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    Saturday, April 25, 2020

    Dishonored New experimental marks with void text — thoughts?

    Dishonored New experimental marks with void text — thoughts?

    New experimental marks with void text — thoughts?

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 05:33 AM PDT

    Im once again asking people to play dishonored

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 11:28 AM PDT

    I'm just having a go here so let me know your thoughts on it

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 10:27 AM PDT

    must be delicious

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 04:03 AM PDT

    Hook mines do some funny shit sometimes

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 12:15 PM PDT

    Developing fan-made board game set in the Dishonored universe.

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 03:06 PM PDT

    Favorite target in knife of dunwall?

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 11:23 AM PDT

    I really Don't Like how easy Lady boyle got off

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 04:02 AM PDT

    In case of need for context Lady Boyle was a target you needed to get in Dishonored 1. Her non-lethal approach was shipping her off with her "lover" Brisby never to return to Dunwall again.

    Apparently The Corroded Man establishes that after a few years Brisby mysteriously disappeared and Waverly then inherited all his estate.

    This in comparison to the rest of the non-lethal endings for targets is really tame considering all she's done before hand. Lets remember that the boyle family:

    • Has had servants keep """"disappearing"""" after a short service with them

    • Had sex with their servants multiple times

    • Aided in the assassination of Jessamine and benefited from the regent's corruption

    Hearing that she's just living it up far from dunwall is kinda disappointing considering all they've done Especially considering that other assassination targets end up with far crueler fates. Campbell was branded and died after losing his mind and bleeding from his eyes as a weeper. The pendelton twins literally had their tongues cut off and were sent to work in mines until the day they die.

    In comparison to the rest of these Boyle just living in an estate someplace else really clashes with how the non-lethal routes were usually darker and more cruel than simply killing them.

    submitted by /u/thebustman
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    Hot Take on Daud

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 01:30 PM PDT

    The Return of Daud is actually just Daud narrating to Billie what he's been doing with his life and why he's dying. Literally none of it is true. He's actually just dying of lung cancer after 45 years of heavy smoking. He made the whole thing up so Billie would still think he was cool.

    submitted by /u/Faiakishi
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    Details from DOTO I may have missed?

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 09:42 AM PDT

    Hello friends, I just completed DOTO (saved the outsider) and I was wondering if there were any cool details or anything I may have missed on my first run, especially in the last level because I was doing zero kills so I had to stealth a lot of it. Also I don't seem to remember a single mention of corvo? Isn't that a bit odd?

    submitted by /u/Infinite_Bananas
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    Knife of Dunwall

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 09:35 AM PDT

    I got high chaos on the first knife of dunwall mission. Will I be able to get the "good" ending if I keep my chaos low in the other missions?

    submitted by /u/Daedricz
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    Dishonored Death of the Outsider Broken

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 12:09 PM PDT

    So I've tried playing Dishonored Death of the Outsider on a custom very hard run. The game is so ridiculous and so seemingly poorly designed in terms of enemy awareness and what sets enemies off and what does and doesn't effect enemies it really kills the game for me. Does anyone have problems with this game's difficultly? I had no problem with Dishonored 2 but this game to me seems so bad I can't even get passed the second level without having a hard time, which makes me not even wanna give the game a chance for the later game. Does anyone else have these issues? I know I'm being kinda vague but I wanna know people's opinions on this game.

    submitted by /u/MilkMeApollo
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    an absolutely crushing moment in the game for me.

    Posted: 24 Apr 2020 09:02 PM PDT

    I was playing d2 back when it came out, and there's that area in dunwall near the end of the game where you can use the microphone to broadcast a message to the city. I did that, and a couple figures started blinking across the roofs towards me, and I swear I thought it was Daud and the Whalers back from exile to help take delilah down, and I was so crushed when it turned out to be witches. Just remembered that and decided to share it.

    submitted by /u/orudein
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    I've been looking, does anyone have dishonored 1 crashing fix for windows 10?

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 08:32 AM PDT

    I've tried everything I've seen. Reinstalled, loaded past saves, deleted files and had steam fix it, and run in compatibility mode/turned off compatibility mode. Nothing is working and I am past the steam refund times. Plus I would like to actually beat the game

    submitted by /u/Searingwings
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    So does anyone else not really like A Crack in the Slab that much?

    Posted: 24 Apr 2020 06:34 PM PDT

    I just finished my ghost/Clean Hands run of Dishonored 2 as Emily, and with every playthrough I realise this might actually take Half-Life 2's place as my favourite game of all time. Dishonored 1 is incredible as well, and I've happily replayed it over 8 times, but the level of mastery Arkane shows in level design and complexity in D2 makes even the first game's greatest levels seem quaint in comparison.

    So keep that love I have for this game in mind when I rant about A Crack in the Slab, because this is gonna get messy.

    A brief summary of my first playthrough:

    "this is that super cool time travel level everyone was talking about! oh this is gonna be so awes-"

    "wait... oh it's one of those levels"

    "Well, it's fine! No powers is cool, I'll just get used to the timepiece, I'm sure there are a lot of fun strategies to do with it."

    "welp, guess I HAVE to just phase back and forth between time to bypass those guards"

    "Man, it would've been really satisfying to crawl through this area with Shadow Walk :("

    "Oh, yeah! Lemme try taking this bottle from the past and then transporting to the present, so I can make a cool distrac-"

    "god fucking damn it"



    ...you get the idea. My main issue is simply that, as most would agree, the creativity and player expression the supernatural powers allow you are the main draw of the gameplay of Dishonored, and they're all just discarded for one ability the entire level is focused around, and I get it, Arkane wanted to spice it up for a bit, try a more focused design centered around just one ability, but in the end, I love Dishonored for its freedom above all else.

    The level design is still wonderfully open, so much so that it's honestly confusing a lot of the time, but paradoxically, it feels more constrained than every other level in the game, because the only solution for most given problems is "phase to the future, initiate action, phase back", rather than "blink up there and domino link the three of them, then drop knockout, or maybe shoot the two guards with stinging bolts and pull the last one up to you on the balcony with Far Reach, or y'know what, fuck it, bend time and just choke them all out".

    In the end, it doesn't impact the game much. Most people absolutely love it, and it's still a testament to Arkane's ambitions and craftsmanship. But where the similar level in Titanfall 2 was a great change of pace from the standard FPS combat of the other levels, in Dishonored 2 it feels like the game is trading your own personal freedom for the sake of a one level gimmick that doesn't go far enough. Still love you though, Arkane.

    (also I keep wanting to call it A Crack in Time, is that just me?)

    submitted by /u/OknataSkeltro
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    Corvo being Emily’s father

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 01:51 AM PDT

    I absolutely hate it. I love this game with all my heart but this one point gets under my skin. It seems so unnecessary and cliché. Why can't he just be the royal protector. Not to mention that in the high chaos ending Emily refers to corvo as her "friend" not "dad". The whole dad thing just seems forced to me. They make hardly any mention of it in the first. IMO they should have just left it a mystery.

    Any thoughts?

    submitted by /u/Ooper99
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    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 01:12 AM PDT

    So I love the chaos system for both games. The fact that it can dramatically change the setting from game to games is awesome. But with that being said I feel it needs to be a bit more fine tuned. To allow for some more gray zone.

    Take for example the very beginning of d2 where every enemy is in on the coup. Is it so chaotic to restore some order and root out the villains murdering their way through the streets.

    Same with the gangs in either game. What is so chaotic about removing forces that cause pain to the people of Dunwall or Karnaca.

    Like in my latest play through I came at the game with a logical thought. Most likely the elites and vets know what's up while the regular guys (although dicks) simply do their job. Thus I kill the vets and knock out the regulars while doing the non lethal options for the targets. Yet I'm still high chaos.

    Also non lethals should really be the high chaos I mean some of them are fucked up

    submitted by /u/Stream1795
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    My friend found this, Uhm-

    Posted: 24 Apr 2020 06:02 PM PDT

    Does killing Cambell give you high chaos?

    Posted: 24 Apr 2020 09:55 PM PDT

    Im doing the game to get the good ending so I'd like to know and does the same thing apply to other main targets in the game like the master head assassin guy (forgot his name) or do I have to unlethally take them out too like their guards? Tho I find this odd coz Havelock says the objective of this is to kill Cambell so knocking him out unconscious would have no point coz then he'd just wake back up . Then again the main thing is to read the diary . I think I just answered my own question here. But I also wanna save Curnow so would switching the poison cups still give me high chaos? And if it does is there a unlethal way of saving Curnow without switching poison cups?

    submitted by /u/skibidi69
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