest screenshotter ever, and I didn't have too much time to make these. These are 5k shots, but I had to save them as PNG and compress them to go online, so they aren't quite as nice as the ones on my HDD. I hope they show just how clean the edges are and nice the SweetFX looks.

    So to make Dishonored better we need to cover:
    I. Config files
    II. Anti Aliasing / Super sampling
    III. Anisotropic Filtering
    IV. Ambient Occlusion
    V. Sweetfx / shaders
    VI. Hud modification

    I'll also add in some known issues and workarounds I've learned.

    I. Config files

    This is easy, as approximately a thousand years ago a user called Kakkoi made this modified ini file. It has better LOD, less pop in, and better shadows, etc. Delete everything from your current file and paste this in.

    I'd recommend making this file read only as mine seemed to change itself back.

    NOTE: this file is compatible with KoD and Brigmore Witches, however it does have a small issue. If you start either DLC the new hotbar icons (as in, the ones for powers and gadgets that were not in the base game - Stun Mine, etc.) on your shortcuts and radial wheel will be missing and replaced by a placeholder "img" icon. If you allow the config to be overwritten, this will fix itself however it also seems to undo the graphics improvements. The game is perfectly playable without the icons, and if you use no HUD and no radial menu, like I do, you won't even notice. Your call on whether you want the improvements or the icons.

    II. Anti Aliasing

    The anti aliasing in Dishonored is trash let's be honest, but there are multiple ways we can improve this. The overall best way is supersampling, which is extremely easy these days.

    NOTE: this guide uses Nvidia's DSR, which is on the Nvidia control panel and not available to AMD users. I understand AMD has a feature that provides almost the exact same result, however I've never used it. You will have to look this up yourself however the same rules should apply.

    DSR is an user friendly method of supersampling which is when you force the game to render in higher resolutions and then downsampling to your monitor resolution providing much better edges. If you are on 1080p, 4x downsampling will mean you are running the game at 4K. If you are on 1440p and you downsample 4x, you are running the game at 5K, which looks glorious.

    To activate DSR, right click on your desktop and hit Nvidia Control Panel, go to "Manage 3D settings" and find the setting for DSR.

    Generally people agree that DSR is only worthwhile if you use the 4x factor, with the smoothing bar at zero. This is because 4x gives you perfect pixel scaling, and the smoothness bar applies a horrible FXAA style blur to edges to try and clean them up. If you are worried about performance using 4x you can try a lower setting, however Dishonored is old and not very demanding, I have seen video benchmarks of 100+ FPS at 4k with a 1050ti.

    NOTE: if you are running downsampling but also want high refresh rates (over 60hz), see the bottom of the anti aliasing section. The game defaults and locks itself to 60Hz when you use DSR but there is a workaround.

    This is not the only Anti Aliasing method that can be used, you can also force AA using your graphics driver, and if you have a decent pc, you can combine both SSAA and AA. It is glorious. Again, this guide covers Nvidia Inspector. There is a AMD alternative, but you'll have to find your own guide to use it. The info in here should mostly apply.

    Download Nvidia Inspector

    It's a portable application so put it somewhere safe. Run it and hit this button In the top bar search Dishonored.

    At the top, where you see Anti Aliasing Compatibility, copy and paste this flag: 0x080100C5 It should look like this.

    *NOTE: * If you have used inspector before you may have seen other flags recommended, as there are a few that work with Dishonored. This one seems to be the least known but also the best, and it has the best quality of AA and doesn't do that weird thing some of the other flags do where it leaves a one pixel tall strip of white along the top of the screen.

    Now, scroll down to the section called Anti Aliasing. "Under Anti Aliasing - Mode" click the drop down and choose "Override Application setting".

    NOTE: Although we have chosen "Override application setting", for this AA flag to work, you must choose the MLAA Option in the Dishonored Graphics options.

    Where it says AA Transparency Multisampling make sure it is enabled. The next two options:

    Antialiasing mode Transparency AA mode

    are up to you based on your required framerate and your specs. For me, I had zero problem running the game at 5k resolution, with 8x Multisampling and 8x SGSSAA. This is a little extreme however. 4x on both will be plenty. If you want to go lighter for more fps 2x on each will do. Test different options out and see what is best for you.

    If your card allows the feature, make sure to enable to MFAA option too. I won't go into what it does, but it's a good thing. Once you have done all of this hit apply.

    For the lazy, confused or curious this is what my settings look like.

    DSR + high refresh rate bug

    Now, if you want to use DSR but also want high refresh rates, you will have to use this small workaround. When launching the game and setting up high resolutions (4k+), the game changes its refresh rate to 60, regardless of what your monitor supports. It does not cap the framerate however, meaning if you are getting 130 fps on a 60Hz game you will get severe screen tearing. I don't know if this is a DX9 thing, or if the game just assumes (at the time of the game at least) 4k panels could only manage 60Hz, or some other reason. Anyway, there is a fix. Once your DSR is enabled, before starting the game, open the Nvidia Control Panel (not Inspector) and go to the section Change Desktop Resolution. [If you click the dropdown you should see your DSR resolution along with all the standard resolutions.] If you click this, you will now be downsampling everything your computer runs. It may look a little weird, and the dialog box asking you to confirm your changes may be tiny, but once we are in game it will look fine. If you load the game with your screen already running in 4/5k, for some reason the game is perfectly happy to now run at whatever refresh rate your monitor is, which is good for us G Sync users. It is a little annoying to do this every time you start the game, but for me it is worth it and it only takes a second. Just remember - when you choose your new resolution to hit yes to confirm your changes. Otherwise after 30 seconds it reverts to your native res.

    TL;DR: for DSR + high refresh - downsample your desktop and then run the game at "native" res.

    III. Anisotropic Filtering Anisotropic Filtering is a little simpler, in Nvidia Inspector, go to the Anisotropic Filtering section, and copy the following settings

    *IV. Ambient Occlusion * Ambient Occlusion is much the same. This one impacted my framerate a little, so YMMV. Copy the following settings, and if it impacts your performance, either change "Quality" to a lower setting or turn it off. It doesn't affect the visuals too much.

    V. SweetFx and Shader (optional step)

    SweetFx is... A problem. At the time of writing their site has been down for a few weeks(?) making choosing a preset difficult. The Reshade site is still up, however most Reshade presets are also hosted on the SweetFx site. There is hope however, as using this archive of the Wayback Machine, to visit the Dishonored page and download presets, however the screenshots and previews aren't working so it's kind of a pot luck download. I personally use K-Putt'e's config, so I can vouch for that one being great, however they are all different and it's down to personal taste. Keep in mind this entire step is optional so if you don't want to be digging through the Wayback machine and downloading random configs you can't see screenshots of I wouldn't blame you. Keep in mind also you should always use the exact SweetFx version the preset was made for, making trying lots of different presets difficult (I don't think this is entirely true, but after a certain version old configs won't work with new SweetFx versions so it's best just to be safe, same with Reshade versions too) however you could always try making your own if you have the time and know how. That's not covered in this guide though.

    So, after all that, assuming you do want to use a sweetfx, this is how to do it:

    Choose the preset you want. As I said I really like K-putt's preset, it removes the washed out feel and makes certain colours pop while also darkening the tone very slightly. It removes that weird green wash the whole game seems to have and darkens dark areas perfectly but keeps the game very playable, (just grim enough.)

    Download the required SweetFx version for your preset. Open the archive and extract the files into Dishonored\Binaries\Win32 (it's the folder that has the actual Dishonored.exe in it.)

    DELETE the following files: dxgi.fx, dxgi.dll, SweetFX_settings.txt

    Paste in the config you have downloaded, and rename it SweetFX_settings.txt, replacing the one was already in there. Alternatively you can open your config, copy all the text, and paste it into the existing settings.txt. Either way.

    When you start the game, if installed correctly you should see a difference immediately when booting up. You can test this by turning it on and off. The default key to turn it on and off is scroll lock, I recommend going through various levels and areas and comparing on and off to see the difference. I can't play without this preset now, it's amazing.

    VI. HUD

    OK, last bit. As much as I love dishonored I hate the god damn hud, with all its spiky bits and jaggy edges. We can fix a lot of this though. From the User Interface Menu you can turn on or off pretty much anything in the game. Nice. However a few things will remain. The cogs in the bottom right when you save or autosave, the little hand symbol when you are able to pick up an object, and the black bars during cutscenes. We can set up a key to FULLY turn off the HUD, to get fully immersed.


    Documents/My Games/Dishonored/DishonoredGame/Config/DishonoredInput.ini A few lines down you will see dozens of entries that start with "BaseBindings=" make a new line above these, with the following:

    m_PCBindings=(Name="F6",Command="ShowHUD true")

    We have now set up a hotkey that can completely turn the hud on or off. its set to F6 but you can make it anything you like. This is useful as if you want you can have the entire HUD turned on, and only pull it up when you need it, or like me you can use it to permanently have all aspects of the hud off. Good for screenshots too.

    Note: There is one issue with this. Whenever you are going from one area to another, or Samuel is asking you if you are ready to leave a level, if the hud is off the clickable options will not show. You can simply press F6 to bring them back, and then click Leave Level and then switch the HUD off again.

    Whew. We're done. I hope you found at least a part of this useful, some of this might be common knowledge but I wanted to get it all into one post. When you combine all of these tweaks I think Dishonored is twice as good looking. It is important to note that your mileage will definetly vary, however I think even with a weaker GPU it is worth trying a combination of all of these, as Dishonored is a very easy game to run so we might as well squeeze as much as we can out of it. With all these tweaks, 8x Multisampling and SGSSAA, downsampling from 5K I get between 80 - 130 fps (130 is the fps cap. I don't reccomend removing this cap as you can run into minor bugs such as leaning and then getting stuck leaning) For the record I have an Overclocked 1080ti, and an i7 8700k @ 5.0Ghz.

    If you know of any other graphics tweaks please let me know, maybe I can add them in here.

    Credit to Kakoii for the ini file Credit to K Putt'e for the SweetFX I mentioned

    Thanks for reading

    submitted by /u/pheromonekvlt
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    Possible Dishonored 3 Plot

    Posted: 16 Oct 2019 09:55 AM PDT

    So we all know that the series is on a hiatus, or "resting", but I think I've got a pretty cool idea for a possible plot for the next installment. What if we went back for a sort of prequel story, only instead of having a direct connection to the current timeline, we would play as the first Royal Spymaster.

    To look at an excerpt from a book found in-game.

    "It is said that the Office of the Royal Spymaster has existed for as long as there have been Emperors and Empresses. However, in the earliest days of the Empire, this position existed in secrecy. Only after the Morley Insurrection was the position publicly acknowledged, due to the tremendous role that the acting Spymaster played in quelling the rebellion."

    So what if we were able to play as one of the original Spymasters, those existed in secret, or maybe even the one responsible for quelling the Morley Insurrection. Unless there's lore I'm forgetting about it pretty sure there isn't much else written about the subject other than this.

    submitted by /u/frodo4760
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    Links to good console montages?

    Posted: 16 Oct 2019 03:05 PM PDT

    I know this game is hard to make montages for on console, especially D2, but if you have any please link? I'm going to try my hand at one eventually

    submitted by /u/KneedHelpQuicc
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    Played Dishonored 2 over multiple times because of Xbox game pass, thinking about buying this later, is it worth it?

    Posted: 16 Oct 2019 09:05 AM PDT

    An Overseer did a disappearing act on the High Overseer Campbell mission and I’m not sure if it was supposed to happen or just a glitch.

    Posted: 16 Oct 2019 12:01 PM PDT

    TL;DR An Overseer seemingly vanished from the map and I honestly have no idea where he went. If he glitches out then I didn't see it and I don't remember ever running into him on this mission, although that probably doesn't say much as I missed a lot on my prior play throughs.

    Alright so I am in the process of a ghost high chaos play through in Dishonored and I was making my way through the mission that requires you to eliminate High Overseer Campbell.

    Everything was going pretty normally, I had gotten all of the runes and bonecharms, and all I had to do was take care of Campbell. As far as I could tell every Overseer was dead that I could kill before killing Campbell.

    I found an underground passage that went under the courtyard in front of the Office of the High Overseer and let me out further down Holger Square. So I started following the pathway to see if there was any loot I could grab.

    I made it to an opening about halfway down the passage where I could see outside. There was only a sewer grate keeping me from coming out into Holger Square. Standing on top of that grate, was an Overseer. He didn't notice my presence and continued staring off into space.

    I realized I could pickpocket him even with the metal bars between us, and grabbed his coin pouch. I got 100 coins, which I don't think I've ever gotten from pickpocketing before, and went on my way. I planned on finding the end of the tunnel, exiting, and killing the Overseer who had somehow survived my first pass through Holger Square.

    I finally reached the end of the rather long passage and came out onto the surface. I went back and found the sewer grate I had been under just a few minutes ago, but the Overseer was gone. I even made sure that it was the same grate. The guard had vanished.

    I activated my dark vision and tried to find the Overseer, figuring he just was following a patrol route and was either in the courtyard or further down Holger Square. I searched for him for a few minutes, baffled at his disappearance. He had seemingly just vanished from the map.

    So my question is, what happened? Where did this Overseer go? It's not really that big of a deal since I'm not going for a 100% kill ratio or anything, but it is just odd to me. It was kind of eerie since I have no idea where he went and I have been weary that he'll just pop out from a corner somewhere or I'll encounter him again.

    submitted by /u/OldWorldBluesIsBest
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    Mission Lengths?

    Posted: 16 Oct 2019 07:29 PM PDT

    Howdy, I'm playing through the game, first time, I'm now going after Lady Boyle.

    I was just wondering, how long will the next coming missions be?

    So far, each mission was quite long for me, I think up to or over 3 hours, with me doing trying to get everything done in each.

    Are all missions this long?

    submitted by /u/DiamondDM13
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    Karnaca Nights

    Posted: 15 Oct 2019 06:00 PM PDT

    Easter Egg found in Cookie Clicker of all places... gave me the willies for a second, there!

    Posted: 15 Oct 2019 09:02 PM PDT

    Bloodflies in Karnaca (Ansel)

    Posted: 15 Oct 2019 05:51 PM PDT

    Is a lethal Corvo run worth it in dishonoured 2?

    Posted: 16 Oct 2019 06:14 AM PDT

    So I recently finished my first non lethal powerless ghost run on Emily and was wondering if I should do a powers play through with Corvo as I didn't use his powers too much in the first game besides agility,blink and dark vision that's it so are the rest of his powers fun to mess around with and should I do a powered Emily play through at a later date as well?

    submitted by /u/Spider_j4Y
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    Is witchcraft common knowledge post canon?

    Posted: 15 Oct 2019 10:02 PM PDT

    For most of the series, the void/the outsider/the supernatural had been considered myth or superstition by most people in the empire.

    But after the events of D2, where the entirety of Dunwall is set upon by literal fucking witches, surely most people accept it as fact now, right?

    Because in Death of the Outsider, they have that fight club centred around people using bone charms and arcane enhancements and such. Is it just the eyeless and the rest of the dodgy parts of society that know the truth, or do most common folk in the world acknowledge the void to be real now?

    I haven't read the books yet, so I don't know if it's touched on in those. I just can't see all that Delilah fuckery happening and people still having any reason to deny magic existing.

    submitted by /u/CozyGhosty
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    Rat swarm...

    Posted: 15 Oct 2019 11:40 PM PDT

    Ok so maybe im missing something but from what it suggests and what you see the rats will devour the whole human but the leave behind their sword (and or gun) but im fairly certain that the guards are wearing like metal belts or buckles on their shoes or something if yall have an answer id appreciate it cause its been bothering me

    submitted by /u/AdmiralSleeper
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