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    Tuesday, May 5, 2020

    Dishonored some sketches of the members of my party in our current campaign from the Dishonored ttrpg from Modiphius

    Dishonored some sketches of the members of my party in our current campaign from the Dishonored ttrpg from Modiphius

    some sketches of the members of my party in our current campaign from the Dishonored ttrpg from Modiphius

    Posted: 05 May 2020 10:46 AM PDT

    Saw this while waiting on a DotO loading screen. Immediately thought it belonged in Karnaca.

    Posted: 05 May 2020 11:06 AM PDT

    Dishonored (1) continues to wow me.

    Posted: 05 May 2020 12:58 PM PDT

    When I say: "Dishonored is my favourite game," I can't even begin to put parameters to that statement.

    Still now, having thought I've discovered most things the game has to offer - I just clocked that radiators emit steam when you hit them...

    It's such a tiny detail, I know, and it might be silly of me to mention, but as I continue to analyse levels (for architectural projects,) as oppose to just play through, I begin to notice more and more details my brain previously didn't clock consciously.

    I wish we had a comprehensive list the little gems like this which continue to prove how well the game has held up. Any minute details that suddenly grabbed your eye?

    submitted by /u/LucifurMacomb
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    Posted: 05 May 2020 03:03 PM PDT

    Dishonored has made an impact on me when I play other games

    Posted: 05 May 2020 12:40 PM PDT

    Let me just start by saying that this IS related to Dishonored. I will be talking about another game here for the sake of comparison. Anyways, so I had just played Dishonored a few times and most recently finished the main game on a Clean Hands, ghost run. Even though it was weird not seeing anyone die by my hand, I actually really enjoyed it both because of the efforts I made and the fact that I was able to play a violent game like that WITHOUT killing a single person. When I first played the game I disliked the chaos system, but after beating it with clean hands I now have more appreciation for it than ever.

    That being said, Dishonored's chaos system has had an impact on me outside of Dishonored. Basically, in games where I find myself choosing between killing someone or not I am almost acting as though the chaos system exists there too. I'll use GTA IV as an example. I realize they are two, entirely DIFFERENT games for obvious reasons, but this is meant to illustrate my point that Dishonored's chaos system has positive benefits to people who are used to playing games in one way.

    Now the biggest difference between GTA and Dishonored is obvious: Dishonored gives you the option to kill no one, while GTA mandates getting your hands dirty in many missions. These two games have different methods of approaching morality, one that changes the environment depending on your actions and one that doesn't. I think that both of them actually work, considering that neither is FORCING you to be a killer in every single scenario.

    When I first did my clean hands run in Dishonored, I thought it was going to be more of a chore than an actual fun experience. However, after I finished it, I actually really felt good about everything. Not just because I got the achievments, but because I was able to play a game differently than how most would approach it. This carried over into when I played GTA IV, a game that I had owned for many years now and played multiple times. For a game that makes you kill a lot of people, I found myself using non-lethal methods that I DIDN'T EVEN KNEW EXIST.

    In one side mission, I had to drive a guy to pay back his dealers. When they pull out bats and start beating him, I thought i was going to have to shoot them. But instead, I just fired my gun a couple times in the air and they immediately ran away. Thus, I was able to complete the mission without killing a single person. In another instance, I was tasked by Vlad with stealing a car from someone who didn't pay back a debt. At this point, I realized that my only ACTUAL objective was to get the car. Interestingly enough, your choice of either beating up the owner or actually killing him changes Vlad's response when he calls you. If you beat the owner up, Vlad will tell you that's good because "dead guys can't pay interest". If you do kill him, though, Vlad will be slightly annoyed with you. Basically, my clean hands achievment run has helped me find better ways to approach different missions. Even in missions where I HAD to kill someone, I found alternate ways of dealing with the target.

    Now I wanna mention one last mission which I think really, captivated my overall point. In GTA Vlad sends you on a mission to kill a guy named Ivan. Unlike Dishonored which has many books and notes you can find that tell you more about your targets, in GTA you are limited to cutscenes and dialogue to learn more about a specific person. The only other source is the LCPD crime database, which provides little info. In previous playthroughs I have killed Ivan as I was expected even though the option to spare him was there. However, this time I listened closely to the conversation with Niko and Vlad. Basically Vlad tells you to kill him all because he "offended" his boss, and tricks Ivan into robbing your cousin as a way of both framing the murder and making it easier for you. Reflecting on my experiences from Dishonored, I IMMEDIATELY recognized this as a form of temptation. Ivan was being TRICKED into robbing your cousin, and Vlad tells you UPFRONT that he is being sent to steal something that's not even there. So it didn't make sense to me to use the robbery as justification for murder. With that in mind, I knew that the FOUNDATION of this whole mission was purely personal; Ivan "offended" someone and now that someone wants him dead. When the option came, I chose to spare him. I felt like both in my mind and Niko's mind, neither of us would kill him. So I didn't, and in all honesty I was happy.

    I wanted to pose this question, to ask you if Dishonored has affected how you play other games in a similar way. I personally see it as a more rewarding experience that is worth it, as opposed to just killing people when given the opportunity. What do you think?

    submitted by /u/Something2ForgetNow
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    I love it when games subtly reference other games (Death of the Outsider)

    Posted: 05 May 2020 11:13 AM PDT

    never had my mind blown as hard as now

    Posted: 05 May 2020 12:04 AM PDT

    hey guys, just wanna share this awesome thing that just happened to me.

    i sat to replay Dishonored on my newly bought pc, and approaching Piero i suddenly felt like his voice is VERY much familiar to me (although it never has been til now).

    jumping 2 month back - i began binge watching a gem called "Deadwood", and i absolutely fell in love with the characters, but especially Doc Cochran, one of the most wholesome characters in tv history, played by Brad Dourif, and he has very pleasant voice and manner of speaking.

    and now im approaching Piero, he starts talking and i just "hmm yeah sure doc". what are the odds that one of my fave characters will voice act in one of my fave games.

    this is so cool


    submitted by /u/Nickss00
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    Arkane Studios HQ on Street view

    Posted: 05 May 2020 05:53 AM PDT

    Can you see something you think inspired environments in the game? https://goo.gl/maps/pXw8oxJwh2AnM7AB6 They're on the top floor of that building with the heatsink on the roof.

    submitted by /u/Eishundo
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    Low FPS Dishonored 2 with a RTX 2070 Super

    Posted: 04 May 2020 11:28 PM PDT

    Hi there, I've just upgraded my GPU (from a GTX 1070 to a Nvidia RTX 2070 Super) and I've "just" around 60 FPS playing in Ultra.
    Watching some online videos it seems not really average, is there any way to fix this or something? Thank you very much.

    -Intel Core i7-4790
    -16 GB Ram
    -RTX 2070 Super

    submitted by /u/GarrysCarbonara
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    Merchant of Disorder achievement - Dishonored

    Posted: 05 May 2020 10:51 AM PDT

    i have a question about merchant of disorder, sorry if it sounds stupid. im assuming it works across playthroughs and that u dont have to get them all in the same run, right?

    submitted by /u/shostak0vichh
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    Dishonored RPG item ideas?

    Posted: 04 May 2020 05:42 PM PDT

    So, I'm planning on running a dishonored rpg campaign, but the item quantity is SUPER light (think about a dozen items). I've been homebrewing a bunch in my head, but I'd like to hear your guys' ideas on items that could work in the dishonored universe whether theyre weapons, utility, or armor!

    submitted by /u/kevjo35
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    Deathloop takes place in the Empire of the Isles? (Or the Isles in general)

    Posted: 04 May 2020 06:00 PM PDT

    Alvaro and the Abbey, yada yada

    Posted: 04 May 2020 09:19 PM PDT

    Hi there! I, like everyone else, am mystified as to why I'm not succeeding in the "Alvaro and the Abbey" contract in "The Stolen Archive" (in DOTO). What might I be missing? I got:

    • the three overseers in the bar across the street (I knocked them out earlier, but went back and killed them)
    • the guys walking around in the street (void struck them into the pyre, which was satisfying)
    • the sleeping guy
    • the two Sisters at the Oraculum
    • the guy guarding the basement door

    (Not an exhaustive list, just ones that people have mentioned are easy to miss.)

    and in general I have wandered over what seems like the entire level several times looking for anyone that isn't a corpse. (I semblanced a couple of people on my way straight up to the top floor, so those ones I went back, collected into a pile, and shot an incendiary dart at it, but other than that I was just killing them.)

    Are there any glitches? I know that unconscious people sometimes disappear for performance reasons; could it be that at some point it became impossible for me to complete this contract? Is there anywhere else I need to check?


    (Edit: I did put Alvaro in the chair before everyone was dead. Is it possible that this resulted in failure?)

    submitted by /u/cleanthrowaway2
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    Dishonored knife of dunwall and brigmore witches help

    Posted: 04 May 2020 05:18 PM PDT

    For some reason I can't explain I keep getting bored before I can finish the first mission on both daud dlcs. Any tips to make it more fun so I don't instantly go back to Dishonored 2?

    submitted by /u/imbored606
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