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    Tuesday, June 9, 2020

    Dishonored Update on our Dishonored inspired stealth game

    Dishonored Update on our Dishonored inspired stealth game

    Update on our Dishonored inspired stealth game

    Posted: 09 Jun 2020 11:37 AM PDT

    Hey all,

    We are a team of students (Game Designers, Artists and Programmers) at Breda University working on a non-commercial heavily focused stealth game called "Levis Umbra", that we have to develop in 7 weeks as part of our final project for this year.

    3 months ago, we asked you to fill in a survey about our game, which back then was under pre-production.

    This was the thread with the survey: link

    We were simply astonished by the amount of positive feedback we received. It has helped us immensely to shape this project during pre-production and understand your needs and motivations as players.

    We are now under full production and we finally reached a point where we would like to share our progress with you. That's why we decided to open our Discord channel to everyone interested in being an active part of the development of this project.

    Our focus this time around would be to let you play the current state of the game (alpha, soon to be beta), gather as much feedback as possible and iterate based on your precious responses/observations.

    You can join the Discord server here.

    Thanks a lot in advance as always! :)

    Pic 1: Mood and tone of the abandoned mine where the game is set.

    Pic 2: some flicker effects we are working on.

    Edit: added some pics of the environment.

    submitted by /u/Knutto
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    When the tables turn

    Posted: 08 Jun 2020 06:30 PM PDT

    After nearly a decade of playing this game and numerous playthroughs, I finally managed a clean hands run. Rarely proud of achievements but this one was difficult for me

    Posted: 09 Jun 2020 04:43 PM PDT

    Judgey NPCS

    Posted: 09 Jun 2020 05:29 PM PDT

    The most annoying thing about high chaos is how judgey all the NPCS are when I'm a mass murderer 🙄 like YOU go do my job then! I can play low chaos in my sleep but this is the first time I've played high chaos, so it's harder for me to actually get high chaos since I'm used to playing a certain way.

    submitted by /u/invictusss16
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    I finally solved the Jindosh riddle.

    Posted: 09 Jun 2020 04:16 PM PDT

    "Drapers ward ain't yours!"

    Posted: 09 Jun 2020 05:10 PM PDT

    What’s that clock tower in dishonored 1?

    Posted: 09 Jun 2020 06:34 PM PDT

    About to attempt Ghost, Shadow, Clean Hands and Mostly Flesh and Steel in one run. Any major progression blockers I should know about?

    Posted: 09 Jun 2020 05:28 AM PDT

    Google gave some answers for the first three at once, but the Blink 1 restriction renders most of them moot. Playing Definitive Edition for Xbox One.

    submitted by /u/The_FatOne
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    I actually liked the first game better than the second, because of the story, non-lethal techniques, and silent protagonist

    Posted: 09 Jun 2020 05:20 AM PDT

    The story was perfect. Bad guys kill your empress and blame it on you. And for the first two-thirds if the game your working with a group of loyalists to take down the bad guys. Every non-lethal target elimination made me feel like a genius. It was always so satisfying. And after the group betrayal, the game really made me feel how much everything was going up in flames. And then you confront your wife's assassin and save Emily, all the while Corvo never says a word. Him being silent made me really feel like I was him and I loved it!

    As for the second game, the story was underwhelming. You're trying to take back a kingdom that you're creepy aunt took from you, there's this whole subplot about how the empress might be the reason Delilah was so evil but it doesn't really go anywhere, and the whole time you just keep going back to the boats and Megan tells you who to eliminate next. Sure, there's a plot twist that she was actually Billie and helped kill Emily's mother but Corvo has already confronted the man who actually lead it in the previous game. That made this moment feel a lot less impactful. Also, most of the non-lethal elimination techniques didn't make me feel smart at all. I mean seriously, there was literally a Delilah statue standing on an edge in the middle of nowhere. Really? The only one that made me feel good like in the first game was using the Duke's body double to take his power. And Emily was talking the entire time. There wasn't one moment when I felt like I was actually her or felt her anger and pain like I did with Corvo in the first game.

    The second game improved on gameplay and level design, but not the things that made me love the first game so much.

    submitted by /u/lukemcnamara72
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    Dishonored RPG Inquiries

    Posted: 09 Jun 2020 01:05 AM PDT

    I guess I'm a little late to this. The pdf release for the RPG went right over my head and I didn't hear about it until the physical release. But I'm here now! I can't seem to find anyone talking about it so I'm just wondering if anyone can give me some information. Are there any actual-play streams for the rpg? Discord servers, subreddits, other groups? Anyone willing to talk about it? I think the RPG is really cool with neat rules and lots of lore and am frustrated with how much it's being ignored. Let me know if I can't have this post on the reddit. I just wanna do Dishonored RPG stuff.

    submitted by /u/AQA473
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