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    Sunday, August 9, 2020

    Dishonored I thought about about doing a youtube series on the 'new +' gamemode on Dishonored 2, would anybody be interested in actually watching the series and showing support?? (Thought this was a cool shot lol)

    Dishonored I thought about about doing a youtube series on the 'new +' gamemode on Dishonored 2, would anybody be interested in actually watching the series and showing support?? (Thought this was a cool shot lol)

    I thought about about doing a youtube series on the 'new +' gamemode on Dishonored 2, would anybody be interested in actually watching the series and showing support?? (Thought this was a cool shot lol)

    Posted: 09 Aug 2020 05:30 AM PDT

    New to the series

    Posted: 09 Aug 2020 08:31 AM PDT

    I am new to the series and I just picked up the first game The graphics and art style drawn me to it and cannot wait to see how the story goes.

    Do you have any advice/tips that will help the newcomer with the game?

    submitted by /u/KnightOfPanda
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    D2 - Brutality - Wish there was an achievement

    Posted: 09 Aug 2020 07:19 AM PDT

    Am I a piece of shit scrub if I kill everyone and everything that I see in dishonored 1?

    Posted: 09 Aug 2020 12:54 PM PDT

    Help me enjoy D2 more than I enjoyed D1

    Posted: 09 Aug 2020 07:27 AM PDT

    So I played D1 ages ago. I didn't dislike it as such, but I also didn't enjoy it as much as I thought I would. I'm a bit of a perfectionist and I went for a ghost playthrough straight out of the gate and check every corner of the map because the game sort of encourages you to. This led me to probably load more than actually play, which completely ruined my immersion.

    The thing is, I quite like stealth at times and I massively prefer being "the good guy". So I would prefer to go low chaos again. I've read that there are more ways to be non-lethal? I thought that maybe I need a different approach to this game. Would it still be possible to try stealth and use lethality as a last resort yet still stay low chaos on a first playthrough? I figured I could just ignore things like civilians panicking and being spotted. Maybe try out the combat here and there.

    Any ideas for ground rules to help me enjoy the game more? Maybe I just need to play more freely and not worry about the chaos mechanic too much. Maybe even refrain from reloading. I struggle with this though because your playstyle has repercussions on the story and your status of "villain" or "hero" within the world you are playing. I suppose that's why I struggled so much with enjoying the first one.

    Any tips? Ground rules I could set? Mindset I just tackle this game with?

    submitted by /u/IvonbetonPoE
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    Seems kinda counter-intuitive, don’t you think?

    Posted: 08 Aug 2020 08:13 PM PDT

    Are there any videos of people destroying the Dunwall City Trials?

    Posted: 09 Aug 2020 12:34 PM PDT

    Are there any vids of players as good as StealthGamerBR or Volound playing the Dunwall City Trials? I wanna see some crazy shit in Bend Time Massacre.

    submitted by /u/The__Victator
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    More fun to kill shit or be a stealthy boi in dishonored 1?

    Posted: 09 Aug 2020 05:39 AM PDT

    Is this a Spider-Man reference?

    Posted: 08 Aug 2020 06:20 PM PDT

    D1 could've been half as long if:

    Posted: 08 Aug 2020 08:29 PM PDT

    After Corvo plays the tape of the Burrows admitting to starting the plague and framing him he could just blink into the plaza and say hi. They arrest burrows so they obviously aren't loyal to him. It should be like in gang missions where the gang guys turn passive, but with the guards. Then he wouldn't have to go back to the pub and be poisoned. If you were never noticed and non lethal in the earlier missions then you would have no crimes on your record.

    submitted by /u/rileyuwu
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    Can we trust the Heart?

    Posted: 08 Aug 2020 10:13 PM PDT

    In the first game, the secrets the Heart shares seem roughly equal good and bad. Like, most civilians seem decent enough. Guards and the like, less so but still not universally awful.

    In 2, everyone is just the worst. The civilians beat their wives and children and steal medicine and let people starve or kidnap people for ransom and chop fingers off. The guards are sadists and murderers through and through. Even when it doesn't match up.

    Besides the sheer number of awful civilians, there was another instance that really made me stop and question the honesty of the heart. In Addermire, towards the end, I found a guard sleeping. When I used the heart on him, I got something about him not loving his children. But whats that right next to his cot on the floor, below his outstretched hand? An unsent letter, from a guard to his family, telling them he loves them, be good and don't worry he will be home soon. Sure the letter could be lies, or belong to a different guard. And absolutely the Heart lines are randomly chosen as a game mechanic. But it really seems like the player is supposed to believe that this guard is a decent guy just trying to support his family. But the Heart tells you he is a monster.

    The heart tells you everyone is a monster. I think the heart is lying, being deceived, or is broken (get it?) By Dishonored 2. When you first get it back in The Void at the start, Jessamine seems very sad and more than a little bitter. She continues to sound bitter, sad and pessimistic throughout the world. Which is not surprising. Being a ghost bound to your desecrated heart, trapped in a freezing hellscape and forced to rip the dirties secrets from everyone your blood-soaked lover or daughter points you at... yeah that would drive anyone insane and make them see the absolute worst everywhere all the time forever. For all we know, she is so far gone she deliberately lies and tells her wielder everyone is guilty to encourage them to spread misery and death.

    Yeah you will sometimes get a person who isn't murder-worthy, but thats just because you would get suspicious if literally everyone was terrible. 95% though? Bring on the knives.

    submitted by /u/Crashen17
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    How do I get black and white mode and mission+ in ds2 and death of the outsider?

    Posted: 08 Aug 2020 05:12 PM PDT

    I have my Bethesda acc linked but I can't get them, do you have to beat the game first?

    submitted by /u/bull_the_pupper
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