• Breaking News

    Friday, August 21, 2020

    Dishonored when i saw this my mind immediatly went to hiding in the crate next to the door in coldridge

    Dishonored when i saw this my mind immediatly went to hiding in the crate next to the door in coldridge

    when i saw this my mind immediatly went to hiding in the crate next to the door in coldridge

    Posted: 21 Aug 2020 12:08 AM PDT

    Grand Palace is the most beautiful game level ever created.

    Posted: 21 Aug 2020 02:45 AM PDT

    Climbing tool used by people in the Empire of the Isles

    Posted: 20 Aug 2020 05:25 PM PDT

    What is your ideal Dishonored 3?

    Posted: 21 Aug 2020 05:18 AM PDT

    If a third Dishonored were to be made how would you like to see it tackled? (timeline, story, villains, game-play, characters, location, etc.)

    submitted by /u/TheBeltwayyy
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    Just a Reminder

    Posted: 21 Aug 2020 03:24 PM PDT

    So I just completed another pacifist stealth play through of 1&2 as Corvo, and I'm reminded that I want this on the switch. Has there been any news of it coming to that platform? Clearly hogging the tv is not exactly fair lol.

    submitted by /u/IronhideFire
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    Game doesnt go fullscreen when playing on 4K tv?

    Posted: 21 Aug 2020 09:26 AM PDT

    My card cant do 4K too well. And id like to be able to play in 1080p 120hz. But the game wont fullscreen. Alt tabbing does nothing. Most if not all games do fullscreen fine except this one.

    submitted by /u/cmd_1211
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    Does loot respawn in Dishonored?

    Posted: 21 Aug 2020 10:36 AM PDT

    I just want to know if food and elixirs respawn after a little bit?

    submitted by /u/wtfdavid-
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    High Chaos?

    Posted: 21 Aug 2020 09:47 AM PDT

    I finally resumed my Dishonored playthrough after almost a decade. I went with Knife of Dunwal, then Brigmore Witches, and now I'm starting Dishonored 2 and after that I plan on doing Death of the Outsider.

    The thing is, I seem to not have a lot of patience for the careful, slow stealthy approach anymore and/or I decided to just roll with the punches whenever my cover is blown and just allow things to go up in flames if need be; and I discovered that going full lethal seems to be a way, way more fun option almost every time.

    Unfortunately, getting High Chaos in KoD meant that I was forced into a completely bullshit, sudden, out of character, zero-fun final boss fight that almost had me uninstall the whole thing.

    As I said, now I'm starting Dishonored 2 and pondering how should I act if things go badly; so I'd like to know what should I to expect in that regard. If I go High Chaos, what are largely the consequences? I can deal with the streets overflowing with rats, more numerous and aggressive patrols, and even having NPCs not like me anymore - all of that would make sense; but if I have to fight another bullet sponge boss I'm probably gonna be really pissed.

    So, are there any more of those bosses? If there are, do they at least give me an option to skip fighting head on?

    submitted by /u/ecokumm
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    Dishonored 2 is on sale at the xbox app on PC, does it includes the DLC?

    Posted: 21 Aug 2020 08:28 AM PDT

    I can't seen to find any info on that at their page, also, can i just get the CD Key and activate it on Steam?

    submitted by /u/recadopnaza28
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    Today I got truly disappointed

    Posted: 20 Aug 2020 09:35 PM PDT

    Like many of you, Dishonored (1) is one of my favorites games of all time, if not the most. I have played it for the first time years ago and it totally seduced me and showed me what a game could really be. That game marked a before and an after in my life, I guess.
    When Dishonored 2 was released, I was still playing on an Xbox 360 and I had no way to afford a new setup or, in other words, play the game, so I just waited.
    4 years after that, I used all my savings to buy a PC, it wasn't the best of the best, but I thought that it would do. I have good components, not gonna lie, but I had to skimp on the video card (a GT710).
    It was kinda funny, because with all my savings gone, I had no money to buy the game! So the adventure started again until a (kinda) "random guy" gave me 15 bucks in my PayPal. I bought Dishonored 1 (with dlcs) and Dishonored 2.
    With the excuse that I wanted to "refresh" the story (I've played the game 4 or 5 times, wasn't necessary at all) I started the 1st and delayed the 2nd one. I think that I was just so nervous and anxious that I tried to avoid playing it, lol.
    Whatever, I finished Dishonored today, like an hour ago. Then I forced myself to start the 2nd, at least the tutorial, just to see all the beautiful new art, the new mechanics, just to fall in love again.
    I opened it... the game was unplayable.

    I could barely finish the tutorial, though the first cinematic (Delilah's one) was awful, more like sad. And I got impossible to block the guards with timing (in normal difficulty).

    I don't know. I think that I'll have to still waiting, maybe months or a couple of years who knows, to finally play the game (properly?).

    I see it's no one's faults, but I just needed to make some catharsis and I think that this r/ is the correct one.
    The small part I see and play of this game was a-ma-zing, so still enjoying it lol, love y'all :D
    SoRrY FoR BAd EngLish

    submitted by /u/KvotheRuh33
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    So i threw unconscious breonna on the wall and she landed like this...she cannot stop being dramatic even when unable to move��

    Posted: 20 Aug 2020 05:00 PM PDT

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