• Breaking News

    Saturday, August 8, 2020

    Dishonored I want to share with you my Delilah cosplay from Dishonored. Hope, you'll like it!

    Dishonored I want to share with you my Delilah cosplay from Dishonored. Hope, you'll like it!

    I want to share with you my Delilah cosplay from Dishonored. Hope, you'll like it!

    Posted: 08 Aug 2020 12:39 PM PDT

    Cedric Peyravernay (concept artist) has also drawn other characters in the style of Dishonored paintings

    Posted: 07 Aug 2020 08:17 PM PDT

    Officers with their rifles. [OC]

    Posted: 08 Aug 2020 02:48 PM PDT

    I made a thing

    Posted: 08 Aug 2020 03:25 AM PDT

    Did...did that worker just turn into a wolfhound?

    Posted: 08 Aug 2020 02:04 PM PDT

    Corvo crosses over into Minecraft! Those poor Pigmen...

    Posted: 08 Aug 2020 11:35 AM PDT

    Just finished the first game

    Posted: 08 Aug 2020 04:19 PM PDT

    So I got it on Xbox in the quake con sale and I really enjoyed it. Right until the last mission when Samuel says "I'm going to let them know your coming" and pulls a pistol out and shoots in the air I just stood there shocked as Samuel made his escape and the guards killed me. So then I had to shoot one of my favourite characters in the face with a crossbow before he betrayed me for a second time. Overall it's a great game with an amazing story and I loved every second of it. Haven't played the dlcs yet but I hope they're just as good

    submitted by /u/cornishpasty7
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    yeah its a bit goofy but i tried

    Posted: 07 Aug 2020 09:31 PM PDT

    Seems heavily inspired by the Void Whales

    Posted: 07 Aug 2020 06:31 PM PDT

    I didn't know Toronto is actually Dunwall

    Posted: 08 Aug 2020 01:47 PM PDT

    PS4 input delay

    Posted: 08 Aug 2020 11:25 AM PDT

    Hey guys I was wandering I just got done with my dishonored 1 play through and it was amazing as always but for some reason I had never picked up the second game but I decided to a couple days ago and don't get me wrong I think the games insanely good I just have one big problem at least on console there feels like some kind of delay in my camera movements all the time like i find it hard sometimes just to make basic movements because it feels that wonky I done a little bit of research and saw that other people had this problem I just wanna get anyone else's input honestly

    submitted by /u/eaglewings7889
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    What are the worst bonecharms in your opinion

    Posted: 08 Aug 2020 02:27 AM PDT

    I had restarted Dishonored for the 40th time and I had been farming for one bonecharm in particular:

    Fleet Fighter (which I consider is useful in a High Chaos walkthrough)

    But the game gives me the ones that I never use:

    1. Unnerving Target I and II - Enemies have a moderate chance to miss with guns

    2. Robust and Spirited I and II - Potions grant 10% more Health and Mana

    3. Healthy Appetite I and II - Food gives more Health

    4. Plague Resistant - Weepers inflict slightly less damage

    5. Plague Affinity - Taking damage from Weepers generates Mana

    6. Albinos - Rat swarms have more white rats

    7. Rat Scent - Rats won't attack you unless if you walk very closely

    8. Clockwork Malfunction - Enemy grenades takes slightly more time to explode

    9. Scavenger - 50% More Ammunition

    And so much more

    The ones that I see worth using are:

    1. Acrobat

    2. Whirlwind I and II

    3. Swift Shadow

    4. Blood Ox Heart

    5. Falling Star

    6. Fencer

    7. Fleet Fighter

    8. Tough Skin

    9. Raven

    10. Void Channel

    submitted by /u/liroiroque478
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    Dishonored 2 Refuses to open windows 10 Xbox Game Pass

    Posted: 08 Aug 2020 10:58 AM PDT

    All my drivers are updated ive tried running the program as administrator to no avail. Also looked on other subreddits trying to find a fix for this but it seems like im the first person lol.

    submitted by /u/Cumshotdistance
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    So did Campbell rape girls?

    Posted: 08 Aug 2020 10:57 AM PDT

    Spoilers of course.

    When you go into his room you find bras everywhere and a note with him complaining about his "girls". Also theres sleep darts in some of the glasses lol

    submitted by /u/sauske_vs_the_wrld
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    what did you think dishonored 2 spollier

    Posted: 08 Aug 2020 01:54 PM PDT

    what did you think when doctor hypatia was the crown killer

    submitted by /u/truebeanman
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    Poll #2 be a guard or an overseer (pls read both sides)

    Posted: 08 Aug 2020 04:52 AM PDT

    Playing in the Official Dishonored RPG Game QuakeCon Event this weekend!

    Posted: 07 Aug 2020 07:37 PM PDT

    On Saturday, Aug 8th at 6pm ET and Sunday, Aug 9th at 1pm ET, I will be playing the Dishonored RPG with the Dishonored RPG QuakeCon group in a live stream, with special guest player Harvey Smith.

    The story takes place a few months after the assassination of Empress Jessamine, before Corvo escapes from prison.

    The players guided by our excellent GM are: an Overseer, a hunter/assassin, a fallen aristocrat, and a scholar/mortician's assistant. What do these four people from very different walks of life have in common? What is their mission? Will hijinks ensue? Will we run across Daud, the Brigmore Witches, or the Outsider himself? Join us for the stream and find out along with us, and as our GM says 'mind the rats'.

    My character is the mortician's assistant Addie 'Creepy Addie' Bitterleaf, the only girl amongst her many brothers in the Bitterleaf family. The Bitterleaf family has served Dunwall for many years in the 'dismal trade': the retrieval, care and preparation of Dunwall's departed. Addie's father unsurprisingly had no luck in marrying her off, so Addie has taken up learning the family business as a mortician's assistant at Bitterleaf Crematorium and Fluid Works. She has a strong stomach, a sharp but cynical mind and a love for learning and exploring.

    Can't wait to play this campaign, and hope to you see you there!

    QuakeConAtHome Twitch.tv/bethesda

    submitted by /u/atypicalgamergirl
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    Tried the demo for Dishonored 2 on Steam. Aiming is way too slow, even with mouse sensitivity maxed. It isn't supposed to be like this, right?

    Posted: 08 Aug 2020 01:27 AM PDT

    So, I wanna finally buy this game, so I downloaded the demo to test if I can run it and it runs just fine. Problem is, as I said, the aim is way too slow, to the point of being unplayable. I have to drag the mouse four times just to turn around. I'd think the problem is my mouse, but I can play Dishonored and any other first-person game just fine with it. This is the first time I had an issue like that.

    Help, anyone? I really want to play this.

    submitted by /u/ToranjaNuclear
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    Powers for a game about granny rags

    Posted: 07 Aug 2020 05:15 PM PDT

    Power one: Attack Blink

    This works a lot like regular Blink except it has a omnidirectional blast that goes not very far away from you (the player). Can be upgraded to go further and extend the blast

    Power Two: Devouring Storm

    Works the same as it has in the first game except as an upgrade white rats will spawn and you can eat them for mana/health

    Power 3: Rune Crafting To balance this power you are going to need 30 raw whalebone to carve a rune (not really sure if that's lore friendly just trying to balance it)

    Power 4: Create apprentice

    You will turn an enemy into your apprentice giving them a random offensive power from any game and they will attack guards

    Power 5: Seduction

    Granny was said to be a beautiful woman use seduce on an enemy to make them stop combat and allow you to give him commands such as

    Attack your friends Give me your loot Where is (blank)

    After doing so the seduced person will pass out or die depending on your chaos level

    Power 6: Call Fog This power will let you call a fog for a brief amount of time slowing you to escape and causing the guards to lose track of you

    Ok do you guys have any other suggestions?

    submitted by /u/King500000
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