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    Friday, September 18, 2020

    Dishonored This was on A Crack in the Slab, so I had no powers. They’re all unconscious.

    Dishonored This was on A Crack in the Slab, so I had no powers. They’re all unconscious.

    This was on A Crack in the Slab, so I had no powers. They’re all unconscious.

    Posted: 18 Sep 2020 12:57 PM PDT

    [DotO] I just noticed that killing unconscious enemies while using Semblance on them gives you an interesting effect

    Posted: 18 Sep 2020 01:05 PM PDT

    I painted it in my old playroom

    Posted: 17 Sep 2020 06:25 PM PDT

    Why I love Dishonored's hub and side characters

    Posted: 18 Sep 2020 03:42 AM PDT

    I've been replaying pretty much every Dishonored game recently, in the worst order imaginable (DOTO>D2>Daud DLCs>D1) because I'm an idiot, and there's something I appreciate a lot about Dishonored 1 having played all the others back-to-back and feeling it's absence in every game aside from the first: the more developed side characters, specifically the Loyalists and the Hound Pits servants.

    I remember Dishonored getting flack for it's side characters around it's release in 2012, with many critics calling them dull and uninteresting. While I don't see many folks complaining about it nowadays, I imagine it's still a feeling many hold, as I don't see much fanart of characters like Piero or Havelock or any of the other Hound Pits residents compared to fan favourites like Daud and Emily.

    While I do agree that compared to other games with far more colourful side characters in their stories, like Mass Effect's wacky alien gang and beautifully voice-acted casts like in The Witcher 3, Dishonored's misfit group of kind of ugly, wrinkled people squatting in a trashy bar isn't as instantly appealing, there's actually something I really love about how they're both written and presented.

    First off, the actual dialogue writing. I really enjoy how almost all of them speak in very soft, almost sleepy tones, with their lines usually either relating to the mundane misery of living in and maintaining the Hound Pits or curious pondering on the state of Dunwall as a whole. It really carries the game's oppressively moody tone, where even retreating to the supposed safe area after a mission carries little reprieve from the darkness. Sure, they're not as instantly quotable or ripe for memes as say, Garrus Vakarian or Dandelion are, but their quiet and introspective way of speaking just adds even more to the subtle worldbuilding Dishonored is known for.

    As for their actual personalities, I actually think they're done really well too. It's no secret that pretty much all of them are cartoonish stereotypes; Havelock's the gruff military admiral, Pendleton is the snooty noble, Lydia is the nagging maid, and so on. But I appreciate the little tidbits of extra depth Arkane sprinkled into the characters that you can pick up on by using the Heart or just listening to them speak:

    Havelock may be a hardened and no-nonsense Navy man who seems noble at first, but listen to the Heart and there's sinister implications of his violent tendencies that you can hear long before the Loyalists betray you... but he also had a younger brother who the Admiral genuinely loved, only to be lost to the void at the age of nine. And who can't relate to the poor man's homesickness for his days out at sea? I personally feel like Havelock is the only Loyalist who genuinely never intended to betray Corvo and had good intentions in the beginning, only to be corrupted by Teague and Pendleton's ways, though we'll never know for sure.

    Piero: brilliant inventor, but his mind's not entirely all there. Despite his technical mastery, his awkward behaviour and mannerisms imply he has a problem with socialization and uh, respecting other's privacies. The Heart reveals that not only is he a target of the Outisder's fascination, who visits his dreams every night, but that he has some form of unknown brain condition referred to as "brain fevers". Who knows what dark path he might've taken had he not passed so soon?

    As a final example, take everyone's favourite ghost Cecelia. One of my favourite underrated Dishonored characters for how hilariously brutal everyone else at the Pub is to her, she also manages to stand out by how her character is affected by Corvo. Originally the timid and introverted servant of the group, hiding behind the bar and hopelessly trying to lighten the mood with stupid pranks, thanks to Corvo's fearless actions in Dunwall, she manages to muster the courage to escape the Hound Pits on her own, leaving a note that implies she wants to thank Corvo someday for giving her the hope she needed to make it out. A shame Arkane never elaborated further on her antics after D1.

    And finally, Dishonored 1 actually manages to make the hub area actually feel like, y'know, a hub area, as you return there after almost every mission and the entire roster of side characters is there from the start. The Daud DLCs missed an opportunity to let you return to the Flooded District after every mission to speak with your adorable Whaler friends, instead only giving players a taste of it at the start of The Brigmore Witches.

    Dishonored 2 *tries* to do it like Dishonored 1, but not only is there a critical lack of characters around to make for interesting dynamic conversations, as Billie (I MEAN MEAGAN HEHE) and Sokolov are the only permanent residents, but the actual writing is far more effusive. They speak more, explain more and can actually have conversations with Corvo/Emily now, which means they lack the subtlety and restraint that made the Dishonored 1 side characters so mysterious. DOTO shares the same problem except now there's literally only 1 character, though I'm not critiquing it very harshly as it's the shortest Dishonored game with perhaps the lowest budget of all, I'm sure Arkane would've done better with more time and money.

    I wanted to write a bit more on this topic as I'd originally intended to when I first started writing the post, but I'm like, really hungry, so I've kind of run out of energy. But I hope this gives some of you lovely fellow Dishonored fans out there a bit more appreciation for how Arkane wrote the side characters in Dishonored 1. There's a lot to be gained from having characters that don't reveal their entire fucking backstory to you for no reason (looking at you BIOWARE), whose behaviour and faint clues gleamed from inspection imply many stories to tell beyond the game itself. Arkane would later do this even better with the crew members of Prey, but not with the same flair of Dishonored.

    Thanks for reading!

    submitted by /u/OknataSkeltro
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    Can you recommend a game like Dishonored?

    Posted: 18 Sep 2020 04:54 PM PDT

    Does anyone know games like Dishonored (that are not on this list)?

    • Prey
    • Bioshock
    • Styx
    • Dark Messiah of Might and Magic
    • Deus Ex
    • DOOM
    • Dead Space
    • Dark Souls
    • Witcher
    • Mirror's Edge
    • Thief
    • Vampire: The Masquerade
    • Assassin's Creed


    submitted by /u/SinclairLore
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    Can’t rob black market in royal conservatory

    Posted: 18 Sep 2020 04:07 PM PDT

    I've shot the chain but there is no red crank what should I do? Thanks for answering

    submitted by /u/random_reddit_bot-
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    Khamzat Chamaev looks like Anton Sokolov with a shaved head

    Posted: 18 Sep 2020 01:22 AM PDT

    how do i get duke corvo ending?

    Posted: 18 Sep 2020 04:52 AM PDT

    I played through the game as corvo with low chaos, Killing paolo, Byrne and the duke. But i missed out his body double. I then thought it was like the king corvo where you have to kill everyone on high chaos, but i still didnt get the ending.

    Any help would be appreciated

    submitted by /u/TaxEvasion69_420
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    The Return Of Daud or Dishonored 2

    Posted: 18 Sep 2020 06:15 AM PDT

    I've read that the events in the novel somehow interlap with the second game, so I would like to know if reading the book first is gonna spoil anything from the second game or the other way arround.

    Im an enormous fan of the first game and its dlc, the world and ambient is fascinating. I just got the last book of the saga, so I plan on experiencing the franchise chronologically (D1-Wyrmwood Deceit-Corroded Man-Return Of Daud-D2-Peeress and the Price-DOTO-The Veiled Terror), so please keep this spoiler free if you can.

    submitted by /u/theoldblood939
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    Question about Billie Lurk dialogue in D2

    Posted: 17 Sep 2020 11:51 PM PDT

    So I've done two low chaos play throughs with Corvo and have gotten the Dialogue from Billie admitting to Corvo that she killed Emily's mother but when I did a high chaos run with Emily she doesn't even mention it. Is it because I'm on high chaos or does she just not tell Emily?

    submitted by /u/Dementor8919
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    CONFIRMED: lady gaga is a sister of the oracular order

    Posted: 17 Sep 2020 05:23 PM PDT


    Posted: 18 Sep 2020 12:52 AM PDT

    I bought Dishonored definitive edition on CD when I was in Germany so I could play it again but its in French. I can't change the language of it on my PS4 and I leard that only the British PS4 disk is in English. Is there anyone who is willing to trade their British copy of the game for mine so I could play it again.

    submitted by /u/airnicco
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    Question regarding Paolo

    Posted: 17 Sep 2020 08:46 PM PDT

    So in the Anton Sokolov rescue mission I usually just hide in the black market but this time I tried walking away and in the process they went agro. I killed the two body guards and went for the kill on Paolo (obviously didn't work) so my question is does this change anything in the chapter 6 Dust mission?

    submitted by /u/Dementor8919
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    Found Samuel!

    Posted: 17 Sep 2020 06:02 PM PDT

    There was a thread a while back asking what happened to Samuel after Dishonored. In the very bad ending you either kill him or he's crashed by a wave but I just did a clean hands/ ghost play through and at the end he's pouring drinks behind the bar of the Hound Pits Pub so maybe there is a good ending for him after all

    submitted by /u/Ryan-A1ex
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    Can I select specific missions for DH2?

    Posted: 17 Sep 2020 06:03 PM PDT

    Hello guys, I'm one of the victims of none cloud save for Xbox Game Pass for PC. This is a strange thing:

    1- Installed and played and I got kind of far in the game

    2- Had to re install windows, reinstalled game, my save was gone (didnt' know this game doesnt have cloud save)

    3- Try to use other people´s saves but they have the Epilogue as the last check point so I'm not sure how can I chose a specific mission because I don't really want to start from the beginning. Is there a way to do so? Thanks in advance and excuse my primitive english.

    submitted by /u/Nanakji
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